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The premise of Human-Centered Design is to seek to understand your customer. What does it look like to involve your customer throughout the process of creating products, services, and policies that impact them?

The HCD Center of Excellence provides training opportunities and resources to help you be more successful in your role supporting the mission of CMS.

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Upcoming Training


Survey Design Best Practices



1:00 pm-3:00 pm EST



<a href="" target="_blank"><button class="aui-button aui-button-primary">Register</button></a> </p>

Gain an introductory understanding of survey design.

Course Catalog


Human-Centered Design (HCD) is the process we use to understand the people for whom we are writing policies and creating programs and services for at CMS. The successful practice of HCD means we are meeting the mission of CMS: "to ensure that the voices and needs of the populations we represent are present as the agency is developing, implementing, and evaluating its programs and policies." HCD can be applied to any type of work at CMS, including products, services, and even policy.

Following the six-step HCD process that we use at CMS, the training workshop will introduce you to HCD and reinforce knowledge with activity-based group learning.


Understanding your customers is foundational to human-centered design (HCD). How do you create a shared understanding of your customers across a team and leverage customer research? Personas, a fictitious yet realistic representation of your target customers, can help you do just that.

During this online training, attendees will learn the benefits of using personas to drive creativity in their roles at CMS or the HCQIS Community. They will finish the course with the skills needed to use personas to develop empathy for their customers and power ideation for product features and customer experience improvements.


After completing the training, the learner will understand what a persona is and why we use them, experience the creative process using personas for empathy and ideation, and understand practical uses of personas in product development.


Human-centered design (HCD) practices should be applied iteratively throughout a product’s development and delivery lifecycle, even after functionality has been released. When working towards continuous improvement, site analytics tools can help you gather both qualitative and quantitative usability data and make informed iterative improvements.

During this online, two-hour training, attendees will learn how site analytics can help teams improve the design and functionality of product solutions. They will finish the course with the skills to use common site analytics tools to improve customer satisfaction.


Understanding the customers’ holistic experience with CMS can help you identify both customer pain points and opportunities for improving the customer experience. Journey maps, a commonly used human-centered design (HCD) tool, create empathy by depicting the customers’ perspective as they interact with different touchpoints throughout their experience with CMS. 

During this online, four-hour training, attendees will learn how journey maps can be a useful human-centered design tool. They will finish the course with the skills to create and use a journey map to communicate insights, engage cross-department team members, and provoke change through the findings in this tool.   


Surveys are one of the most frequently used methods of collecting information from a group of people. Yet perhaps because we’ve taken so many surveys throughout our lives, it’s easy to discount the rigor and planning necessary to gain meaningful information. 


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CCSQ HCD Training


The Human-Centered Design Center of Excellence works closely with CCSQ and ISG to guide, support, and foster the adoption and maturation of human-centered design practices. To achieve this, they empower CMS stakeholders to innovate by providing consumer-first research and design thinking strategies and solutions. The team offers training for everyone in the Center, both federal employees and contractor partners.


Upcoming Training

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HCD Upcoming Events


Training Courses

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Copy of HCD Training Courses


Group-Based Training

Image AddedCan't make an upcoming training or wish we could offer something specifically for your team? Look no further! We can tailor learning for teams. Our custom plans and group trainings foster mutual understanding and collaborative HCD application. Let's chat. Reach out to us today!


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HCD Testimonials
HCD Testimonials


Foundational Learning Path

Although the CCSQ Centers of Excellence offers a broad catalog of short and long-form trainings on lean, agile, and human-centered design topics of interest, CCSQ recommends taking the following core courses so that all employees and contractor-partners gain greater alignment by putting into practice the key principles of these philosophies:

  Agility Foundations (All CCSQ)

  Introduction to Human-Centered Design (All CCSQ)

  UX & Agile for Software Development (ISG Only) 


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Watch short videos to learn about the methods used at each phase of the Human-Centered Design process as well as an introduction to design thinking.  


Recommended Reading

<p align="center">
<a href="" title="Drawing on twenty years of visual problem solving combined with the recent discoveries of vision science, this book shows anyone how to clarify a problem or sell an idea by visually breaking it down using a simple set of visual thinking tools – tools that take advantage of everyone’s innate ability to look, see, imagine, and show."> <img src=""><br>The Back of the Napkin</a> 
<p align="center">
<a href="" title="Since Don’t Make Me Think was first published in 2000, over 400,000 Web designers and developers have relied on Steve Krug’s guide to help them understand the principles of intuitive navigation and information design."> <img src="" alt="Don't Make Me Think"><br>Don't Make Me Think</a> 

View a selection of recommended books and articles related to Human-Centered Design.

