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View short videos to learn about the methods used at each phase of the Human-Centered Design process as well as an introduction to design thinking.  

Scroll down to view videos below or select the following categories: Introduction  | Initiate Phase | Immerse Phase | Synthesize Phase | Prototype Phase | Implement Phase


View the following short videos to get you started with learning about design thinking and how it can transform the way organizations develop services, products, processes and strategy.

The three ways that good design makes you happy | Don Norman

In this talk from 2003, design critic Don Norman turns his incisive eye toward beauty, fun, pleasure and emotion, as he looks at design that makes people happy. He names the three emotional cues that a well-designed product must hit to succeed. (TED | 3/9/2009)

How to build your creative confidence | David Kelley

Is your school or workplace divided into "creatives" versus practical people? Yet surely, David Kelley suggests, creativity is not the domain of only a chosen few. Telling stories from his legendary design career and his own life, he offers ways to build the confidence to create... (TED Design Studio Session | 2012)

Speed up Innovation with Design Thinking | Guido Stompff

Innovation made simple, that is Guido's passion. Elements of design thinking are the core of his idea. (TED Talks | 12/7/2009)

What is Service Design?

A short animation explaining the basics of service design. Learn more at

Create a UX Roadmap | NNgroup

An effective UX roadmap can help teams maintain strategic direction, align with stakeholders, and prioritize ideas to respond to requests. (NNgroup| 3/22/2019)

When to Use Which UX Research Method

Don’t just do usability tests. Do what you need. Consider five criteria to help you determine the most effective UX research method to use for your situation, to meet research goals, and achieve desired outcomes. (NNgroup| 7/27/2018)

Principles of Human-Centered Design (Don Norman)

Human-Centered Design (HCD) is not about following processes. It’s about being mindful of HCD principles. Keep focus on people and the entire system to solve the right problems. (Don Norman, NNG | Aug 10, 2018)

The ROI of User Experience (Human Factors International)

In this animated video Dr. Susan Weinschenk demonstrates how user centered design results in significant return on investment (ROI). (Human Factors International | Jan 27, 2011)

It's Not You. Bad Doors are Everywhere (Vox)

Don Norman started complaining about doors over 25 years ago. Doors shouldn't need instructions – the shape of them can guide you through just fine. So why do so many doors need instruction manuals right on the side of them? (Vox | Feb 26, 2016)

DevExplains: What is human-centered design — and why does it matter?

Is human-centered design a game changer in global development, or just another buzzword? Devex breaks down exactly what it is and why it matters for the global development community — and delves into some of the ways it could help organizations work more efficiently. (Devex | Nov 18, 2016)

7 Key Factors in UX

Can you name the 7 factors of UX? You need to pay attention to all aspects of user experience if you want to deliver a successful product to market. Explore all of Peter Morville's factors of UX in this video and learn how to apply them in your own design work. (Interaction Design Foundation - IxDF | March 24, 2020)

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The initiate phase of the HCD process, in which existing data is collected, scope is defined, and a project brief is created. Watch short videos below to learn about the methods used during this phase.


Howard Ibach presents a talk on writing a creative brief -- a wide-ranging document used by ad agencies, company ad departments, marketing services companies, PR firms, and a host of other creative-driven businesses

(University of Minnesota Communicators Forum | 7/18/2013)

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The immerse phase of the HCD process, in which a research plan is developed and the team immerses themselves in the customer's experience. Watch the short videos below to learn about the methods used during this phase.


Empathy lies at the heart of human centered design because people are at the center of human centered design.  It’s about understanding. In order to have true human centered design, you need to understand the people you are designing for.

Field Observations with Fresh Eyes | Tom Kelley

IDEO's General Manager, Tom Kelley, shares a case study demonstrating value opportunities that arise when designers, innovators, and entrepreneurs see with fresh eyes. He cites his company's challenge to design a new children's toothbrush. Rather than relying on industry assumptions, his team did hands-on field research and discovered new ideas on how children actually go about brushing their teeth. Subsequently, IDEO's new take on an old product became a bestseller for their client, and caused an industry-wide re-design by other toothbrush manufacturers. (Stanford eCorner | 6/8/2011)

Customer Journey Maps – the Why and What of Journey Maps (2018)

Customer journey maps are an important tool to improve customer experience with a product, service or brand. In this video you learn how you can use customer journey maps to better understand your customer and to trigger product innovations. You learn the most important basics of customer journey mapping and get to know some of the essential details of journey maps. (More than Metrics | 12/19/2017)

Interviews: How to do a user interview 

A short description on how to conduct a user interview from by Google Ventures.

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The Synthesize phase of the HCD process, in which analysis & interpretation of data occurs, themes, insights and customer pain points are identified. Watch the short videos below to learn about the methods used during this phase.


UX Design Basics: Mental Models 

In this video, Jamal Nichols explains Mental Models, a core concept in User Centered Design. (Jamal Nichols | 3/25/17)

How to Make a Mind Map - The Basics?

This clip, provided by MacGrercy Consultants () shows you the basics of how to make a mind map. The intention is to show you the main points to get you started. Further clips with more details and examples will soon be added. (MacGrercy Consultants | 5/6/2009)

Affinity Diagram- Design Thinking Book

What is Card-Sorting?

( | 10/24/17)

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The Ideate phase of the HCD process,is to dream up many potential solutions, generating ideas via sketching, and co-designing with users and other stakeholders Watch the short videos below to learn about the methods used during this phase.

IDEO: Brainstorming and Other Ideation Techniques | David and Tom Kelley 

David and Tom Kelley of IDEO discuss alternatives to traditional brainstorming. (Stanford Biodesign | 2/6/2016)

Course UX Design: 4 Ideation | Chris Nodder, LinkedIn Learning instructor

In this installment of UX Design Techniques, Chris Nodder explores a variety of ideation techniques. Chris explains how to brainstorm in a way that lets all members of a team, not just the designers, contribute to a product's overall direction. (Chris Nodder | Linkedin Learning)

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The Prototype phase of the HCD process,is to create an interactive solution that simulates how things should actually work, to elicit feedback, refine and test. Watch the short videos below to learn about the methods used during this phase.

User Testing: Why & How

There is no excuse for not performing usability studies. They’re fast and cheap, and very convincing. Test with representative customers using realistic task, then be amazed by what you observe. (Jakob Nielsen, NNgroup |5/25/2018)

Usability Testing w. 5 Users: Design Process  | Jakob Nielsen

Formative usability testing is best done with a small number of study participants, so that you have time and budget to test more design iterations of the user interface.

How to Create a UX Storyboard

This clip provided by NN/g, describes how storyboards fit within the UX design process, and the steps needed to make a successful storyboard to visualize a workflow, customer journey, or user story. (Nielsen Norman Group(NN/g) | 8/19/16)

Low fidelity prototype testing of the Youtube website

The paper based prototype was created to test the initial concept and improved interface. Solutions were developed using a range of UX methodologies and techniques. (UX Playground | Jun 11, 2015)

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The Implement phase of the HCD process, is to develop a solution, track metrics, manage and communicate change, improve roll-out.

The New Change Management

Illustrations animated from Dick Axelrod's new book - Terms of Engagement. Chapter 2: The New Change Management

Joe Lafferty | 9/19/2010


How to Measure Usability & UX

This webinar will explain the advantages of the 3 most recognized methods for measuring Usability & User Experience of a product or service: SUS (System Usability Scale), Supr -- Q and UX Score. (UserZoom, 3/14/14)This webinar will explain the advantages of the 3 most recognized methods for measuring Usability & User Experience of a product or service: SUS (System Usability Scale), Supr -- Q and UX Score. (UserZoom, 3/14/14)

Statistical Significance in UX

(NNgroup | 2/15/2019)

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