
Blog from November, 2019

Human Centered Design: A Non-Linear Process

Human Centered Design (HCD) is the process we use to understand the people for whom we are writing policies and creating programs and services. CCSQ has outlined a six-step process to help us better support customer journeys.

• Initiate – Create a shared understanding of the problem.
• Immerse – Empathize by talking to and observing customers.
• Synthesize – Combine existing data and new learning to identify themes, patterns, and discover insights.
• Ideate – Generate many ideas without considering constraints.
• Prototype – Test a subset of viable, feasible, and desirable ideas with customers to get feedback.
• Implement – Continue to iterate, refine, and enhance.

The goal is to gain a deep understanding of customer needs and goals throughout the process so the business can successfully create innovative solutions that solve the right problems.

A common myth about HCD is that we need to follow the six steps as prescribed. In fact, HCD is not a linear process. It is a framework, so there may be times when steps overlap, when steps are taken out of order, or when steps must be revisited in order to achieve successful results.

Getting started

In order to create a shared understanding of the problem among business stakeholders, it is critical to first validate the presenting problem with your customers. While the focus of the immerse phase is to gain empathy for the customer, this should happen throughout the process, even from the very beginning. Alternately, you may find yourself in the prototype phase and through testing an idea with customers, you generate a new level of empathy and understanding for your customer.

By familiarizing yourself with the six-steps and the methodologies, you will be prepared to engage in all six-steps regardless of the context or flow of work.

Learn more

HCQIS is committed to helping our team members learn more about HCD to help us better support customers. Here are three ways you can learn more today.
• Read more about HCD on the HCD Center of Excellence Confluence page.
• Join the HCD Community of Practice.
• Signup for an upcoming HCD Training Workshop.

World Usability Day is One Week Away!

World Usability Day is coming next week! Register below to join us in an open house style event on November 14th from 10 am - 1 pm. ISG is hosting this event to create an opportunity for the HCD community of practice and others with an interest in usability to come together and share knowledge; to showcase some of the work and learning across the CCSQ lines of business; and to highlight some of the human-centered design work that takes place throughout the agency. 

You don’t want to miss this event! 


The Program

Come hear lessons learned on applying human-centered design in government highlighting stories from the HHS Ignite Accelerator and the Indian Health Service Health IT Modernization project. 

Don't miss a talk on the past and current state of human-centered design at CMS. We'll also be featuring a panel discussion on future-proofing technology, mental models and services within Civic Tech. 

Our agenda features case studies, exhibits, a panel of UX experts from across the Health IT services community and several speakers including: 

Margeaux Akazawa

Internal Innovation Programs Director

Office of the Chief Technology Officer, HHS 

Adam Heller
Director, Division of Services and
Infrastructure Fulfillment (DSIF), ISG, CMS 

Kayenda Johnson
Human-Centered Design Specialist, CMS 

Maia Z. Laing
Senior Business Consultant
Office of the Chief Technology Officer, HHS 

Eric Smallwood
Human Centered Design Lead
HQR, Bellese Technologies


Thursday, November 14, 10 AM - 1 PM

Tantus Building - QCF
2270 Rolling Run Drive, Suite 100
Woodlawn, MD 21244