
Every November, communities come together to celebrate how we can make the world easier for everyone. On Wednesday, November 10, ISG will host its 3rd annual program to explore this year’s theme, Design of Our Online World: Trust, Ethics, and Integrity. 

With this theme, we seek to examine online products and design systems that are helping us to stay connected and to learn and grow during these transformational times. We also aim to address critical issues like dark patterns, ethical design, designing for trust, and designing for diversity, equity, and inclusion. We look forward to learning with you through presentations, panel discussions, and activities throughout the day.

Look for more information in the future.

Save the date: Wednesday, November 10, 2021


Want to learn more about ISG’s approach to Risk Management?

Check out what’s new on the Risk Management Confluence Space that is now accessible from the QualityNet Communications Hub. Among other new items, we’ve made it easier to get to the ISG Risk and Issue Management Plan (RIMP) and have added new microlearning videos. 

While the role and responsibilities of the Product Owner can be described simply enough, very little is said about the day-to-day practice of those fulfilling the role. This workshop will teach you how to handle the complex responsibilities of a great Product Owner.

Join us August 24th- 25th for the LACE Foundations: Product Ownership Session

Register Here

Presenting embedded: a digital newsletter for everyone passionate about learning, sharing and practicing Human-Centered Design (HCD). In each issue of embedded, you’ll read about HCD methodologies, case studies, best practices, insider tips, and even relatable personal experiences presented by your colleagues in CCSQ.

In the inaugural EMPATHY-themed issue, you’ll find articles like these and much more:

Stay tuned for the next issue.

HCD Center of Excellence  :::  embedded. the newsletter  :::  Join the CCSQ HCD CoE News Mailing List

Understanding your customers is foundational to human-centered design (HCD). How do you create a shared understanding of your customers across a team and leverage customer research? Personas, a fictitious yet realistic representation of your target customers, can help you do just that.

During this online training attendees will learn the benefits of using personas to drive creativity in their roles at CMS or the HCQIS Community. They will finish the course with the skills needed to use personas to develop empathy for their customers and power ideation for product features and customer experience improvements.

Register Here

User research provides a critical design strategy foundation that allows you to understand and empathize with customers to design valuable products and services. Something this important does not come easy. At times, conducting user research can feel as though it is full of barriers, but it can be easier to manage with some upfront organization. 

Join us for a case study of how the recently centralized Quality Payment Program’s (QPP) human-centered design team learned to be effective by scaling and streamlining the research processes. Highlights will include lessons learned when setting up a user research panel in Salesforce, creating a research repository in EnjoyHQ, and measuring the experience with a modified version of Forester’s Customer Experience Index. 

Register Here

As of Monday July 19th, several changes will be made to Shared Services communications in order to ensure the user community is receiving accurate and up-to-date information regarding the services they are relying on. A list of Shared Services can be located at QualityNet IT Services. The upcoming changes include:


The #hcqis-service-interuption channel will be retired and two new channels below will be created. Note: If you are currently following the #hcqis-service-interuption channel, you will automatically be added to the new channels listed below.

  • #qnet-planned-activities: This channel will be used to notify the user community of release notices and scheduled maintenance and will include planned activities with and without anticipated downtime.
  • #qnet-unplanned-service-interruption: This channel will be used to quickly notify the user community of reported issues impacting the user experience as well as unplanned service outages and access issues.


The Release and Environment Coordination (REC) is being revamped to include direct input from the service teams and will serve as the main Confluence method for notifying the user community of planned activities. The REC page will provide a consolidated view of all planned activities for the shared services. The REC page is located at Release and Environment Coordination (REC).


You will continue to receive email updates from the service-specific listservs as usual. If you have any questions, please contact us on Slack at #help-service-center-sos.

CMS CCSQ users have access to CMS-approved and developed emailing and messaging tool.

With both distribution and discussion lists, QualityNet Mailer offers customizable email solutions with easy-to-manage features. Schedule meetings and events or deliver news and important information with notification lists, which serve as simple, one-way communications.  Discussion lists provide the ability for comments and conversation, with review and release controls available for administrators. In addition, QualityNet Mailer offers public and private subscription options for easy membership management.

This CMS-approved tool has been called a lifesaver by users and can simplify and streamline your emailing and discussion list workflows.

Visit the QualityNet Mailer Confluence space for more information, or to request a demo or sign up, contact the mailer team at

Attendees will experience the creative process of using personas to develop empathy for their customers and power ideation.

Understanding your customers is foundational to human-centered design (HCD). How do you create a shared understanding of your customers across a team and leverage customer research? Personas, a fictitious yet realistic representation of your target customers, can help you do just that.

During this online, three-hour training, attendees will learn the benefits of using personas to drive creativity in their roles at CMS or the HCQIS Community. They will finish the course with the skills needed to use personas to develop empathy for their customers and power ideation for product features and customer experience improvements.

Register Here

All CMS CCSQ users are encouraged to obtain access to CCSQ QualityNet Atlassian and Slack to enhance collaboration. When we all use the same collaboration tools, we increase transparency across CCSQ while eliminating redundancy. Some of the benefits of using CCSQ QualityNet Atlassian and Slack include reducing meetings, reducing version control issues, cutting down on email, and ultimately connecting people with the information they need when they need it.

Get started today by accessing the *NEW* CMS User Collaboration page on Confluence, which outlines steps CMS users should take to create their HARP account and request access to CCSQ QualityNet Atlassian and Slack. 

Join us on Friday, June 25, for a case study about understanding Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) as a multifaceted service. Service design requires understanding the customer experience and how an organization’s resources (people, processes, and systems) affect the customer journey. Two critical service design tools are journey maps, which visualize a customer’s experience of a product or service from their vantage point, and service blueprints, which allow you to understand and imagine all the intricate components that make up the service. 

In this joint presentation, three HQR Human-Centered Design User Research team members will share the service blueprint and user journey maps they created to understand how healthcare providers and quality improvement stakeholders experience CMS’s HQR system. 

Register Now

Many organizations use root cause analysis to identify the fundamental reasons for an incident or failure so that they can improve future outcomes, but it often stops short at what and who instead of the systemic why.

Join the CCSQ HCD Community of Practice 
on Friday, May 28 at 1 PM ET for a high-level review of leveraging human-centered approaches for structured root cause analysis efforts. Learn more and register on Eventbrite.

Leveraging Human-Centered Techniques in Root Cause Analysis: Tracing Cause Without Blame  

Many organizations use root cause analysis to identify the fundamental reasons for an incident or failure so that they can improve future outcomes, but it often stops short at what and who instead of the systemic why. Join the CCSQ HCD Community of Practice on Friday, May 28 at 1 PM ET for a high-level review of leveraging human-centered approaches for structured root cause analysis efforts. Learn more and register on Eventbrite.

The May 2021 edition of HCQIS Chat is scheduled for Thursday, May 6th from 1:00 to 2:00 pm ET.
This will be our first ISG Leadership panel discussion of 2021! Thank you to those who submitted questions/topics.Find Zoom info and other details on the HCQIS Chat May 2021 Confluence page:

HCD CoP | April 2021