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An introduction to HCD for CMS CCSQ staff

Starts with the people you’re designing for and ends with new solutions that are tailor made to suit their needs.

The training will be covering the following 6 steps in the HCD Process:

  1. Initiate: Project kickoff that defines scope and confirms expectations;
  2. Immerse: Gaining qualitative knowledge via research and empathy;
  3. Synthesize: Using collected information to analyze the problem and shape insights;
  4. Ideate: Generating ideas via sketching, co-design or other methods;
  5. Prototype: Storyboarding or building models on which to gather feedback via testing;
  6. Implement: Completing an implementation and/or communication plan for delivery or pilot

titleUpcoming Dates

Tuesday January 29, 2019 

Tuesday February 5, 2019

Thursday February 21, 2019

Look out for an email from CCSQ Broadcast ( and SIGN UP for one of our sessions! This training is currently being offered for CCSQ Staff.


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