Uploading Files

There are two ways to upload file(s) in UFM.  You can utilize the Upload button or you can Drag and Drop the file(s).  When using the upload functionality the file(s) you upload will be uploaded to the folder currently in the main display.

Preparing for Upload

Before uploading a file/files make sure that you have the upload setting accurate for your upload.

Upload Drop Down:

  • Click on the drop down arrow next to the Upload button.

  • Select how you would like UFM to treat files when it finds the file already exists in the folder you are uploading it to.
    • Rename - will rename the file by adding a number behind it.
    • Overwrite - will replacing the existing file(s) with the new version being uploaded.
    • Error - will provide you with an error message at the bottom that the upload was finished with errors.  By clicking on the Show Details a new window pane will displayed indicating the file(s) that failed and why.

    • Skip - will skip the file(s) being uploaded and will not upload a new version.

Upload Button

  • Click on the Upload Button.

  • Find the file(s) that need to be uploaded.

  • Click on the file(s) that need to be uploaded.  Note:  If you need to upload multiple files click the Shift button on your keyboard.
  • Click on the open button when the file/files are all selected.

Drag and Drop

  • Find the file(s) that need to be uploaded to UFM.
  • Select the file(s) that need uploaded.
  • Left click and drag the files to the Display Pane.
  • Release the mouse.

Multiple File Uploads

Multiple files can be uploaded at the same time.  If using the Upload button the Shift button on the keyboard can be used to select multiple files.  If using the drag and drop functionality select all the appropriate files prior to dragging them.

Downloading Files

There are three ways to download files/folders and it depends on what is being downloaded.

Downloading a single file

  • Find the file you need to download.
  • Click on the name of the file.

Result:  The file will download to your downloads folder on your local computer.

Downloading multiple files

  • Click on the check box next to each file that needs download.
  • At the bottom click on the download button or right click on one of the files and select download.

Result:  The files will be downloaded to your downloads folder on your local computer.

Important:  The download feature will allow you to download a 1000 files at one time.  If more than a 1000 files need to be download you will need to perform the download feature multiple times selecting the appropriate files that need downloaded.

Downloading folders

  • Click on the check box next to each folder that needs downloading.
  • At the bottom click on the download button or right click on one of the files and select download.

Result:  The folder and all files/folders in that folder will be downloaded to your downloads folder on your local computer.

Important:  The download feature will allow you to download a 1000 files at one time.  If more than a 1000 files need to be download you will need to perform the download feature multiple times selecting the appropriate files that need downloaded.

Sharing Files/Folders

The Share functionality allows you to share a file or folder with another UFM user.  If a user doesn't have UFM access they will need to request access to view the file/folder that is shared.

File Share

  • Click on check box next to the file you would like to share.
  • Click on the Cog Icon next to the file.
  • Click on the Share With... option.

Result:  The Share File pane will display.

  • Complete the following fields:
    • To - Enter in the email address for the individual the file is being shared with.
      • If sharing with multiple individuals make sure to utilize a comma to separate email addresses.
      • The ... icon can be used to search the address book.
    • Subject - Enter in a subject line.
    • Message - This is an optional field you can enter a message in for the individual(s) being shared with.
    • File Share As - You can update the name of the file as needed.
      • Important:  If sharing a file/folder that is more than 126 characters in this field it will fail.  Update the name in order to share it.
  • Update the Permissions as needed.
    • Download - allows the individual to download the file to their local computer
    • Overwrite - 
    • Append - 
    • Share - allows the individual to share the file with another individual
  • Click on the Share button in the top left hand corner.

Folder Share

  • Click on check box next to the folder you would like to share.
  • Click on the Share button in the header or the Clog Icon and select the Share With... option.

 Result:  The Share Folder pane will display.

  • Complete the following fields:
    • To - Enter in the email address for the individual the folder is being shared with.
      • If sharing with multiple individuals make sure to utilize a comma to separate email addresses.
      • The ... icon can be used to search the address book.
    • Subject - Enter in a subject line.
    • Message - This is an optional field you can enter a message in for the individual(s) being shared with.
    • Folder Share As - You can update the name of the folder as needed.
      • Important:  If sharing a folder that is more than 126 characters in this field it will fail.  Update the name in order to share it.
  • Update the Permissions as needed.
    • General - provides permissions to the main folder being shared.
      • List - allows the content of a folder to be listed/viewed.
      • Download - allows individual to download folders and files.
      • Upload - allows individual to upload files to the folder.
      • Rename - allows individual to rename the folder.
      • Delete - allows individual to delete the folder.
      • Share - allows individual to share the folder and files with other individuals.
    • Subfolders - provides permissions to any subfolders within the main folder being shared.
      • Allow Access - grants access for individual to access the subfolders within the main folder.
      • Create - allows individual to create new folders within the main folder.
      • Rename - allows individual to rename subfolders within the main folder.
      • Delete - allows individual to delete subfolders within the main folder.
  • Click on the Share button in the top left hand corner.

Moving Files

Files and Folders can be moved within UFM in the same manner that you would move files and folders on your local computer.

  • Locate the file/folder that needs moved.
  • Locate the folder that the file/folder will be moved to by expanding down the folder system in the left hand navigation.
  • Click on the check box next to the file/folder that will be moved.
  • Left click and drag the file/folder that is being moved to the new folder.
  • Drop the file/folder.

Result:  The file/folder will be moved to the folder it was dropped in.

Sending Files

The Send To functionality allows you to compose mail to send file(s) to individuals.  This functionality is different from the Share With functionality in that the Send To functionality sends the file(s) to the individual as a copy and they won't have access to the original document.

  • Click on the check box next to the file(s) that need to be sent.
    • Note:  This functionality only works with files and you cannot send a folder.  If you need to send a folder use the Share With functionality.
  • Click on the Cog Icond and select the Send To or click on the Send To button in the bottom pane.
  • Use the Mail-Compose section in this documentation on how to fill out the Compose pane.

Renaming Files

The Renaming functionality allows you to rename a file or folder.

  • Click on the check box next to the file/folder that needs to be renamed.
  • Click on the Cog Icon and select the Rename option.
  • Enter in the new name of the file/folder.

  • Click on the Rename button.

Result:  The file/folder selected will be renamed.  If the file/folder does not show the new name click on the refresh button in the top header section.

Deleting Files

Files and Folders can be deleted from UFM.

Deleting a single file or folder:

  • Click on the check box next to the file/folder that needs deleted.
  • Click on the Cog Icon and select Delete or click on the Delete button in the bottom pane.
  • Click on the Confirm button to delete the file/folder from UFM.

Deleting multiple files/folder or mix of file(s) and folder(s):

  • Click on the check box next to the file(s) and folder(s) that need deleted.
  • Right click on one of the highlighted rows to select the Delete option or click on the Delete button in the bottom pane.
  • Click on the Confirm button to delete the file(s) and folder(s) from UFM.

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