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KindnessRX: A Novel Community Gratitude-Based Approach to Increasing COVID-19 Vaccination Rates and Improving Culture
Meaghan Hudak | Reading time: about 4 min

The KindnessRX campaign studied the power of human kindness to combat caregiver burnout and increase COVID-19 vaccination uptake.  Highlighting those who made an impact within their organization, the campaign took aim at a softer approach towards vaccination promotion, avoiding words such as “mandatory” and “required.” Rather, the campaign focused on gratitude, kindness and taking care of one another. Comments and feedback proved that human kindness generated a positive culture change, expressing gratitude and kindness that helped healthcare workers build personal connections while promoting safety and workforce engagement.

Attendees learned:

  • The power of human kindness outweighs monetary benefit, and
  • The KindnessRX campaign helped increase COVID-19 vaccination rates.

About Mountain-Pacific Quality Health 

Mountain-Pacific Quality Health is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit health care improvement organization that holds federal, state and commercial contracts to support quality of care for Medicare and Medicaid members and, by extension, all patients and families. Mountain-Pacific works within Montana, Wyoming, Alaska, Hawaii and the U.S. Pacific Territories of Guam and American Samoa and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands to help improve the delivery of health care and the systems that provide it. Mountain-Pacific’s goal is to increase access to high-quality health care that is affordable, safe and of value to the patients we serve. Learn more at

KindessRX Campaign Objectives

  • Influence a systems approach
  • Encourage safety in the workplace
  • Support culture change and positivity
  • Improve vaccination rates

"Last year, frontline workers were praised as 'health care heroes.' Today more than ever before, we need your support and patience.

We are pleading with you to be kind and considerate when you enter our facilities and engage with our staff. A small percentage of our interactions are resulting in verbal abuse of the very people who are here to serve in a time of need."

Carl Harris, CEO

Community Health Center of Central Wyoming - January 2022

Crystal notes that kindness is contagious. Through the campaign reach and engagement increased and vaccination rates increased. 

KindnessRx Outcomes

Recognition: Participants felt recognized for their efforts. Satisfaction: Participants felt satisfied in their workplace. Culture: The program impacted coworker immunization status. Recommendation: Participants would recommend the program in the future.

Graphic: KindessRX Campaign Outcomes

Nursing Home Outcomes

Community Outcomes


Yearly anniversaryQuarterly recognition
 System called BRAVoAward given by
chief executive officer (CEO)
EmailRaised vaccine awareness
No recognitionVideo was played around organization
 Just expected to do whatever
was needed
Recognized by employees and peers
Won Tupperware once in a raffleShowed more gratitude for what I do


Crystal explained the barriers experience. Such as, travel restrictions made it difficult to travel for promotion of the campaign, organizations were closed to visitors, so we had to rely on already exhausted and overworked staff to promote and film the videos. Competing campaigns were running concurrently to encourage vaccination. This campaign did receive push back. Some organizations did not want to participate due to the controversial COVID-19 vaccine messaging.

If you missed Crystal’s presentation, check out the transcript and recording on the CCSQ World Usability Day page. This page also includes an archive of transcripts and recordings of speaker presentations, session materials, and event photos. For more information about the Human-Centered Design Center of Excellence, refer to the HCD CoE Confluence page.


Meaghan is a Communication Specialist supporting the CCSQ Human-Centered Design Center of Excellence (HCD CoE). Meaghan has been with the HCD CoE since January 2022. 


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