Advanced Program Insights
The Advanced Program Insights service is a comprehensive support resource designed to help CCSQ Programs adopt and succeed with Lean and Agile principles. With our expertise in metric analysis, program and team dashboard evaluation, and Agile Health Assessments, we can help you identify areas for improvement and drive success in your program. With this LACE service, CCSQ Programs can gain insights into their current performance, identify areas for improvement, and develop a plan for implementing effective change leading to an improved ability to deliver value to customers. Learn more.
Advanced Team Insights
The ability of an organization to remain relevant and successfully sustain a long-lasting transformation relies on its capacity to continuously adapt informed by the historical data collected at every level of its value creation chain. The Advanced Team Insights presents a set of services including a Team Ceremony Analysis, Team Dashboard, and Team Health Radar to understand what is happening at the team level, evaluate the gaps between the current and the desired state, and identify growth opportunities to aid CCSQ achieve its strategic goals and thrive. Learn more.