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April 24, 2020


Abhi (SemanticBits)

Bill L.

Boubacar Toure


David Haskins

Elizabeth Truong

Erik Connors (HUGE)

Jacqueline Kreinik


John Manlove

Julia Appleton



Karen Owens

Kianna Banks

Kira M.


Leah Ferrier

Michele Hillman

Michelle Atkinson

Michelle Geppi

Nicholas Grant

Nicholas Wright

Sandar Subramanian

Gregory S

Shelley Gold

Shelly Coyle


Trevor Stone


Quantifying Behavior and Impact Along the Customer Journey

Presentation and Discussion

Journey maps are an artifact depicting the customer’s perspective of their experience engaging with an organization. Customer journey maps can act as a road map to identify opportunities and address both known and previously unknown customer pain points. Unfortunately, after the initial learning, journey maps often end up posted on a wall or filed away after achieving a check mark for completing a required artifact.

What if journey maps evolve beyond a static snapshot of a customer’s experience? What if a journey map is measurable, dynamic, and provides insight into customer experience over time?

The program included a presentation by Noble Ackerson from iQIES which covered shared definitions, Lean Analytics for Enterprise Health Products, and iQIES key takeaways. The discussion was facilitated by Stephanie Ray from CMS and included questions via Slack and WebEx chat.


Quantifying User Behavior and Impact Along the Customer Journey

Blog post

A Summary of the Human-Centered Design Community of Practice’s April Program

Action Items

  • Contact if you're interested in leading or contributing to the topics of brainstorming or content strategy for upcoming programs
  • Register to attend the May 29 HCD Community of Practice


For questions about this program, contact Scott Reed at

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