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Aaron Thompson
Adrienne Adkins
Adrienne Ray

Ahmar Wazir

Andrew Yochum
Anitha Chintalapati
Arnie Esparterox
Betina Fletcherx
Branon Barrettx
Cheri Jergerx
Chris Brown
Christopher King
Curt Phillipsx
Deb Judyx
Deb Wilsonx
Greg Ecclestonx
Hari Krishna
Heather Moore
Howard Thomasx
Jada Garrettx
Jason Bullock
Jason Clemx
Jennifer Bailey
Justyna Sardinx
Karena Sullivan
Kotaiah Ravipati
Kathleen Prewittx
Kelly Llewellyn
Lakshmi Erigineni
Leah Skienx
Lisa Reesx
Lonnie Hanekamp
Melissa Fieldhousex
Michael Kennedyx
Nana Aidoox
Nathan Muzosx
Ozlem Taselx
Pandu Muddanax
Patrick McConnell
Preston Brownx
Revathy Ramakrishnax
Scott Laughlinx
Seema Sreenivasx
Sarah Fillingx
Shamim Almamunx
Shalon Quinn
Tim Jackson
Tom Lantz
Vladimir Ladikx
Yvette Brownx
Zac Cohenx
Zach Serlethx


Meeting RecordingArnie

This meeting will be recorded for the purpose of capturing meeting minutes and action items.  If there are any objections, please let the host know.

Passcode: qWG$J2hg

Phase 3 Testing Timeline

  • 07/12/2021 - Phase 3 (Clinical Codes/2728) live in production.
  • 07/12/2021 - 09/15/2021 - Resubmission of Clinical Data Files (September to December).
  • Resubmission of Clinical Data Files (September - December 2020) Countdown: 5 days left
  • 09/15/2021 - Data fully submitted and ready for measure and scoring calculations.
  • 09/20/2021 - 02/28/2022 - Submit January-September 2021 EQRS Clinical Data, ICH CAHPS Attestations (2021), and Clinical Depression Screening and Follow-Up Plan reporting in EQRS. Additionally, all subsequent months in 2021 will open for data submission on the first day of each month (i.e., October opens October 1; November opens November 1; and December opens December 1). 
  • 02/28/2022 - The clinical closure date for all months in 2021 is February 28, 2022 at 11:59 PM PT.
  • Timeline
    • Encourage everyone to complete large data submissions prior to the closure of the clinical data
    • Allows us to react to any large data submissions early in the process
Production SupportMichael
  • Continuing to work with EDIs on resolving tickets for special cases, mapping issues, transferred to a unit, or getting 606 errors where some of the lab values outside of the range
  • No blockers
EDI 2020 Data SubmissionsPreston


  • Another pretty smooth week
  • The submissions are about the same level as last week
  • This week none of the submissions ran into issues returning feedback files


  • NRAA mentioned they have seen a significant drop 3-4 weeks ago then jumped back up
  • Curious if something happened during that time frame causing the numbers to fluctuate?
  • NCC did some additional filtering on independent facilities around that time
  • The NCC took out all of the VA facilities because they had been looking at those and they took out all of the prison facilities because they wouldn't be reporting
  • NRAA is looking at their individual data set
  • Lisa will set up a meeting with Howard, Scott, and Michael to discuss and review NRAAs individual data set fluctuation of  independent data submission numbers (Action Item)
  • Recent Deployments
    • 2021-09-09- EQRS Portal - Prod Release - 2021 Clinical Data Submission Dates
      • Open 2021 Jan-to-Sep Clinical Months from September 20, 2021 12:00 AM PT. 2021 Oct-Dec Months will follow usual cadence. The clinical closure date for all months in 2021 will be February 28, 2022 at 11:59 PM PT
      • Open 2021 Clinical Depression Data Submissions from September 20, 2021 12:00 AM PT with closure date of February 28, 2022 at 11:59 PM PT aligning with CMS Memo (open date may be revised before Sep 20)
      • Open 2021 Annual ICH CAHPS Attestations  from January 1st, 2022 12:00 AM PT with closure date of February 28, 2022 at 11:59 PM PT aligning with CMS Memo (open date may be revised before Sep 20)
      • Enhance Data Submission Start and End Date configurations to support Time Zone and Time Stamp Level granularity 
    • What does "open date may be revised before Sep 20" mean?
      • In the past, in CROWNWeb anytime we needed to change a date in the system, it would involve a database change, as well as deployment
      • Therefore, in the past it was not agile practice to be able to make a change as needed.  So this has been changed to allow flexibility.  Now they can schedule any of the dates that are in the system, especially open and closure so it's really just highlighting flexibility in the application that it didn't have before; more functionality based than anything
    • FKC (Kathleen) received a strange error message in the UI after the 9/9 deployment
      • She was trying to delete the treatment record from 2021 and received the error "Unable to delete treatment due to failure in determining if any clinical data is associated with the treatment
      • Never have received this error message before
      • Per Michael, they didn't have the specific UPI and month to be deleted; although the facility they were looking at did have some 2021 data in January but none since
      • Kathleen will try to recreate the error message and will let Michael know so he can do further research
Round tableScott/EDIs

DaVita -

  • Nothing specific to report at this time
  • Requested to be informed of the deployment schedule of new functionality (for example, Telemedicine, Nursing Homes, vaccinations, etc) so EDIs can make sure that something doesn't come required that they are not ready to implement therefore, could break their 2021 submissions


  • 13510 issue update
    • Yvette went through the examples that were sent to her and determined there are multiple scenarios that need to be researched
    • This issues has been put on their backlog to be able to look at it closely and identify the scenarios that 13510 is triggered
    • It may have not worked the way it was supposed to work even during the CROWNWeb days
    • The ADO needs a little more time to investigate and look at the code
  • No Clinical Data flag
    • They resubmitted their no clinical data flat files and confirmed they did work 
    • Expressed a thank you to everyone for getting the fix in
  • At this time, FKC is looking good for the remainder of their 2020 submissions
  • Ravathy asked if they are going to follow a schedule in submitting the 2021 data?
    • There is no set schedule
    • Suggested that the EDIs coordinate amongst each other for large data submissions but again not required
    • For example FKC and DaVita should coordinate when they plan to submit 2021 data

DCI - 

  • Nothing specific to report at this time
  • DCI submission of Sept - Dec 2021 data is/will be ready
  • Currently working a few patients missing, but will take care of it


  • Tilde UTF8 format investigation
    • Deb Wilson asked Preston if he has seen anything regarding the tilde triage challenge with the additional logging in place?
    • Per Preston, they are still trying to get the additional logging deployed to the prod preview environment
    • Per Yvette, once it is deployed to prod preview they will let NRAA (Deb) know so they can resubmit that file again and the logs can be watched
  • Howard is looking for the sample XML, other data and information regarding the Kt/V "standard" change
    • He is referring to an actual example, not the EDI dictionary
    • Per Deb, they did receive the data dictionary for the Kt/V
    • Some of the questions coming in are about the XSD or schema for the 2728 and 2746
      • Is the updated XSD available at this point?
      • Yvette will reach out to Anitha and then get back to Deb (NRAA) on the updated XSD for the Kt/V Standard update (Action Item)
    • Takeaway - from a process perspective, whenever there's an update to the data dictionary or data that is required to be submitted, etc,  the updated data dictionary should be published with the change being highlighted, then publishing the sample XML and sample XSDs that reflect the change
    • It would be a good idea at one of these meetings to talk about the process flow, what the gates are and how we expect your agile process to work with the EDIs process
    • This will help for everyone to know the expectations and allow to properly communicate information to the stakeholders
    • Per Scott, there are already internal discussions with CMS on when they will engage, share documentation, perform testing, and when deployments will take place

Next meeting scheduled for  

Action Items:

  •  Updated, solid data dictionary delivered to the EDIs around the end of PI15, 10/12
  • Lisa will set up a meeting with Howard, Scott, and Michael to discuss and review NRAAs individual data set fluctuation of  independent data submission numbers (Action Item)
  • Yvette will reach out to Anitha and then get back to Deb (NRAA) on the updated XSD for the Kt/V Standard update (Action Item)

DateMilestone (M) / Task (T)DescriptionPhaseStatus
2/28/2021MCode deployed to pre-prod for testing.1Complete
3/15/2021 - 3/24/2021TEDIs perform integration testing.1Complete


MEDIs sign-off on integration testing.1Complete

3/24/2021 - 3/25/2021

TADO prepares for coding deployment.1Complete


MProduction deployment.1Complete
3/31/2021MProd-Preview environment contains refreshed prod data 2Complete
2/24/2021 - 3/10/2021 TReview of phase 2 codes and finalize list of codes.  Complete
3/11/2021 - 4/30/2021TADO perform coding updates and regression testing - Phase 2 (Patient Codes) 2Complete


MProd-Preview environment data refresh.2Complete


MRemaining Phase 2 (Patient Codes) deployed to pre-prod for testing.2Complete

5/4/2021 - 6/1/2021


EDIs performs integration testing - Phase 2 (Patient Codes) 
Starting 5/4 - EDIs submit prod file in prod environment and PP2-3.  This should be the SAME file for both environments.  Review discrepancies between the feedback files and validate codes.



MEDIs sign off-on integration testing - Phase 2 (Patient Codes) 2Complete

6/2/2021 - 6/4/2021

TADO prepares for coding deployment - Phase 2 (Patient Codes) 2Complete


MProduction deployment - Phase 2 (Patient Codes) 2Complete
6/4/2021MPhase 2 (Patient Codes) live in production.2Complete
3/10/2021 - 3/17/2021TReview of phase 3 codes and finalize list of codes.  3Complete
5/12/2021 - 06/08/2021TADO perform coding updates and regression testing - Phase 3 Clinical Codes/27283Complete


MProd-Preview environment data refresh.
6/4/2021 - 6/6/2021T

EDIs SHOULD NOT submit any PATIENT files during this time period in production (to ensure same patients are in PP2-3).


EDIs to drop file into PP2-3 to establish a baseline.



MCode deployed to pre-prod for testing - Phase 3 (Clinical Codes/2728).
Reopening September 2020 to March 2021 Clinical months for submission.

6/9/2021 - 7/6/2021

TEDIs performs integration testing.

Starting 6/9 - Re-drop same file from 6/7/2021 into PP2-3.  Review feedback files from PP2-3 and validate codes.



MEDIs sign-off on integration testing - Phase 3 (Clinical Codes/2728).3


7/7/2021 - 7/11/2021

TADO prepares for coding deployment - Phase 3 (Clinical Codes/2728).3Complete
7/12/2021MPhase 3 (Clinical Codes/2728) live in production.3Complete


MEDSM Implementation Complete (Phase 1 - 3).n/aComplete

7/12/2021 - 9/15/2021


Resubmission of Clinical Data Files (September to December). 

Open July 12, 2021 at 5 a.m. Pacific (8 a.m. Eastern) and close September 15, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time

9/15/2021 is the official closure date for the clinical months of September, October, November, and December 2020.

CMS highly recommends completing large data submissions prior to the official clinical closure date.





Data fully submitted and ready for measure and scoring calculations.

09/20/2021 - 02/28/2022T

Submit January-September 2021 EQRS Clinical Data, ICH CAHPS Attestations, and Clinical Depression Screening and Follow-Up Plan reporting in EQRS. Additionally, all subsequent months in 2021 will open for data submission on the first day of each month (i.e., October opens October 1; November opens November 1; and December opens December 1). 

02/28/2022MThe clinical closure date for all months in 2021 is February 28, 2022 at 11:59 PM PT.n/a

Data Submission (Errors & Warnings) Milestone Dates - By Phase

Phase No.

File Type

Code Bucket Name


ADO Completion Date

LDO Testing Start Date

Testing Completion Date

Production Date



Admit Reasons

11221, 11222, 11223, 11224, 11225







Patient Codes







Clinical Codes







2728 Codes





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