Attention: All pages within this space are public facing. Users accessing the pages are not required to log into Confluence. Therefore, please be aware of the type of information that is being shared on these pages.
HARP is integrated with and provides access to multiple applications for users needing access to CMS CCSQ services. The services and roles that are available to you as a HARP user depend on what type of user you are and what access your organization has been approved to use. CCSQ support contractors, CMS employees and external user organizations all have different access requirements. The following information aligns your user type with your access requirements and is intended to help you navigate the access requirements, policies and procedures.
CMS policy and NIST guidelines require that all users requesting a HARP ID must complete identity proofing (I am who I say I am.) You can learn more about the identity proofing policy policy by clicking on the FAQ tab above.
CCSQ Support Contractor Users
Please note that, per Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12), CMS/CCSQ support contractors are required to initiate a background check to access HARP services. To ensure compliance with CMS policy and HSPD-12, CCSQ support contractors must follow the procedures outlined below based on your user type and access requirements.
User Access Matrix
Users needing access to HARP services can use the matrix below to identify the scenario that best fits their situation and access requirements and follow the directions provided. As always, CCSQ support contractors should coordinate with their organizational point of contact and CMS COR for the contract they are supporting for final guidance and direction.
All HARP users must successfully verify their identity through identity proofing (I am who I say I am.) Enter your profile information and click Next to start the remote identity proofing process.
If your profile information fails to verify your identity, you have three options:
If you know that you entered incorrect information, you can retry remote proofing by returning to the Profile Information screen and selecting Retry Remote Proofing. Enter the last four digits of your SSN and date of birth or your request Reference Number, which will repopulate the profile information for you to correct.
Call Experian to verify your identity over the phone and then enter your reference number on the Profile Information screen by selecting Enter Reference Number.
If remote identity proofing failed or you do not wish to provide your SSN, a manual proofing option is available. Please note that manual proofing may delay the registration process. For any questions related to manual proofing, contact the Identity Access Management (IAM) team, Monday-Friday 7am-7pm CST by phone 1-888-599-0426 or email identityproofing@cms.hhs.govfor manual proofing questions or watch the Manual Proofing Tutorial video below.
Choose your user ID, password, and challenge question and click Next. Note: You will not be able to change your user ID after registration.
Your account has been created, and you will receive a confirmation email.
For security reasons, all HARP accounts are required to have multi-factor authentication (MFA). To set up your authentication factors, select Login to Complete Setup to log into HARP and set up two-factor authentication.
Once you have set up your multi-factor authentication, feel free to log into your HARP account and request roles as appropriate for your responsibilities.
For information on how to request roles in HARP, go to the HARP Role Request tab.
Note: The profile information will be used to verify your identity. Users will not be granted access to HARP without first going through identity proofing.
CONGRATULATIONS! You’re done! You are now registered with HARP
Scenario #3: I am a new or returning CCSQ support contractor. I do not have any active CMS IDs, and I ONLY need a HARP ID.
All CCSQ support contractors requiring access to HARP-provisioned services who DO NOT require an EUA ID should follow this process. As a CCSQ support contractor, you are required to go through the background check process prior to requesting any roles within HARP.
All HARP users must successfully verify their identity through identity proofing (I am who I say I am.) Enter your profile information and click Next to start the remote identity proofing process.
If your profile information fails to verify your identity, you have two options:
If you know that you entered incorrect information, you can retry remote proofing by returning to the Profile Information screen and selecting Retry Remote Proofing. Enter the last four digits of your SSN and date of birth or your request Reference Number, which will repopulate the profile information for you to correct.
Call Experian to verify your identity over the phone and then enter your reference number on the Profile Information screen by selecting Enter Reference Number.
If remote identity proofing failed or you do not wish to provide your SSN, a manual proofing option is available. Please note that manual proofing may delay the registration process. For any questions related to manual proofing, contact the Identity Access Management (IAM) team, Monday-Friday 7am-7pm CST by phone 1-888-599-0426 or email identityproofing@cms.hhs.govfor manual proofing questions or watch the Manual Proofing Tutorial video below.
Choose your user ID, password, and challenge question and click Next. You will not be able to change your user ID after registration.
Your account has been created, and you will receive a confirmation email.
LOG OUT of HARP. Do NOT request any roles in HARP until you have completed the background check request process below.
Start your background check process
DIGITAL DOCUMENTS: Gather digital copies of the following information;
Enter your HARP credentials on the log-in screen. This will create your ICT user account and open the User Profile information.
USER DETAILS: In the User Details section of the ICT registration screen, enter the following information:
Category = Contractor
Type = Background Check Only
Identity Management Systems = HARP
Request Justification = Fulfill contractual duties (or consult with your COR to identify a response that is more relevant to your contractual requirements)
The Contractor Point of Contact (CTR POC), who is a representative from your company, will approve your application within ICT, which will:
Initiate the background investigation, and
Update your HARP account to reflect that you have initiated your background investigation.
You can now log into your HARP account, set up your MFA, and request roles as appropriate for your responsibilities.
Complete your HARP account setup and request roles
Enter your HARP credentials to log in and, if you have not already set up your MFA, select Manage Two-Factor Devices to set up additional MFA factors.
For security reasons, all HARP accounts are required to have multi-factor authentication (MFA). T
Once you have set up your multi-factor authentication, you can request roles as appropriate for your responsibilities.
For information on how to request roles in HARP, go to the HARP Role Request tab.
CONGRATULATIONS! You’re done! You are now registered with HARP and have initiated your background check.
Scenario #4: I am a new or returning CCSQ support contractor. I do not have any active CMS IDs, and I need BOTH HARP and EUA IDs.
All CCSQ support contractors requiring access to HARP-provisioned services who require BOTH HARP and EUA IDs should follow this process. As a CCSQ support contractor, you are required to go through the background check process prior to requesting any roles within HARP.
Create your EUA ID and initiate your background check
DIGITAL DOCUMENTS: Gather digital copies of the following information;
Select Register and follow the prompts. This will create your ICT user account and open the User Profile information.
USER DETAILS: In the User Details section of the ICT registration screen, enter the following information:
Category = Contractor
Type = IT Dev & Support Contractors (or consult with your COR to identify a selection that is more relevant to your contractual requirements)
Identity Management Systems = HARP
Request Justification = Fulfill contractual duties (or consult with your COR to identify a response that is more relevant to your contractual requirements)
The Contractor Point of Contact (CTR POC), who is a representative from your company, will approve your application within ICT, which will:
Initiate the background investigation, and
Update your HARP account to reflect that you have initiated your background investigation.
Send an automated email to you directing you to change your EUA password and take Security Awareness Training; both tasks MUST be completed within 3 days to ensure EUA user account status remains active.
Complete your HARP account setup and request roles
You can now log into your HARP account at using your EUA credentials. This will activate your EUA credential in HARP and allow you to use your EUA ID in HARP and EUA.
For information on how to select roles in HARP, go to the HARP Role Request tab on this page.
Scenario #5: I am a CCSQ support contractor. My contract has changed but my employer has not. I have an active HARP ID. I do not need an EUA ID.
All active CCSQ support contractors who have moved from one CCSQ contract to another and who have an active HARP ID and do not require an EUA ID should follow this process. All CCSQ support contractors are required to go through the background check process.
Confirm your HARP credentials are active
Using your existing HARP credentials, log into your HARP account:
Click User Profile in the upper right-hand corner.
Review your profile information to ensure it is still accurate.
If any of your profile information is inaccurate, click Edit to make updates and click Save when you are done.
Review your user roles by clicking User Roles in the upper right-hand corner. When you left your prior contract, all roles should have been removed, so you should NOT see any active roles.
LOG OUT of HARP. Do NOT request any roles in HARP until you have completed the background check request process below.
Confirm your background check is active or initiate background check process
Determine the status of your Background Check.
Inactive or No Background Check: If you have not requested a background check in the past OR your background check has lapsed (consult with your COR to determine the status of your background check) you will need to request a background check, GO TO Step 2 below.
Active Background Check: If you have an active background check (consult with your COR to determine the status of your background check), GO to Complete your HARP account setup and request roles below.
Gather digital copies of the following information;
Enter your HARP credentials on the log-in screen. This will create your ICT user account and open the User Profile information.
In the User Details section of the ICT registration screen, enter the following information:
Category = Contractor
Type = Background Check Only
Identity Management Systems = HARP
Request Justification = Fulfill contractual duties (or consult with your COR to identify a response that is more relevant to your contractual requirements)
The Contractor Point of Contact (CTR POC), who is a representative from your company, will approve your application within ICT, which will:
Initiate the background investigation, and
Update your HARP account to reflect that you have initiated your background investigation.
Complete your HARP account setup and request roles
Enter your HARP credentials to log in and, if you have not already set up your MFA, select Manage Two-Factor Devices to set up additional MFA factors.
For security reasons, all HARP accounts are required to have multi-factor authentication (MFA). T
Once you have set up your multi-factor authentication, you can request roles as appropriate for your responsibilities.
For information on how to request roles in HARP, go to the HARP Role Request tab.
Scenario #6: I am a CCSQ support contractor. My contract has changed but my employer has not. I have an active HARP ID. I do not have but am required to obtain an active EUA ID.
All active CCSQ support contractors who have moved from one CCSQ contract to another and who have an active HARP ID and need to obtain an EUA ID should follow this process. All CCSQ support contractors are required to go through the background check process.
Confirm your HARP credentials are active
Using your existing HARP credentials, log into your HARP account:
Click User Profile in the upper right-hand corner.
Review your profile information to ensure it is still accurate.
If any of your profile information is inaccurate, click Edit to make updates and click Save when you are done.
Review your user roles by clicking User Roles in the upper right-hand corner. When you left your prior contract, all roles should have been removed, so you should NOT see any active roles.
LOG OUT of HARP. Do NOT request any roles in HARP until you have completed the background check request process below.
Create your EUA ID and initiate your background check
Gather digital copies of the following information;
Enter your HARP credentials on the log-in screen. This will create your ICT user account and open the User Profile information.
In the User Details section of the ICT registration screen, enter the following information:
Category = Contractor
Type = IT Dev & Support Contractors (or consult with your COR to identify a selection that is more relevant to your contractual requirements)
Identity Management Systems = HARP
Request Justification = Fulfill contractual duties (or consult with your COR to identify a response that is more relevant to your contractual requirements)
The Contractor Point of Contact (CTR POC), who is a representative from your company, will approve your application within ICT, which will:
Initiate the background investigation, and
Update your HARP account to reflect that you have initiated your background investigation.
Complete your HARP account setup and request roles
Enter your HARP credentials to log in and, if you have not already set up your MFA, select Manage Two-Factor Devices to set up additional MFA factors.
For security reasons, all HARP accounts are required to have multi-factor authentication (MFA). T
Once you have set up your multi-factor authentication, you can request roles as appropriate for your responsibilities.
For information on how to request roles in HARP, go to the HARP Role Request tab.
Scenario #7: I am a CCSQ support contractor. My contract has changed but my employer has not. I have and need active IDs in BOTH HARP and EUA.
All active CCSQ support contractors who have moved from one CCSQ contract to another and who have active HARP AND EUA IDs should follow this process. All CCSQ support contractors are required to go through the background check process.
Confirm your HARP credentials are active
Using your existing HARP credentials, log into your HARP account:
Click User Profile in the upper right-hand corner.
Review your profile information to ensure it is still accurate.
If any of your profile information is inaccurate, click Edit to make updates and click Save when you are done.
Review your user roles by clicking User Roles in the upper right-hand corner. When you left your prior contract, all roles should have been removed, so you should NOT see any active roles.
LOG OUT of HARP. Do NOT request any roles in HARP until you have completed the background check request process below.
Coordinate with your CMS COR to
Determine which of the following scenarios best reflects your status:
COR Directs you to Obtain a NEW EUA ID: If your COR directs you to request a new EUA ID, GO TO Create your EUA ID and initiate your background check below
COR Approves Using Existing EUA ID: If your COR advises you that you can use your existing EUA ID, GO TO Complete your HARP account setup and request roles below
Create your EUA ID and initiate your background check
Gather digital copies of the following information;
Enter your HARP credentials on the log-in screen. This will create your ICT user account and open the User Profile information.
In the User Details section of the ICT registration screen, enter the following information:
Category = Contractor
Type = IT Dev & Support Contractors (or consult with your COR to identify a selection that is more relevant to your contractual requirements)
Identity Management Systems = HARP
Request Justification = Fulfill contractual duties (or consult with your COR to identify a response that is more relevant to your contractual requirements)
The Contractor Point of Contact (CTR POC), who is a representative from your company, will approve your application within ICT, which will:
Initiate the background investigation, and
Update your HARP account to reflect that you have initiated your background investigation.
Complete your HARP account setup and request roles
Enter your HARP credentials to log in and, if you have not already set up your MFA, select Manage Two-Factor Devices to set up additional MFA factors.
For security reasons, all HARP accounts are required to have multi-factor authentication (MFA). T
Once you have set up your multi-factor authentication, you can request roles as appropriate for your responsibilities.
For information on how to request roles in HARP, go to the HARP Role Request tab.
Scenario #8: I am a CCSQ support contractor. My employer has changed. I have an active HARP ID. I do not have or need an active EUA ID.
All active CCSQ support contractors who have moved from one employer to another, regardless of whether their contract has changed, and who have an active HARP account should follow this process. All CCSQ support contractors are required to go through the background check process.
Confirm your HARP credentials are active
Using your existing HARP credentials, log into your HARP account:
If you find that your HARP credential is no longer active - STOP. Go back to the User Matrix above and follow the New/Returning CCSQ support contractor selection.
Click User Profile in the upper right-hand corner.
Review your profile information to ensure it is still accurate.
If any of your profile information is inaccurate, click Edit to make updates and click Save when you are done.
Review your user roles by clicking User Roles in the upper right-hand corner. When you left your prior contract, all roles should have been removed, so you should NOT see any active roles.
LOG OUT of HARP. Do NOT request any roles in HARP until you have completed the background check request process below.
Initiate your background check
Gather digital copies of the following information;
Enter your HARP credentials on the log-in screen. This will create your ICT user account and open the User Profile information.
In the User Details section of the ICT registration screen, enter the following information:
Category = Contractor
Type = Background Check Only
Identity Management Systems = HARP
Request Justification = Fulfill contractual duties (or consult with your COR to identify a response that is more relevant to your contractual requirements)
The Contractor Point of Contact (CTR POC), who is a representative from your company, will approve your application within ICT, which will:
Initiate the background investigation, and
Update your HARP account to reflect that you have initiated your background investigation.
Complete your HARP account setup and request roles
Enter your HARP credentials to log in and, if you have not already set up your MFA, select Manage Two-Factor Devices to set up additional MFA factors.
For security reasons, all HARP accounts are required to have multi-factor authentication (MFA). T
Once you have set up your multi-factor authentication, you can request roles as appropriate for your responsibilities.
For information on how to request roles in HARP, go to the HARP Role Request tab.
Scenario #9: I am a CCSQ support contractor. My employer has changed. I have an active HARP ID. EUA IDs are ALWAYS deactivated when a contractor changes employer. If you have changed employers and are required to have an EUA ID, you will have to request a new EUA ID.
All active CCSQ support contractors who have moved from one employer to another, regardless of whether their contract has changed, and who have an active HARP account and need to acquire an EUA account should follow this process. All CCSQ support contractors are required to go through the background check process.
Confirm your HARP credentials are active
Using your existing HARP credentials, log into your HARP account:
If you find that your HARP credential is no longer active - STOP. Go back to the User Matrix above and follow the New/Returning CCSQ support contractor selection.
Click User Profile in the upper right-hand corner.
Review your profile information to ensure it is still accurate.
If any of your profile information is inaccurate, click Edit to make updates and click Save when you are done.
Review your user roles by clicking User Roles in the upper right-hand corner. When you left your prior contract, all roles should have been removed, so you should NOT see any active roles.
LOG OUT of HARP. Do NOT request any roles in HARP until you have completed the background check request process below.
Create your EUA ID and initiate your background check
Gather digital copies of the following information;
Enter your HARP credentials on the log-in screen. This will create your ICT user account and open the User Profile information.
In the User Details section of the ICT registration screen, enter the following information:
Category = Contractor
Type = IT Dev & Support Contractors (or consult with your COR to identify a selection that is more relevant to your contractual requirements)
Identity Management Systems = HARP
Request Justification = Fulfill contractual duties (or consult with your COR to identify a response that is more relevant to your contractual requirements)
The Contractor Point of Contact (CTR POC), who is a representative from your company, will approve your application within ICT, which will:
Initiate the background investigation, and
Update your HARP account to reflect that you have initiated your background investigation.
Complete your HARP account setup and request roles
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