5/30/2019 | HCMS 1.0 | Initial release of H-CMS |
8/19/2019 | HCMS 1.1 | 2nd release of H-CMS |
9/25/2019 | QNP 2.0 | MVP Release of QNP 2.0 |
| QNP 2.0.1 | Searching with paranthesis; 404 error; Large payloads & content history; Admin UI login page in IE |
| QNP 2.0.2 | Update Q&A tool urls; Debug Listserve in prod; Remove published status from dropdown options |
11/05/2019 | QNP 2.1.0 | NGINX error logging; Edit/update file functionality; Large download files to indicate download status |
11/19/2019 | QNP 2.1.1 | Token refresh; Update navigation with 'RP' for HAC; Fix preview link in content associated pages |
12/04/2019 | QNP 2.1.2 | Allow preview of nonpublished page and nonpublished content; Show all pages a file lives on under Associated Pages |
12/20/2019 | QNP 2.1.3 | QNP admin caching function change; Payload issue |
1/14/2020 | QNP 2.1.4 | Deployed updated Q&A Tool urls; Multitenancy- Modify AWS lambda function; Scheduling-publish- design |
1/28/2020 | QNP 2.2.0 | Multitenancy- Database updates, creating data services, etc. |
2/12/2020 | QNP 2.2.1 | Remediate Sonar findings; Angular UI upgrade |
2/25/2020 | QNP 2.2.2 | Sonar and 508 defect remediation; Angular UI upgrade for Admin UI; Scheduling publish feature |
3/24/2020 | QNP 2.2.3 | Sonar Quality Metrics, 508 Defect Resolution, H-CMS program by ID/role; Archiving enhancement |
4/7/2020 | QNP 2.2.4 | Sonar Quality Metrics, 508 defects for admin UI, Defect resolution |
4/21/2020 | QNP 2.2.5 | 508 Defect Resolution for Admin UI. |
5/05/2020 | QNP 2.2.6 | Update calendar date picker to be 508 compliant in all browsers |
5/12/2020 | QNP | PROD 2 Cutover |
5/19/2020 | QNP 2.2.7 | Q&A Tool updates, Dashes defect, AMI Updates, Confirm pop up to publish button in QNP Admin UI |
| PI 11 Production Releases |
6/17/2020 | QNP 3.0.0 | QualityNet Mailer |
6/23/2020 | QNP 3.0.1 | QualityNet Mailer public UI was updated with new HSAG email address |
6/30/2020 | QNP 3.1.0 | QualityNet Mailer enhancements of the public subscription page |
7/2/2020 | QNP 3.1.1 | QualityNet Mailer enhancement so List Admin's email address is masked when sending notifications |
7/14/2020 | QNP 3.2.0 | List admin role enhancement (only able to view lists assigned to their program); List Admin role can accept or reject multiple Subscriber list requests for private lists simultaneously; Flag will be sent to remove sender email address from the To/From fields replacing with the notification list email address; 508 defect resolution for QualityNet Mailer public and Admin UI. |
7/28/2020 | QNP 3.3.0 | Sonar Quality Metrics updates. QualityNet Mailer validation messages. QualityNet Mailer template updates. QNP/QualityNet Mailer public search defect resolution. QualityNet Mailer Admin UI Search enhancement. |
8/11/2020 | QNP 3.4.0 | QNP Admin. UI Publish Defect resolution- resolved content size limitation issue. |
| PI 12 Production Releases |
8/27/2020 | QNP 3.4.1 | AMI upgrade. |
9/8/2020 | QNP 3.5.0 | 1) Resolve QNP and Mailer related defects: 2376, 2370, 2453 for Edit refresh, list member removal, and list indentation on public site. 2) Mailer List Migrations: perform list migrations to Prod throughout PI12.1 based on the Kanban board entries within the ESS Mailman (EM) Jira Board. 3) MongoDB and Postgres password updates. 4) Angular 9 upgrade: upgrade to Angular 9 and associated dependencies.
9/17/2020 | QNP 3.5.1 | List Migration/Onboarding: QNet Notify, QualityNet Analytics, and CART lists were added to Mailer. |
9/22/2020 | QNP 3.6.0 | Mailer usage metrics enhancement (displays successful send and bounce email metrics); implementation of Mailer exporting feature to allow subscribers to create a .csv file; addressed Okta login/timeout for Mailer; and addressed Mailer Admin UI timeout. |
10/1/2020 | QNP 3.6.1 | Configuration changes needed for the QualityNet Analytics list. |
10/6/2020 | QNP 3.7.0 | Added the ability for subscriber to engage in 2 way discussion activity for a discussion list; MongoDB and Postgres password updates; cleanup work performed on the CSS for QNP admin UI and HCMS; Burp Suite remediation. |
10/8/2020 | QNP 3.7.1 | Added the QIONet lists for QMARS, FIVS, and DAART to the Mailer and bulk updated the QualityNet Analytics List with an additional 988 Subscribers. |
10/20/2020 | QNP 3.8.0 | Test coverage: implemented test coverage services in ess-hcms-public-ui as part of quality metrics and improvement; Defect resolution with HCMS: implement fix for the session expiration token, which was not updating after confirming the extension; Defect resolution with QNP Admin Token: the token is not changing when the user is located on the Mailing List Details page; and Mailer: enhance the Mailer Admin UI with static text to clarify that UX may be impacted within the Admin UI when using IE. |
10/28/2020 | QNP 3.8.1 | Added the HCAHPS notification list to mailer which included the bulk uploading of 15, 501 subscribers.
11/3/2020 | QNP 3.9.0 | -Resolved multiple 508 accessibility findings. -Set up New Relic alerts for hcms-data & hcms-content-type API. -Added units test for 80-100% code coverage for MailingListsService. -Added units test for 80-100% code coverage for ContentDashboardService & ContentService. -Mailer Timezone resolution: to display date, AM/PM, specific to timezone of logged in user within the Mailer Admin UI. |
11/15/2020 | QNP 3.9.1 | Completed migration of all 10 HSAG (9 notification and 1 discussion) lists from Lyris to QualityNet Mailer. |
| PI 13 Production Releases |
11/17/2020 | QNP 4.0.0 | -Migration of .org to .gov for QNP and HCMS Production environment -AMI upgrades |
11/25/2020 | QNP 4.0.1 | Updates for Acute Hospitals Care at Home. |
12/01/2020 | QNP 4.1.0 | AMI upgrades MongoDB and Postgres password updates. |
12/09/2020 | QNP 4.1.1 | Updates for for AHCAH : -Waiver Request Submission form failure message update -Waiver request text updates -Tier 2 "none" selection fix. |
12/15/2020 | QNP 4.2.0 | -Revise QSP link on QNP homepage to redirect to Confluence page -Update QNP footer from Qualitynet.org -AMI upgrades |
12/30/2020 | QNP 4.3.0 | AHCAH functionality for measures collections, submission, and reporting; AMI upgrades |
1/12/2021 | QNP 4.4.0 | -AHCAH Addition of 'Attesting Title' field to capture the job title of the person doing the attesting. - Addition of a new help language at beginning of report measures page - Further, if your hospital/CCN did not discharge any patients this reporting period, please enter "0" when asked about volume and skip question #5. -Fix typo in Validation Error message for missing MBI data. -Fix Exim communication with Core -Update public QNP navigation to point to the new Getting Started content, so that it is up to date with recent changes. |
1/26/2021 | QNP 4.5.0 | -AHCAH – on the Waiver and Measures pages, the forms have been updated so that they retain user entry before submission. -AHCAH – we updated and improved the system error message responses when users enter name, email, number validations that are not correct. -AHCAH – on the Jira side, there is a new Hospital status that can be set called “IJ Review”. While this status should appear to Jira users, the AHCAH page visible to the Hospitals on QNP will still retain a status = “In Progress” even if “IJ Review” status is set in Jira. -Changed subject line on emails to distinguish Tier 1 and Tier 2 for Outlook rule. -The "AHCAH Waiver Approval Date" field will provide quick at-a-glance data on when a Waiver was approved. -QualityNet Mailer – Updated help text on the public QNP Mailer page, so subscribers have more visible instructions to whitelist the domain if not receiving emails. -MongoDB and Postgres password updates for 60 day compliance. -QNP Mongo DB Upgrade to version 4.4. -AMI upgrade. |
| PI 14 Production Releases |
| QNP 4.6.0 | -AHCAH – Added filter question to the AHCAH reporting measures form, so that the UI is simplified for submitters with 0 discharges. -Mailer – resolved issue with List Administrators unable to search members with upper case letter in search criteria -Mailer – implemented content updates to the automated QualityNet Mailer templates for improved user experience (e.g. added information about whitelisting mailer domains, improved directions for confirming email address when subscribing). -Standard bi-weekly AMI upgrade |
2/19/2021 | QNP 4.6.1 | Used to bring up all six nginx containers |
2/23/2021 | QNP 4.7.0 | -AHCAH – “Other” Title value is not retaining after page refresh on Waiver -AHCAH – Question 5 File info is not retaining after page refresh on Measures -AHCAH – reCAPTCHA and validation error messages not clearing after Measure Submission scenario -Mailer – implemented content updates to the automated QualityNet Mailer templates for improved user experience along with Help Desk email address -Mailer – updated Prod Mailer lists email address "From" name to display a shortened list descriptor name instead of the elongated description -Bi-weekly AMI upgrade (note: due to some issues with AWS moving slowly, we manually brought up Mailman core; we still need to apply AMI updates for Mailman, which will be completed Wed evening) |
3/10/2021 | QNP 4.8.0 | -Mailer – modify language to provide more specific language/content for clarity on the “disabled due to email bounces” Mailer template -Mailer (QNP) – Update Language on listserv-success page when user signs up for a list to reiterate instructions for whitelisting the Mailer demo to better ensure receipt of the Mailer notifications for that list -508 resolution stories -Added test coverage for MailMan Lists in ess-hcms-public-ui (Sonar Quality Gate metric coverage improvement) -Bi-weekly AMI upgrade |
3/23/2021 | QNP 4.9.0 | -AHCAH - update text for Reports Measures Question 1 from "Has your hospital/CCN discharged any patients this reporting period?" to "Has your hospital/CCN discharged any patients under the AHCAH waiver this reporting period?“ -Mailer - upgraded Mailman from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 – this removes the alpha/numeric token/characters from the welcome email subject line to provide a more user-friendly experience with subject lines. -Mailer – enable List Admin with the option to make a member a poster to the list. -Consolidated HCMS Admin UI into QNP Admin UI, so that there is only one codebase and login page to maintain. -508 resolution stories -MongoDB and Postgres password updates -Bi-weekly AMI upgrade |
4/6/21 | QNP 4.10.0 | -AHCAH – corrected the format for the Reporting Measure Period Submission Date when viewing the information within IE -Mailer – implemented DKIM/keypair changes to support whitelisting changes -Mailer – preparatory database stories for list categorization -QNP specific maintenance/updates: - QNP - AMI Upgrade (biweekly standard update)
- Remove docker volume from efs mount script
- Gateway/F5: Update the urls on Angular config in public-ui.
- Gateway/F5: Removal of QNP-APIGateway and use the F5 load balancer URL
- Add logging-framework artifact to package.json
- Remove pipeline for the HCMS Admin UI
- HARP SSO updates: Update Route guard, Interceptor, logout to use Javascript SDK
- Content Types & Content Manager API: "successfully" misspelling**
- Update nginx resolvers (DevOps/Ventech identified that the resolver IPs in Nginx need to be updated for HARP and QNP to resolve intermittent network api issues originating on March 29)
4/20/21 | QNP 4.11.0 | -AHCAH: add phone extension field; ESSTRANF-2782 add a field for submitters to confirm email address -QNP Admin UI: (note - this update was applied by CMS OIT in Prod on 4/16) - Request to extend QNP OKTA token duration to 30 minutes – Extends the Admin UI Login duration from 15 to 30 mins.
-Mailer: implementation of the new QNP public UI category display for all Mailer lists; list categorization will better present the lists and enable potential Subscribers to more easily navigate list selections. - Mailer Tags - Mailman Admin API
- Mailer - UI changes for category display
- Mailer - Mailman Public api story
-QNP DevOps/Maintenance: - Add retention policy to ess-qnp-content-access S3 buckets
- Refactor userdata and efs scripts for HCSM/QNP
- Implement Program Origin field validations in API level like we have in UI
- QNP - AMI Upgrade (R4.11.0) – standard bi-weekly update
| PI 15 Production Releases |
5/4/21 | QNP 4.12.0 | - Create QNP Banner: the banner will run on the QNP Public page (this will be initially used to recommend using supported browsers Chrome, FireFox, and Edge as opposed to IE).
- Update pagination logic to consume API's on QNP screens and API: Add pagination to QNP endpoints: updated logic to improve QNP Admin pagination.
- Upgrade Node Packages: standard I&P DevOps maintenance update
- QNP - AMI Upgrade (R4.12.0): standard bi-weekly upgrade.
5/18/21 | QNP 4.13.0 | -QNP: - HARP Single Sign-on (SSO) integration with QNP Admin: QNP Admin UI (for Content Management and Mailer Admin UI) is now integrated with HARP SSO.
- Spike: "Recently Edited" page not loading
-AHCAH: - AHCAH – Web Application Firewall (WAF) blocking error message: QNP now provides a custom error (with code) that displays in the UI when user encounters WAF blocking mode error, so the user can provide error directly to Service Center for immediate unblocking.
-Mailer: - Resolved the “ordering” display of QNP Admin pending requests on the Subscription tab for Email confirmation and Held message records.
-QNP DevOps/Maintenance: - Spike: Resolve/apply monitoring for Latency Issues in QNP Public Prod
- ajv upgrade
- Merge New Relic PRs and test NewRelic integration
- Mailer - Bounce queue cleanup (PI15.1)
- MongoDB and Postgres password updates (PI15.1, 5/18/2021 Release)
- QNP - AMI Upgrade (R4.13.0): standard bi-weekly upgrade.
5/19/21 | QNP 4.13.1 | Corrected sorting order display. Verified the sorting order is now displaying in correct order for content types and verified previous Mailer Pending request page sorting order as well. |
6/3/21 | QNP 4.14.0 | QualityNet Mailer: - Pagination updates: modified QNP Admin UI to display results in Paginated format for Held Messages tab, Email Confirmation tab, Subscription tab, and bounced email results
- Members tab: revised terminology to display “Admin” instead of “Owner”
- Pending requests page: added the List name to the page, which hyperlinks to the List details
- Created summary "one sheet" that efficiently describes the List Admin enhancements implemented for this current release (we designed this as a reusable marketing template for continued use each Release)
- Updated List Admin User to reflect the latest changes; posted to Mailer Public Confluence page
- Created detailed Bounce FAQ documentation; posted to Mailer Public Confluence page
DevOps and Technical improvements (non-UI):
- Mailer: Change CloudFormation template to merge mailman services – improves Mailer performance and removed duplication challenges we were experiencing on our side
- Mailer: Splunk Integration with Mailman and Exim Logs – improves Mailer error diagnosis and tracing
- QNP - AMI Upgrade (R4.14.0) – standard bi-weekly AMI upgrade
6/15/2021 | 4.15.0 | - QNP Admin UI (authenticated login site) updated with newly designed format and branding to reflect a QNP workspace for QNP Content Management and Mailer Admin management. Users will notice the new logo/branding and color schema; all existing functionality and user interactive experience remains the same.
- Corrected the following defect within History tab: for lists with 20 or more pages of bounce emails, the pagination display was running off of the popup modal.
- Corrected the missing validation error for Add Member page on QNP Mailer Admin for the HARP ID field.
- Corrected the following defect: when adding Owner to Lists, the List would disappear from view within the Manage Lists page
- Performed Angular Upgrade to Angular 12.
- Completion of Bi-weekly AMI upgrade.
- Implemented QNP public/admin application latency improvement – in some cases, pages were randomly taking up to 5 seconds to load, the improvement reduced to 2 seconds or less.
6/29/2021 | 4.16.0 | QNP: - QNP Admin UI (authenticated login site) resolved left side navigation loading style with the new rebranding/graphical display
- Resolved issue when user clicks on refresh in view Content History page and the header info had been disappearing
- Resolved issue for Archive button displaying in the create content section
- Added pagination to QNP News and Search Page to improve user experience and navigation
QNP DevOps/Maintenance: - (QualityNet Mailer) Resolution to reoccurring Exim error (Mailer maintenance): Exim was intermittently failing to open the configuration file from EFS, which blocked mail from being sent. The solution was to load a generalized configuration file in the docker image and put environment specific data in environment variables
- (QualityNet Mailer) Resolved issue with the Loading spinner background (“Loading…Please Wait” function) not covering the entire screen
- Completed Bi-weekly AMI upgrade
7/13/2021 | 4.17.0 | QNP/Mailer: - Update public data api query for news articles; query checks the draft/publish status of the News Articles on the QNP site to ensure proper publication
- (QualityNet Mailer) Resolved visual display for large email body presenting outside of the pop up modal
QNP DevOps/Maintenance & Security: - Completed Bi-weekly AMI upgrade
- Implemented 60-day MongoDB and Postgres password updates
- Resolved Burpe Suite findings for: External service interaction (SMTP), Cross-site scripting (stored), and Input returned in response (stored)
- Verification of HCQIS AWS AMI Update Notice: AWS CLI to VERSION 2.X in SBX, TEST and IMPL
| PI 16 Production Releases |
7/27/2021 | 4.18.0 | QNP/Mailer: - Created new page and updated text to reflect summary/overview for the rebranding of QNP Admin UI to the QualityNet Workspace
QNP DevOps/Maintenance & Security: - Nodejs OSS upgrades for PI-16
- QNP - AMI Upgrade - R4.18.0
8/10/2021 | 4.19.0 | QNP DevOps/Maintenance & Security: - QNP - AMI Upgrade (R4.19.0): standard bi-weekly upgrade
- Add unit test coverage for LayoutComponent (Admin UI): supports Sonar Quality Metric refinements for quality gate metrics
- Mailer - implement vertical scaling changes: autoscaling will be turned off in order to reduce likelihood of duplicated Mailer email messages (based on performance testing and config in lower environment testing performed with HEIST).
8/24/2021 | 4.20.0 | QNP DevOps/Maintenance & Security: - Remediate High Finding from 2021 QNET SCA for QNP Public Mailer Name field
- QNP - AMI Upgrade (R4.20.0): standard bi-weekly upgrade
- Add test coverage for Content creation and update - ess-hcms-public-ui: supports Sonar Quality Metric refinements for quality gate metrics
9/7/2021 | 4.21.0 | QualityNet Workspace - Re-instated token function that enables user to extend their authenticated session via the modal/popup (implementing the HARP SSO had originally removed this previous function)
QNP DevOps/Maintenance & Security: - QNP - AMI Upgrade (R4.210): standard bi-weekly upgrade
- MongoDB and Postgres password updates (PI16.3, 9/7 Release)
- Add test coverage for content history - ess-hcms-public-ui (supports Sonar Quality Metric refinements for quality gate metrics)
- Add test coverage for Content Dashboard - ess-hcms-public-ui (supports Sonar Quality Metric refinements for quality gate metrics)
9/15/2021 | 5.0.0 | QNP Release 5.0.0 (PRS 2.0 MVP Release) PRS 2.0 Pilot Group users only The PRS 2.0 Pilot Group will have the opportunity to access and provide feedback of PRS 2.0 before its full release. |
9/21/2021 | 5.1.0 | QualityNet Workspace - Resolved minor token extension defect for extend session process
PRS 2.0 - Implemented minor UI updates for better flow/usability
- Resolved 508 accessibility finding for HSP search results
QNP DevOps/Maintenance & Security: - QNP - AMI Upgrade (R 5.1.0): standard bi-weekly upgrade
- Add test coverage for content history - ess-hcms-public-ui (supports Sonar Quality Metric refinements for quality gate metrics)
10/05/2021 | 5.2.0 | PRS 2.0 Resolved PROD_Address 2, Address 3 to display in contact info Resolved Prod_ Email address to display contact information Resolved empty PROD_ Settings, Secondary settings, Provider types, HSP category's drop downs values Enhanced Contact Information display Added fax number to details page Resolved Sort results sorting per page (UI) Resolved Sort results sorting per page (API) Resolved Low contrast issue on Search results page Resolved Search Not working when Name is longer than 40 Char Resolved Leading and Trailing spaces error messages should be added in HSP search page Updated the filter pills
QNP Public: Removed "Log into Secure Portal" button from QNP
QNP Mailer: Clear Cache on Exim to improve message sending speed
QNP DevOps/Maintenance & Security: SC-28 Turn ON encryption on impl-psql-mailman/prod2-psql-mailman QNP - AMI Upgrade (R5.2.0) |
10/19/2021 | 5.3.0 | PRS 2.0: - Add more visual distinction for collapsible card headers
- Type of Ownership is N/A in UI when API is giving results.
- Add inline tooltip definitions to HSP Details
- Update QualityNet Workspace About content with PRS
- PRS_Refresh issues
QualityNet Mailer: - Mailman - Reduce amount of Mailer Logging
DevSecOps and Maintenance: - Node JS Upgrades for PI17
- QNP - AMI Upgrade (R5.3.0)
| PI 17 Production Releases |
11/2/2021 | 5.4.0 | QualityNet Workspace:
Separation of services for QNP/Mailer/PRS (Segregate UIs, Repos, Nginx) PRS 2.0:
UI Load HSP Details and Contact Information separately Add data flow frequency info to data dictionary Update HSP details and data dictionary based on reference table verification Update Setting search results column to display full value QualityNet Mailer:
Clear Mailer Cache on deployment (5.4.0 Release) DevSecOps and Maintenance:
QNP - AMI Upgrade (R5.4.0) |
11/16/2021 | 5.5.0 | QualityNet Workspace:
Sort symbol(^) is missing on PRS Search results User is unable to open new tab from side nav links and 'Qualitynet workspace' PRS 2.0:
System is displaying unable to search error message(400) when user click on Reset button PRS section is removed in About page. Refactor HSP field values Sort HSP Contact Information by Contact Type Retain search criteria on search page API and UI Search string with special characters DevSecOps and Maintenance:
MongoDB and Postgres password updates (PI17.2, 11/16 Release) QNP - AMI Upgrade (R5.5.0) Encrypt EFS |
12/01/2021 | 5.6.0 | QualityNet Workspace:
Mailman: Update the support email on the list settings tab Update list admin UI to use Bootstrap instead of CMS design system PRS 2.0:
Display full MOA status in search results Add horizontal scroll to search results table In HSP details page, Type of Hospital is N/A in UI when API returned value Add locator IDs to HSP Contact Information Add more columns to Modify Columns Resolve Token extension for PRS General user and Mailer list admin user Added "Affected by..." fields to HSP details DevSecOps and Maintenance:
QNP - AMI Upgrade (R5.6.0) Clear Mailer Cache on deployment (5.6.0 Release) Compliance finding - Ensure the SELinux mode is enforcing - getenforce |
12/14/2021 | 5.7.0 | QualityNet Workspace: Page not found page is displayed, when user right after login before Manage list page is displayed. Update HCMS Admin to use Bootstrap instead of CMS design system Update HCMS to use Bootstrap instead of CMS design system PRS 2.0 By default, HSP search results are now sorted by Name in alphabetical order. Resolved defect – Hitting the reset button no longer displays the previous search value. DevSecOps and Maintenance: QNP - AMI Upgrade (R5.7.0) |
01/11/2022 | 5.8.0 | Bi-weekly AMI upgrades, PRS 2.0 Elastic Search implementation, QualityNet Workspace maintenance related items. |
01/25/2022 | 6.1.0 | AMI upgrade, log4j 2.17.1 version upgrade for QA scripts, AV scan SCA finding remediation, OSS upgrades. |
| PI 18 Production Releases |
02/08/2022 | 6.2.0 | AMI upgrades, AV Scan remediation (SCA finding), resolve Mailer UI display defect on FireFox, Beneficiary Module updates, PECOS data migration. |
02/22/2022 | 6.3.0 | HSP enhancement updates, Beneficiary Module updates, AHCAH error code update, DevSecops Maintenance, SCA finding, and AMI upgrades. |
03/08/2022 | 6.4.0 | HSP enhancement updates, Beneficiary Module updates, Angular upgrade, AMI upgrades. |
03/22/2022 | 6.5.0 | Beneficiary Module updates, AMI upgrades. |
04/06/2022 | 6.6.0 | HSP enhancement updates, Beneficiary Module updates, AMI upgrades. |
| PI 19 Production Releases |
04/21/2022 | 6.7.0 | HSP enhancement updates, Beneficiary Module updates, AMI upgrades. |
05/03/2022 | 6.8.0 | HSP enhancement updates, Beneficiary Module updates, AMI upgrades. |
05/17/2022 | 6.9.0 | HSP enhancement updates, Beneficiary Module updates, AMI upgrades. |
06/01/2022 | 6.10.0 | HSP enhancement updates, Beneficiary Module updates, AMI upgrades. |
06/15/2022 | 6.11.0 | HSP enhancement updates, Beneficiary Module updates, AMI upgrades. |
06/28/2022 | 6.12.0 | HSP enhancement updates, Beneficiary Module updates, AMI upgrades. |
| PI 20 Production Releases |
07/12/0222 | 6.13.0 | HSP enhancement updates, Beneficiary Module updates, AMI upgrades. |
07/26/2022 | 6.14.0 | PRS 2.0 Enhancements, QualityNet Workspace updates including AMI upgrades. |
08/09/2022 | 6.15.0 | PRS 2.0 Enhancements, QualityNet Workspace updates including AMI upgrades. |
08/23/2022 | 6.16.0 | PRS 2.0 Enhancements, QualityNet Workspace updates including AMI upgrades. |
09/15/2022 | 6.17.0 | QualityNet Portal (QNP) and all associated systems – QNP Admin, QualityNet Mailer Admin, and PRS 2.0 – will undergo scheduled environment maintenance on Thursday, 9/15 beginning 8pm ET for approximately 3 hrs. During this time, the systems noted will not be accessible and are expected to be available once again at approximately 11pm ET. |
09/20/2022 | 6.18.0 | PRS 2.0 Enhancements, QualityNet Workspace updates including AMI upgrades. |
| PI 21 Production Release |
10/04/2022 | 6.19.0 | PRS 2.0 Enhancements, QualityNet Workspace updates including AMI upgrades. |
10/18/2022 | 6.20.0 | PRS 2.0 Enhancements, QualityNet Workspace updates including AMI upgrades. |
11/01/2022 | 6.21.0 | PRS 2.0 Enhancements, QualityNet Workspace updates including AMI upgrades. |
11/15/2022 | 6.22.0 | PRS 2.0 Enhancements, QualityNet Workspace updates including AMI upgrades. |
11/29/2022 | 6.24.0 | PRS 2.0 Enhancements, QualityNet Workspace updates including PRS AMI upgrades. |
12/13/2022 | 6.25.0 | PRS 2.0 Enhancements, QualityNet Workspace updates including PRS AMI upgrades. |
12/19/2022 | 6.26.0 | PRS 2.0 Enhancements, QualityNet Workspace updates including PRS AMI upgrades. |
| PI 22 Production Release |
01/10/2023 | 6.27.1 | HSP Edits wider Production release, including modifications from UAT prioritized findings. |
01/24/2023 | 6.28.0 | E2E Encryption updates, PRS 2.0 updates. |
02/07/2023 | 6.29.0 | PRS 2.0 API work completed/exposed to ADOs for consumption. |
02/23/2023 | 6.30.0 | End to End Encryption, PRS 2.0 updates, HCMS Onboarding updates for EQRS. |
03/28/2023 | 6.32.0 | PRS 2.0 Enhancements |
| PI 23 Production Release |
04/11/2023 |
| Security Maintenance |
04/26/2023 | QNP Release 6.34.0 | HSP module: - Addition of “Affected by REH” flag on HSP details; users are also able to search by Affected by REH fields as well.
05/09/2023 | QNP Release 6.35.0 | OSS Upgrades, EQRS HCMS, AHCAH PHE |
05/12/2023 | QNP Release 6.35.1 | AHCAH PHE static text update |
05/26/2023 | 6.35.2 |
06/06/2023 | 6.35.3 | (maintenance release) |
06/20/2023 | 6.35.4 | (maintenance release) |
07/03/2023 | 6.35.6 | (maintenance release) |
07/18/2023 | 6.35.7 | (AMI upgrade) |
07/27/203 | 6.36.0 | HSP expanded edits |
08/01/2023 | 6.36.1 | (maintenance release) |
08/08/2023 | QNP Release 6.36.2 | HSP Expanded Edits enhancements, fixes. |
08/15/2023 | QNP Release 6.36.3 | AHCAH static text change, EQRS HCMS end point, AMI upgrade. |
08/29/2023 | QNP 6.36.4 | AMI upgrade, misc Mailer update |