QualityNet Jira and QualityNet Confluence will be briefly unavailable on Monday, December 23, 2024, between 8:00 PM ET and 10:00 PM ET while the team performs an AMI update.  If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us in Slack at #help-atlassian.

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Need Help?

Don't have a ServiceNow Account?  No problem.  You can get the support you need through CCSQ Support Central!

CCSQ Support Central: Provides customers with multilevel support.  Through CCSQ Support Central you can create new tickets that directly submit to the CCSQ Service Center and track the status of existing tickets. It also provides access to services and information for:

  • Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR)
  • Quality Payment Program (QPP)
  • Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES)
  • End Stage Renal Disease Quality Reporting (EQRS)
  • Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS).
  • QualityNet Support Center

Already have a ServiceNow Account? You can also use the platforms below to get the help you need!

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ServiceNow Service Portal: Intended only for CMS employees and vender partners. The portal provides self-service options for internal customers to report Security Incidents, submit Service Requests for tools or services offered to the internal QualityNet community, report an Incident, provide Approvals, or access internal Knowledge Base articles. The portal enables internal customers to track the status of tickets and requires a login. https://cmsqualitysupport.servicenowservices.com/sp_ess

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QualityNet Slack: You can send questions/issues to our Slack channels #help-servicenow

QualityNet Sites

QNP website: QualityNet

QNP Content Submission: QNP Submission

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