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Unified File Management ("UFM") and GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer (MFT)  refers to a software or a service that manages the secure transfer of data from one computer to another through a network (e.g., the Internet). UFM/MFT is single system that automates and secures file transfers using a centralized enterprise-level approach.  UFM/MFT is a comprehensive solution that will manage file transfer, file sharing, secure FTP, and automation needs through a single interface. 

UFM/MFT provides the ability to transfer files securely to another user. Users must be registered in HARP. HARP stands for HCQIS Access Roles and Profile and is a secure identity management portal provided by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Once you are registered in HARP and have an MFT Web User role approved you can send and receive files.  Recipients of PHI / PII must be onboarded to UFM and senders may not utilize non-registered user option when sending PHI / PII.  In addition, elevated permissions can be granted as Administrators to perform development work or request designation as a Security Official.

IMPORTANT: UFM/MFT is not a file archiving tool, nor is it intended to be used this way.

For more information about HARP and how to registered, please refer to the HARP Confluence page.

For questions related to UFM please contact the help-ufm Slack channel.

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titleGetting Started

Prerequisites to getting access to UFM

Before requesting any role you must have a HARP account and your organization has onboarded with HARP. If you currently have an EIDM or EUA account, then you can go to HARP page and Login using EIDM/EUA credentials. Otherwise, if you do not have an EIDM or EUA account, theyou need to request a HARP ID. If you already have a HARP ID, there is no need to create a new one.

Recipients of PHI / PII must be onboarded to UFM and senders may not utilize the non-registered user option when sending PHI / PII.


Step 1: Designate Security Official (SO) for Organization

Each organization designates a Security Official. This role will allow that individual to approve Web User role requests within their organization.

Step 2: Register for a HARP account

If you currently have an EIDM or EUA account then go to HARP page and Login using EIDM/EUA credentials

If you do not have an EIDM or EUA account then Get HARP ID. For instructions on obtaining a HARP ID, visit the How to get a HARP ID Help Page.

If you already have a HARP ID, there is no need to create a new one.

Step 3: Request Role

 Once your HARP account has been created, log into HARP and request a User Role:

    • Select the “Unified File Management” Program

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Visit the How to get a HARP ID Help Page to view a helpful video on requesting user roles.

Step 4: Access UFM/MFT

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titleUFM/MFT work request process guide

See below for instances where a Service Request might be submitted.

  • If the Administrative User Role desire customized onboarding.
    • Out of the box, the main function of UFM/MFT is to provide person to person secure file transfers. It is assumed that all organizations require, at least, standard UFM/MFT Web User access. Please review the End User Guide. After reviewing the End User Guide documentation, do you believe your organization(s) users require more UFM/MFT capabilities than a standard Web User role provides (Person to Person Secure File Transfer)?

To submit a request to the File Management team, go to, and click on the File Management Request link on the page to get started.

On the File Management Request link page, fill out the form completely with the title, summary and acceptance criteria or goals of the request, as well as a need by date. If you know who your Product Owner is, you can provide that information as well; this is optional. Once you complete the requested information on the form, click on the “Create” button.

Once you click on the “Create” button, a JIRA ticket will be automatically created, and you will receive an email with the JIRA number as well as a link to view the status of your ticket at any time. The File Management team will follow up if there are additional questions. Please note: all requests are prioritized by the File Management CMS Product Owner.

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User Definitions

UFM has two types of users, standard MFT Web users and Custom MFT Web Users and Administrators

  1. Standard MFT Web UsersUnified File Management (UFM) Web User  - This primary group is defined as having the ability to send and receive files securely with others. Every HARP user can get this type of access.
    • Action requested: To get access, each organization must first designate a Security Official. This role will allow that individual to approve Web User role requests within their organization.
    • Once onboarded the designated SO receives a welcome letter via email.
    • Organizations that have contractors under them (i.e., hospitals, facilities, etc.) would follow the same model by designating a Security Official (SO) for their organization that would then be approved by the parent SO (i.e., EQRS, CDAC, etc.). These entities would also appear on the selection list and would be handled the same way as a known organizations would be.
  2. Custom MFT Web Users, Administrators, Security Officials Unified File Management (UFM)- This group of users are organizations that require custom onboarding and work flows.
    • Full engagement onboarding process including kick-off through an request intake form.
    • Organization to discuss responsibility level (ESS or organization performing the work).
    • Any organization that wants more than the initial MVP release falls under this category.

Links to Resources for MFT

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titleWhat is UFM/GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer (MFT)?

Unified File Management ("UFM") and GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer (MFT) refers to a software or a service that manages the secure transfer of data from one computer to another through a network (e.g., the Internet). UFM/MFT is single system that automates and secures file transfers using a centralized enterprise-level approach.  UFM/MFT is a comprehensive solution that will manage file transfer, file sharing, secure FTP, and automation needs through a single interface. Recipients of PHI / PII must be onboarded to MFT and senders may not utilize non-registered user option when sending PHI / PII.

titleWho are the users of UFM/MFT?

Internal users; i.e., the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and CMS Contractors, can exchange messages and files with internal users and also external users such as providers and vendors.

titleWhat is the UFM/MFT Web User Role?

The UFM/MFT web user is the end user; this person will have the ability to complete person to person secure file transfers. All UFM/MFT users MUST have an CMS Okta account and On-Board to the CMS HARP application and be granted access by their Security Official to access UFM/MFT. UFM/MFT users log into the MFT Web Console to access the secure transfer functions (i.e. Secure Mail, Forms, local Files).  Recipients of PHI / PII must be onboarded to MFT and senders may not utilize non-registered user option when sending PHI / PII.

titleWhat is the UFM/MFT Security Official Role?

The Security Official (SO) is a person that is designated by a line of business (LoB) or other CMS contractor who has the authority to approve requests for managed file transfer access made by users within that particular line of business or contract. 

titleHow do I access UFM/MFT?

UFM/MFT will be accessible with your HARP login credentials 

Log into:

titleWhat functionality is not supported in UFM/MFT?

The following capabilities are not supported in UFM/MFT:

  • File versioning

  • File locking

  • Marking files as favorites

  • Drive letter (Desktop App)

titleHow long will my files in UFM be stored for?

The UFM team will follow CMS retention policy.  IMPORTANT: UFM is not a file archiving tool, nor is it intended to be used this way.

titleAre videos available to help with onboarding?
  1. Getting my HARP ID HARP Help Page
  2. HARP User Profile HARP Help Page
  3. HARP Security official Role video HARP Help Page
  4. HARP User Roles HARP Help Page
titleAre videos available to help with onboarding?

MFT End User Guide - MFTEndUserGuide_04302021.docx

titleAre videos available to help with onboarding?

If you have a file in excess of 2 GB, you must use either Firefox or Chrome, which have been identified as having a threshold of about 40 GB. Microsoft Edge have thresholds of 2 GB and under and files attempted to be transferred through these browsers in excess of 2 GB will not be processed.  There are no known constraints on the number of attachments but the total cumulative size of the files applies as referenced above.

titleHow can I be added to the UFM/MFT Email distribution list to receive updates, release, and Maintenance notices?

Users can request to be added to Unified File Management (UFM) Notify list at to receive UFM/MFT release and maintenance information. Choose 'Subscribe to Email Updates' / choose 'Private Lists' / Enter User Information / then check ‘Unified File Management (UFM) Notification’ / and click 'Submit'.

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titleRelease Notes


Need Help? 

There are several avenues of support available to you:

  • ServiceNow Service Portal: Intended only for CMS employees and contractors. The portal provides self-service options for the following:
    • Reporting Incidents, such as Security Incidents
    • Submitting Service Requests for tools or services offered to the QualityNet community
    • Providing Approvals
    • Accessing internal Knowledge Base articles. 
  • Service Center: For technical assistance with any account related issues, please contact the Service Center at:

Notification Listserv

To receive notifications with news, release and maintenance information, sign up for the MFT ListServ. Users can be request to be added to our subscriber list by clicking on the link and following the instructions below:

ListServ Sign-up

  1. On the page select the Private Lists tab
  2. Enter Your Information
  3. Select the checkbox next to Unified File Management (UFM) Notifications.
  4. Click Submit

To unsubscribe from this list please send ‘unsubscribe’ to