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What is a Diary Study?

Know your user. In a diary study, participants keep order to develop products that will assist your users, you have to know who they are , how they act and what their goals are. A Diary Study, also known as, a longitudinal study is a log of thoughts and experiences either about a product, a process, or some sort of activity in their real-world environment. It’s a record of their behavior that researchers later parse and analyze to better understand the quality of the user’s experience. It comes with a fun term that describes its timeline: longitudinal! This means over a period of time, usually from a few days up to a few weeks.

Diary studies get into the nitty gritty of what motivates us to take certain actions, why we engage in certain behaviors, and our attitudes about things. You get to see habits and patterns as they’re exposed over time. And they’re great at answering those “why” questions about user behavior.

Diary studies are unique from other research methods in that they’re a relatively hands-off and economical way to gather loads of useful qualitative data (and sometimes quantitative data, too).


Diary studies are best applied in cases when you’re looking for an affordable way to observe user behavior in a natural real-life environment as users are living through their experiences. They’re great for gathering data over time as opposed to one-instance-only type studies, like observing users in a lab on a single visit. They’re also appropriate when you’re looking to generate new qualitative and quantitative insights in the earliest stages of the development cycle.


Conducting diary studies

activities and behaviors over an extended period of time that provides you with an multi-level understanding of the user. It normally takes place following a Contextual Inquiry or In-Depth Interview and can last anywhere from 1 week to 2 months. It can take the format of a standard diary where the user records the information via text or it can be more creative where the user  takes pictures to represent their entries in the diary.

Why Conduct a Diary Study?

Diaries are the revealers of secrets. People often forget or ignore the daily actions that to a researcher is a gold mind of information. By asking the user to provide the log over an extended period of time and specifically through imagery, you are able to observe the habits and behaviors. The log provides a complete picture of the user’s interaction with the product and the environmental influences present. It also provides a more comprehensive view of the user’s goals which supplies you with the information to develop features that will enhance the user experience or tool.

How to Conduct a Diary Study?

The Diary Study can use a variety of mediums: text, photos, video, audio, etc. Feel free to be creative.  Whichever way you decide to implement, there are  four main steps to conducting a successful diary study.

  1. Recruit Users
    1. A unique way to recruit users is to use your list of participants in the Contextual Inquiry.
    2. Review the list and select 4-6 of the more talkative, engaged participant
  2. Brief Participants on the Activity
    1. Inform the participants of what the overarching objective is.
    2. Provide the user with prompts and/or tasks for the activity
    3. Provide the user with the parameters of the activity. Timeframe, frequency, type of entries, etc
  3. Monitor the Usage
    1. Check in with the users every couple of days to ensure that they are still on track in their understanding of the tasks. It also keeps your request in the forefront of their mind
  4. Analyze  Your Findings
    1. At the end of the timeframe conduct a wrap-up session to discuss the experience. This can be conducted  individually or as a group activity.

 Actually conducting a diary study has five main phases: planning, onboarding, monitoring, debriefing, and analysis. It’s important to put roughly equal energy and effort into all five phases to get useful and usable results.





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