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HCD CoP Sponsor: Valles-McCullough, Ginny

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nameHCD CoP August Meeting_2018UX info-sharing June 27 mtg_062718_FINAL2 (1).pdf


  • Introductions
  • Meeting objectives
  • Storing your user research on Confluence – What, Where &  When
  • Paperwork Reduction Act – Strategies
  • UX Team updates – brief status/info sharing from attendees
  • Open discussion
  • July Meeting date & time
  • Conclusion

Discussion items

PM3 HCD Team's New MemberIntroduction of Lilian Yu
Updates from last meeting
  • Kerry with QIO FIVS is in a holding pattern for her work until the redesign has been started
  • Kerry indicated that the best way to get feedback from her will be to send a survey and also suggested including her manager, Shamaa Ahmad
  • HCD team update
    • Working on defining what CCSQ means by “service” in service design
    • Team needs to complete stakeholder mapping with two more LOB teams
    • Need an assessment of what is out there with regard to Web Design Systems – Lilian is heading up this effort
  • User Research should be stored on Confluence
    • Maky reviewed the Confluence locations for the Teams that were on the call (QIO FIVS and iQIES)
    • Kerry indicated that their team hasn’t done any user research yet as they don’t have access to users – they are just using the requirements they have received from an external company – the PM3 HCD team will follow up
    • Kerry explained that FIVS is the CMS application used for keeping track of contract information – they are combining two systems and there is no design change right now – are using the old look with new technology – FIVS is inward-facing, the contractors don’t see
Paperwork Reduction Act
  • Reviewed resources and location of tip sheet on Confluence


  • Search vs. Navigation – if most users are using search it might mean there are problems with navigation but not necessarily – in such a case, might be a good idea to review search terms to see if testing needs to be done
  • Is there a standard cut off time for having someone look for something in a test situation?  This will depend on what the production team sets as the threshold for success/failure.
Open Discussion
  • Reviewed the ESS iQIES user research locations on Confluence
  • Each team has its own folder structure and each capability tracks its own user research
  • The iQIES user research lead is Khanh Armstrong
  • Reviewing the team’s stakeholder interview findings would be helpful to the HCD team
Next Meeting
  • Determined that meeting will be held on 7/26 at 1:00 pm – this will allow the EQRS UX team to participate