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Program Resource System (PRS) is a repository of demographic information for hospital providers in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) System. PRS assists Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs), QMARS, DARRT, and Program Support Contractors in maintaining CMS Programs and providing hospital information used in Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) applications.

News & Updates


PRS 2.0 Release 6.



Release Summary: Release Release 6.23.0

Release Date: Tues Tues, February 8 , 2022

HSP Module:

  • Can now view the PECOS data on HSP details and toggle between the different data sets within the user interface for PRS 1.0 and PECOS
  • More column options added to the Modify Columns feature when returning search results
  • Phone Number
  • Fax Number
  • Bug Fixes:
    • The search results page display has been adjusted when displaying all columns.

Beneficiary Module:

  • Affected by” fields are added to HSP search
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Search now works for Special char “.” and ”#”
    • Fixed advanced search results sorting issues
    • Secondary setting is now displaying full description on the HSP details page

 Beneficiary Module:

  • Tech Tips added for all field definitions for beneficiary details
  • Can now cross-reference information for the beneficiaries
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed Data Dictionary spelling errors
    • Removed the leading hyphen when the code letter was blank
  • Beneficiary coverage now includes Hospice coverage
  • Coverage entitlement reason description added
  • The coverage entitlement reason field name is updated
  • Coverage is sorted from newest to oldest
  • The search results will now display SSN in a single line
  • Bug Fixes:
  • Fixes a bug where information was missing when a beneficiary went through the archival process
  • Removed entitlement reason codes from Medicare Advantage Organization coverage
  • The about page has the Beneficiary link now
  • Changed the display options for beneficiary race
  • Changed the display options for middle name
  • Fixed a hover effect on the beneficiary details page

Have PRS 2.0 feedback? PRS feedback link.


PRS 2.0 Beneficiary module available!

Beneficiary module available in PRS 2.0 on Wednesday, January 19th, 2022

  • The below functionality is available in PRS 2.0 for beneficiary
    • Basic search: Search by MBI, HCIN,SSN and CAN
    • View search results
    • Modify columns
    • View beneficiary details
    • View coverage information (all the coverage information is now available except for the payment types- combined dual Medicare/Medicaid and hospice coverage. These two payment types will be available soon)


PRS 2.0 is here!

The release of PRS 2.0 is here and is open to all users.

If you haven’t already, you may now request a new PRS 2.0 HARP Role, which is required before you can access the new PRS 2.0 system.

When requesting a role, please do not select PRS Security Official, the security official role at the organization level will be setup at a future time. All current HARP Role request approvals for PRS 2.0 are being addressed by security Points of Contact within each of the organizations.

How to request a PRS 2.0 User Role in HARP

  1. Select a Program → QualityNet Workspace
  2. Select an Organization → ESS PRS
  3. Select Role → PRS General User (Do not select Security Official)


How to log in to PRS 2.0

After your role request is approved, go to and log in with your HARP credentials.

Have PRS 2.0 feedback? PRS feedback link
For more information about PRS 2.0 please visit our Confluence page

What's in PRS 2.0?

This updated system brings new innovations, such as more reliable data, better reporting customization, and an improved user experience and accessibility.

  • Improved search
  • Updated user interface
  • Customizable columns on search results and export
  • View and compare provider details from legacy PRS and iQIES (PECOS coming soon)
  • Daily data refresh

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titleGetting Started

Requesting Your PRS Role in HARP

A HARP account and a PRS General User Role are required to access PRS. 

  1. If you do not yet have a HARP, EIDM, or EUA account, you will need to register for a HARP ID. For instructions on the HARP registration process, refer to the HARP page. (hyperlink to:
  2. Once the HARP account has been created, log into HARP and request a PRS role.
  3. Select User Roles from the top of the page, then select Request a Role.
  4. On the Select a Program page, select QualityNet Workspace.
  5. On the Select an Organization page, select ESS PRS.
  6. Select the PRS General User role.

We will review and approves role request and notify you via email when your request has been submitted and again when your role has been approved or denied.

NOTE: PRS role requests are not currently available in HARP but will be as PRS is launching. Please look for future communications for timeline and next steps.

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Q: What is the PRS 2.0 Pilot Group?
A: A group of current PRS users who have the opportunity to test out and provide feedback on a released version of PRS 2.0

Q: What are the PRS 2.0 Pilot Group dates?
A: September 15 - September 29, 2021

Q: How do I request a PRS Role in HARP?
A:  A HARP account and a PRS General User Role are required to access PRS. 

  1. Log into HARP and request a PRS role.

  2. Select User Roles from the top of the page, then select Request a Role.

  3. On the Select a Program page, select QualityNet Workspace

  4. On the Select an Organization page, select ESS PRS

  5. Select the PRS General User role.

Q: How do I access PRS 2.0?

Q: Will there be real data in PRS 2.0?
A: Yes, the data in PRS 2.0 is pulled from PRS 1.0 and iQIES. The data will be refreshed weekly.

Q: Can I make updates in PRS 2.0?
A: No, PRS 2.0 is not currently editable. It is a read-only system.

Q: Why does it take so long to return my search results?
A: Currently we are working on the optimization and speed of which search results are returned. We are aware of the delay, the system is working as expected. We apologize for any inconvenience it may cause.

Q: How do I give feedback?
A: To give feedback or report an issue click on the Give Feedback link on the left navigation bar.

Q: What if I need help while completing the PRS 2.0 Pilot Group testing?
A: If at any point during the 2 week test period you need assistance, send an email to

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titleAbout PRS 2.0

What is the difference between PRS 1.0 and PRS 2.0?

As the about section mentions; PRS is a repository of demographic information for hospital providers in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) System. PRS 2.0 will be the new version of PRS (which is now being referred to as PRS 1.0).

PRS 1.0 is the system that is currently used, PRS 2.0 is also available to all users.

Note that PRS 1.0 is still available for some time, post PRS 2.0 release.

What will be new in PRS 2.0?

  • Improved Search
  • Updated User Interface
  • Customizable columns on search results and export
  • View and compare provider details from PRS 1.0 and iQIES (PECOS coming soon)
  • Daily data refresh

Why a PRS 2.0?

Major improvements are coming to the Program Resource System (PRS), and it’s thanks to feedback from its users. This updated system will bring new innovations, such as more reliable data, better reporting customization, and an improved user experience and accessibility.

PRS will continue to serve as the source to validate provider information for both CMS and its contractors and affiliated organizations, and the original system will continue to be operational while 2.0 rolls out. With releases planned in stages, the initial 2.0 release will offer view-only Health Service Provider information along with an improved user experience.

What is in PRS 2.0

  • View only Health Service Provider category
    • Provider Details
    • Contact Information
  • Customizable columns on the search results
  • View and compare provider details from PRS 1.0 and iQIES (PECOS coming soon)
  • Daily data refresh

What is in PRS 1.0

  • Edit HSP category
    • HSP Details
    • Contact Address & Phone
    • Cross Reference
    • HSP FI/Carrier/MAC
    • Physician Acknowledgement Monitoring
    • QIO Defined Field
    • Unit Bed
    • Vendor Contract
    • Hospital OQR Contact
    • Waiver
  • View HSP category
    • Inpatient Discharges
    • Validation Summary
    • Hospital OQR Validation Summary
  • All the other categories
    • Beneficiary
    • Medicare Advantage Plan
    • Physician
    • Physician Group
    • Physician Member Category
    • FI/Carrier/MAC category
    • Vendor
    • QIO category
    • QIO Defined Titles
    • Code Table
    • National Drug Code
    • Prescription Drug Plan
    • CDAC Tracking- Abstractions
    • CDAC Tracking- Export
    • CDAC Tracking- Master Sample
    • CDAC Tracking- Medical Record

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titleNeed Help ?
  • ServiceNow Service Portal: Intended only for CMS employees and contractors. The portal provides self-service options for internal customers to report Security Incidents, submit Service Requests for tools or services offered to the internal QualityNet community, report an Incident, provide Approvals, or access internal Knowledge Base articles. The portal enables internal customers to track the status of tickets and requires a login.
  • Service Center: For any PRS 2.0 related questions or questions relating to content on the QualityNet website, Please contact the HCQIS Services and Operations Support Team.

Phone: (866) 288-8914 (TRS:711)

Slack: #help-service-center-sos


Hours of Operation: 24/7