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June 25, 2021


HQR Service Design: Service Blueprint and Journey Maps


Today's community of practice is a case study about understanding Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) as multifaceted services. HQR Human-Centered Design User Research team members will share the service blueprint and user journey maps they created to understand how healthcare providers and quality improvement stakeholders experience CMS’s HQR system. 

Service design requires understanding the customer experience and how an organization’s resources (people, processes, and systems) affect the customer journey. Two critical service design tools are journey maps, which visualize a customer’s experience of a product or service from their vantage point, and service blueprints, which allow you to understand and imagine all the intricate components that make up the service. . Today's community of practice was a case study about service design and work to understand Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR) as multifaceted services.

HQR Human-Centered Design User Research team members shared the service blueprint and user journey maps they created to understand how healthcare providers and quality improvement stakeholders experience CMS’s HQR system. HCD Lead Human-Centered Design Lead Lesley Humphreys with Bellese Technologies and UX Researchers Fan Huang and Tyreek Houston from from Ad Hoc will describe Hoc described what they learned, what they are still curious about, and how this work can influence product process, goals, and decision-making. 

The presentation includessession included: 

  • Why service design methods are essential. 
  • Their service design process. 
  • How service design can integrate with SAFe processes and a product mindset.
  • Questions and answers.


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