Blog from March, 2023

Mark your calendars for Thursday, March 30 at 1:00 pm ET for CCSQ HCD Community of Practice: Research Operations: Approaches to Recruitment and Knowledge Management. We will be joined by a diverse and rich community panel of researchers, digital experts and HCD leaders discussing and debating research operations. 

The session may cover topics including: 

  • Recruiting,
  • Records management (including PII),
  • Paperwork Reduction Act,
  • Knowledge management (synthesis, collaboration, findings),
  • Research tools, and
  • Ways CMS can better support research operations.

Find Zoom info and other details on the HCD CoE space:

During this two-hour course, the LACE will provide a comprehensive overview of Value Stream Mapping. Attendees will learn the concept of organizing around value and the different types of value streams, the steps for mapping value streams and techniques for optimizing the flow of value. The course will discuss how to manage, maintain, and improve a value stream over time.
Learn more and register here:

Prioritization workshops help teams and leadership reach the best decisions by providing a mechanism for thoughtful team input.
Learn more about the Team Priorities Workshop as well as other available workshops, and what to expect upon project request. Contact us at to schedule a workshop now.