
Journey maps are an artifact depicting the customer’s perspective of their experience engaging with an organization. Customer journey maps can act as a roadmap to identify opportunities and address both known and previously unknown customer pain points. Unfortunately, after the initial learning, journey maps often end up posted on a wall or filed away after achieving a checkmark for completing a required artifact.

What if journey maps evolve beyond a static snapshot of a customer’s experience?

What if a journey map is measurable, dynamic, and provides insight into customer experience over time?

Join us at the next HCD Community of Practice program as Noble Ackerson with iQIES shares recent work: Quantifying Behavior Along the Customer Journey.

The program will include:

  • Shared Definitions
  • Lean Analytics for Enterprise Health Products
  • iQIES Key Takeaways

Register today to join the discussion and to collaborate with a community of professionals. Attend via WebEx.

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