QualityNet Mailer provides organizations with customizable discussion, notification, and distribution lists with easy-to-manage administration features to save you time and effort.

This CMS-sponsored solution was created for Application Development Organizations (ADOs) and contractors to communicate with large groups of program participants, stakeholders, and end-users.

QualityNet Mailer offers two types of lists:

  • Notification List: A simple, one-way communication. This distribution list allows an administrator to send news, meeting invites, surveys, and other information to large groups of subscribers. 
  • Discussion List: Open, ongoing email conversations for organizations and groups. With this list, an administrator can review and release discussion comments or automate the process. 

Lists can be set to either a public or private setting and are created by request. Public lists are offered for open subscriptions, while Private lists may be established to reach a more select group of participants and requires List Administrator approval to join.

All lists are available by subscription on the Sign Up for Email Updates page of QualityNet.

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