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 Design: Design Studio Workshop 


The goal of a design workshop, sometimes called a design-studio workshop, is to rapidly generate and discuss a wide set of ideas. Design workshops are used to:

  • Utilize idea-generation activities like sketching to encourage discussion
  • Incorporate cross disciplinary perspectives
  • Create shared ownership in project success by inviting others to participate in co creation activities

 When & Why: 

Some common opportunities for design workshops across a high-level design process are:

  • At project kick off, in order to build ownership and buy-in for the design process and ideas
  • After a phase of user research, where the insights can be used as inputs for generating useful features or solutions
  • After an initial design phase, in order to refine design directions and explore deep-level user flows or journeys (as opposed to feature ideas)

Design workshops can happen at any “diverge” phase of the design cycle, when there is a need to: 

  • Rapidly generate a wide set of ideas for a well-defined design challenge
  • Involve people from different teams to broaden the perspective
  • Dig deep to refine a set of potential concepts or solutions late in the design process
  • Foster shared ownership around a product or UX vision

Source: NNG


Contact us at to schedule a Team Priorities Design Studio Workshop.

*HCD CoE workshops are offered by request only.