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Horizontal Navigation Bar Page

Lucidspark isa virtual whiteboarding tool. With Lucidspark’s intuitive canvas, your team can collect and organize ideas — and then turn them into action. Lucidspark makes it easy to create a canvas from scratch or from a template, customize it to your liking, collaborate with your team, and put your ideas to work.

  • Facilitate effective meetings, planning sessions, and workshops with the right balance of structure and flexibility.
  • Ideate in real time with teammates.
  • Provide feedback, organize and vote on your team’s ideas, and create action items.

Note: Lucidspark is currently in pilot mode and only available to a limited number of groups. More information on expanded availability will be posted here when it is released to the entire community

Horizontal Navigation Bar Page
titleGetting Started

Coming Soon!

Horizontal Navigation Bar Page


Horizontal Navigation Bar Page



titleWhat is Lucidspark?

Lucidspark is a virtual whiteboard where teams connect and convey their greatest ideas to light. The goal is to allow teams to brainstorm and share their ideas through teamwork and better organization.

titleWhat is Lucidchart?

Lucidchart is a web-based collaborative diagramming application that allows you to create and share technical diagrams. It also allows you to import environment information directly from sources such as AWS, and will automatically generate diagrams from that data. The goal is to allow teams to propel and visualize business ideas with clarity, collectively, and swiftly. 


titleHow to navigate in Lucidspark?

Pan: Right click + drag

Zoom with trackpad: Pinch fingers

Zoom with mouse: Press spacebar + scroll wheel 

titleHow to navigate in Lucidchart?

Mouse: Hold space key down + scroll wheel

Trackpad: Pinch two fingers

titleWorking in Lucidspark

titleCan I link one part of the board to another?

Not at this time, Lucid is looking into this as a future enhancement.

titleHow to create breakout boards?

To create a new Breakout Board:

  1. SelectScreen_Shot_2021-08-17_at_11.59.32_AM.pngthe Breakout Board icon from the Primary Toolbar.
  2. Click the tile to “Add new breakout”.

A Breakout Board will be automatically labeled. To rename a board, join the board you’d like to update and type the new title in the upper left-hand corner. 

titleHow to manage board participants?

To start the breakout session, select Start Breakout. The Breakout Boards panel will become visible to all participants and they'll be able to select a board to join, which will send them to a separate Lucidspark board.


You can also share a direct link to a Breakout Board. You can do this by selecting Copy direct link from the three-dot menu in the Breakout Board panel and from within a Breakout Board by selecting Screen_Shot_2022-03-30_at_11.25.26_AM.png in the upper-right corner.

Note: Shareable Links will need to be enabled from the Main Board's Share settings to allow creation of and access to direct links.


When the session is over, select Call Back to bring everyone back to the Main Board. Participants can also navigate back to the main board themselves at any time by clicking Screen_Shot_2022-03-30_at_11.18.17_AM.png in the upper-left side corner.


titleWorking in Lucidchart
titleHow do I manage breakout boards?

Add a Note to a Shape

To add a note to a shape, right click on the shape and select “Add Note” from the dropdown. 

Note Icon on Shape

After adding a note to a shape, you will see note_iconImage Addedthe note icon on the top right corner of the shape. If you click on the note icon, it will show the note you added.

Delete a Note from a Shape

To delete a note from a shape, right click on the shape and select “Delete Note” from the dropdown.

titleHow do I join a breakout board?
titleHow to create breakout boards?

To create a new Breakout Board:

  1. SelectScreen_Shot_2021-08-17_at_11.59.32_AM.pngImage Modifiedthe Breakout Board icon from the Primary Toolbar.
  • Click the tile to “Add new breakout”.
  • A Breakout Board will be automatically labeled. To rename a board, join the board you’d like to update and type the new title in the upper left-hand corner. 

    1. Hover your cursor over the board you’d like to join.
    2. Click Join.
      Breakout_board_join.PNGImage Added
    3. Select Screen_Shot_2022-03-30_at_11.18.17_AM.pngImage Added in the upper left-hand corner of your canvas when you’re ready.

    You can also join a Breakout Board by clicking a direct link the facilitator or another participant has shared with you.

    titleWhere can images be attached?

    You have multiple options when managing Breakout Boards. To access this menu, hover over a board’s tile and select the three-dot menu.

    Screen_Shot_2022-03-30_at_11.30.13_AM.pngImage Added

    With this menu you can:

    • Join a board to participate
    • Rename a board to customize its title
    • Copy direct link to share with participants
    • Duplicate a board
    • Insert all content of a Breakout Board to the Main Board
    • Delete a board

    A few tips

    • Anyone on your Enterprise account with edit permissions to a board can create Breakout Boards.
    • View-only users can join and view Breakout Boards.
    • Guest Collaborators and free users can participate in existing Breakout Boards.
    • Participants will only see collaborators for the Breakout Board they are in.
    • You can move over specific shapes from the Breakout Board to the main board.
      • To add a single shape, copy the shape and paste it in the Main Board.
      • To select multiple shapes, hold the Shift key while selecting shapes to copy, then paste in the Main Board.
    • You can also add all content of a Breakout Board to the Main Board by dragging and dropping the thumbnail of a board from the Breakout Board panel onto the canvas.

    titleHow do I add web link in Lucidspark?

    To add a web link to an object:

    1. Select a shape.
    2. Click the link icon from the Context Toolbar.
    3. Paste the URL and click Apply.
    4. To change the shape to display a preview of the linked content, select Convert to Link Preview.

    Screen_Shot_2022-01-21_at_2.54.55_PM.pngImage Added

    Link Preview

    If you convert to Link Preview, a separate shape containing a thumbnail will be populated. You may see the following options in the Context Toolbar for the thumbnail:

    • refresh_lucidspark_menu.PNGImage AddedRefresh the thumbnail image(s)
    • left_arrow.PNGImage Addedright_arrow.PNGImage AddedNavigate thumbnails will appear as arrows that will allow you to switch between the images, if there are more than one
    • extract_thumbnails_icon.PNGImage AddedExtract thumbnails to extract the thumbnail image(s)
    • expand_view_icon.PNGImage AddedExpand view if there is an iframe to display

    Add a Web Link to text

    To add a web link to specific text (whether in a text box or on an object), highlight the portion of the text that you would like linked and then follow the steps explained above — select the link icon from the Context Toolbar, paste in the URL, and hit “Apply.” 

    A blue line will appear under the selected text to indicate that a web link has been applied. 

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    To trigger the link and open the linked webpage on a PC, press Shift + Ctrl and then click on the object or text that you applied a web link to. If you are using a Mac, press Shift + Command and then click on the object or text.

    These instructions will also appear on your board if you hover over/click on an object that has a web link attached to it. 

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    titleWorking in Lucidchart

    titleHow do I edit and format text?

    Select text 

    Learn how to quickly highlight a specific portion of text so that it becomes editable.

    Click once on a text box or shape containing text to select it.

    Double-click an object containing text to select all of the text within the object and enter text editing mode.

    Click once on the object to un-select the text and remain in text editing mode.

    Set style and format

    Screen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_1.37.44_PM.pngImage Added

    Customize the appearance of text in a diagram from the formatting bar. From here you can:

    • Apply text style
      Screen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_1.44.02_PM.pngImage Added

    • Change font
      Screen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_1.44.36_PM.pngImage Added

    • Increase and decrease font size
      Screen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_1.42.51_PM.pngImage Added

    • Bold, Italicize, and Underline text
      Screen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_1.46.54_PM.pngImage Added

    • Change text colorScreen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_1.48.11_PM.pngImage Added
    • Adjust text alignmentScreen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_1.51.34_PM.pngImage Added
    • Access Text OptionsScreen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_1.51.45_PM.pngImage Added
      Screen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_1.58.10_PM.pngImage Added

    From the Text Options menu, you can:

    • Add Strike through text Screen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_2.08.54_PM.pngImage Added
    • Convert text to Subscript Screen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_2.09.06_PM.pngImage Added
    • Convert text to Superscript Screen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_2.09.14_PM.pngImage Added
    • Adjust the amount of space between each line of text
      Screen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_2.09.26_PM.pngImage Added

    • Convert lines of text to Bullets and Lists
      Screen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_2.09.38_PM.pngImage Added
    • Adjust left, right, before, and after indent
      Screen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_2.09.48_PM.pngImage Added

    • Adjust text padding
      Screen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_2.10.02_PM.pngImage Added
    • Rotate text 90˚ counter-clockwise
      Screen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_2.09.54_PM.pngImage Added

    Add shadow to text

    1. Select text on the canvas.
    2. ClickScreen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_2.05.42_PM.pngImage Addedthe Shape Options icon.
    3. Select Shadow.
    4. Toggle on “Shadow”.
      add_shadow_to_text.gifImage Added
      Note: you can adjust shadow distance, blur, color, and angle from this window.

    Add more lines of text

    Create new lines of text using these keyboard shortcuts.

    • Add line breaks: Press “Enter” to add a break between lines of text within a text box or Command/Ctrl + Enter to add a break between lines of text within a shape.
    • Add a new bullet: Press Command/Ctrl + Enter to add a new bulleted line.
    • End a bulleted list: Press Shift + Enter to start a new line of text without a bullet.

    Add and upload fonts

    Lucidchart offers many additional fonts to the ones that initially appear in the drop-down menu of the formatting bar. 

    Add fonts

    1. Select an object containing text.
    2. Click the font drop-down menu.
    3. Select Manage fonts at the bottom of the menu to open the font manager.
    4. Toggle on fonts you want to add.
    5. Click Done to add the selected fonts to the font drop-down menu.

    Upload fonts

    You can upload your own fonts as TTC, TTF, or OTF files. Once you are in the font manager, you can upload fonts by following these steps:

    1. Click Upload font in the bottom left.
    2. Select a font file from your computer.
      • You can also drag and drop one or more font files onto the font list.
    3. Click Upload to add the fonts to the font drop-down menu.

    Note: Fonts used in your diagrams are automatically shared with your collaborators.

    Text editing options

    Lucidchart’s text editing options can help you maintain accuracy and consistency with your diagram’s written content. To access text editing options, select “Edit” from the formatting bar and scroll to the bottom of the menu.

    Screen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_12.44.15_PM.pngImage Added

    From this menu you can:

    • Enable Spell Check
      • This option underlines any misspelled or unrecognized words in red.
    • Change Spell Check Language
      • Select this option and choose a language from the drop-down menu to change the spell check language of your document.
    • Use Find & Replace
      • Select this option or press command/Ctrl + F to pull up the Find & Replace window. Type the string that you want to replace in the “Find” text box and the replacement string in the “Replace with” text box, then click Replace or Replace all.
        Screen_Shot_2022-05-02_at_12.44.47_PM.pngImage Added

    titleWhere can images be attached?

    You can attach images to shapes, groups, lines, or pages. You can apply them anywhere you can create custom data.

    titleHow can I attach images or notes in my chart?

    Select Where to Attach Image on Editor

    Select the Shape, Line, Page, etc. that you wish to attach an image to. Your image with be attached to whatever you have selected, be it a page or a shape.

    Locate the Attach Images feature 

    The Attached Images feature can be found in the menu on the right hand side of the editor.

    Click on right_hand_menu_iconImage Addedthe menu icon to open up the options and upload Attached Images.

    Upload images into the Attach Images section 

    You can attach images via the (+) icon, by clicking ‘Choose a file’, or by dragging & dropping a file into the Attach Images section.

    attached_imagesImage Added

    Supported file types are: .bmp, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .jpe, .tiff, .tif, .psd, .ai, .pdf, and .svg

    Note: Since PDFs will be attached as an image, only the first page of the PDF will be attached.

    Attach Image Icon on Shapes

    If you attach an image to a shape, you will see attach_image_iconImage Added the image icon on the right upper corner of the shape.

    titleHow do I preview, rename or delete attached images?

    Preview an attached image

    Click on the thumbnail of an attached image to open a larger preview. If multiple images are attached, you can use the arrow buttons on either side of the preview to navigate through the images.

    Rename or delete an attached image

    To rename or delete an attached image, start by hovering over the thumbnail of the attached image to see the (...) more menu.

    From there, select ‘Rename’ to edit the display name of the image, or select ‘Delete’ to delete the image from the selected object.

    image2.pngImage Added

    Note: Deleting an Attached Image from a shape does not remove the image from the image manager.

    titleHow can I reuse shapes with attached images?

    Anyone you share the document with has the ability to see the Attached Images or Notes. This includes view/comment only users, who can view Attached Images or Notes via on-canvas icon and image preview. 

    titleHow to manage board participants?

    To start the breakout session, select Start Breakout. The Breakout Boards panel will become visible to all participants and they'll be able to select a board to join, which will send them to a separate Lucidspark board.

    start_breakout.pngImage Removed

    You can also share a direct link to a Breakout Board. You can do this by selecting Copy direct link from the three-dot menu in the Breakout Board panel and from within a Breakout Board by selecting Screen_Shot_2022-03-30_at_11.25.26_AM.pngImage Removed in the upper-right corner.

    Note: Shareable Links will need to be enabled from the Main Board's Share settings to allow creation of and access to direct links.

    Screen_Shot_2022-03-30_at_12.06.17_PM.pngImage Removed

    When the session is over, select Call Back to bring everyone back to the Main Board. Participants can also navigate back to the main board themselves at any time by clicking Screen_Shot_2022-03-30_at_11.18.17_AM.pngImage Removed in the upper-left side corner.

    call_back_breakout_boards.pngImage Removed


    Coming Soon!

    titleNeed Help ?
    • ServiceNow Service Portal: Intended only for CMS employees and contractors. The portal provides self-service options for internal customers to report Security Incidents, submit Service Requests for tools or services offered to the internal QualityNet community, report an Incident, provide Approvals, or access internal Knowledge Base articles. The portal enables internal customers to track the status of tickets and requires a login.
    • Service Center: For any Lucidspark related questions or questions relating to content on the QualityNet website, Please contact the Service Center.
