
Aaron Thompson


Abigail Viall (CDC)
Adrienne Adkins
Adrienne Rayx

Ahmar Wazir

Alissa Kapke (Ann Arbor)
Amy Nestler
Anitha Chintalapatix
Ann Turner
Angela Kohlheppx
Arnie Esparterox
Ashley Waters
Austin Woods
Betina Fletcher
Carol Olsen
Cheri Jerger
Chris Brown
Chris Morici
Dan Kayhart
Deb Wilson
Delia Houseal
Dianna Christensenx
Dinesh Chatoth (FKC)
Ethan Crauwelsx
Geraldine Bojarski (DCI)x
Heather Dubendris
Heather Moorex
Heather O'Neal
Henrietta Smith
Howard Thomas
Janet Lea Hutchinsonx
Jason Clemx
Jason Simmington
Jennifer Baileyx
John Hinch (Innovative Renal)x
Karena S
Kathleen Prewittx
Kelly Llewellyn
Kelsey Oklandx
Laura Dabrowski (Innovative Renal)x
Laura Slempx
Leah Skrienx
Lyndsay Crowson
Matt McDonough
Martha Bean
Mary Newx
Melissa Fieldhousex
Meredith Zywno
Michael Kennedyx
Michelle Cassin (DaVita)
Mihran Naljayan (DaVita)
Mitzi Christx
Nancy Carlsonx
Nathan Muzosx
Ozlem Taselx
Pandu Muddanax
Pani Palanichamyx
Porsche Dorseyx
Rachael Lazar
Rachelle DuBose Caruthersx
Raj Tadasx
Revathy Ramakrishnax
Sarah Fillingx
Shamim Almamunx
Sindy Villarreal (Innovative Renal)x
Steve Goodman
Tricia Gorman
Tricia Phulchand
Vladimir Ladikx
Wendy Ferguson (Innovative Renal)
Yvette Brown



Meeting RecordingArnie

This session will be recorded for the purpose of documenting the meeting minutes and action items. If there are any objections to the recording of this session, please make it known now. Absence of an objection to the meeting being recorded will count as consent to recording this meeting.

Program Working Group Recording 03202024.mp4

EQRS Feature Updates/DiscussionPorsche/Geraldine

Discrepancy on the wording from the SS administration and the 2728 documentation (Jump to recording 05:00 - 11:55)

RE External Email EQRS 2728 Program Working Group Meeting.msg

  • There does not seem to be a discrepancy
    • SSA portion - directions on when they can entitle 
    • CMS can ask on the 2728 if training's been completed or is expected to be completed (Yes/No)
    • SSA website is telling SSA officials what they can entitle based on what is answered
    • Nancy and Michael agree with this interpretation
    • Training treatments have to be paid 
    • Geraldine will send the information to the Nancy and Michael to research
EQRS Feature Updates/DiscussionPorsche

LDO progress on system updates (Jump to recording 12:04 - 18:07)

LDO 2728 system updates progress.xlsx

  • The Program would like to document where everyone is with the implementation of the new required fields in the 2728
  • In order to extend the timeline, the Program needs documentation to take back to their leadership to provide a reason for the extension
  • Requesting to identify if a field's status is "Not started"; "In progress"; "Complete"; or "Anticipated completion date/submission into EQRS".
  • Race and other fields are missing from the spreadsheet
  • The ADO is in the process of implementing the Race updates and will have the documentation ready by 4/9 when the changes will be deployed to Prod Preview for testing
  • Porsche will add Race to the spreadsheet and note it is "No response required at this time"
  • EDIs should be able to submit the form into Prod Preview starting 4/9
  • The Program request that each organization complete their own separate version and submit to CMS by COB Friday March 29th.
EQRS Feature Updates/DiscussionPorsche

2728 updated formatting (Jump to recording 18:25 - 22:45)

2728 form: CMS 2728 | CMS

  • Under Race
    • Previous versions, Asian and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander were not individual selections
    • On the new form, can someone only select Asian or can they only select one of the eight categories?
      • If Asian is selected, they have to select a sub-race type of Asian
      • Same behavior for Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
      • In the XML it will be one option.  Anitha will include this information in the documentation
EQRS Feature Updates/DiscussionMichael/Geraldine

Primary Diagnosis and vascular access question in form 2728.  (Jump to recording 22:57 - 29:30)

  • Primary Diagnosis
    • It has been a problem with the data and ICD-10 codes
    • The 2728 instructions are closed so those will not be updated
    • The system itself will retain the ones that CMS approved historically that are in the system
    • Michael said they will be adding all the new ones and keeping all of the old ones
    • It will not impact old forms that have already been submitted and still available in the new form drop down either the code or text
    • Michael has some ideas on how to resolve this issue and will present to CMS
    • The idea includes not having the list of codes on the form itself
    • Codes currently in the system will not be removed
    • Kathleen requested a consolidated list of the codes after the update
  • Vascular Access
    • Geraldine ran into a rare situation of "In Center" to "Home to In Center" are the two different home types for what it was when it was home hemo and then not home hemo.  
    • The system should be able to handle this situation
    • Michael and tier three support will work with Geraldine in getting the 2728 completed
    • Situations similar to this should ideally go through the helpdesk but in this case Michael already has the information and will create the SNOW ticket and get it done for Geraldine

2744 Research update

  • Thanks to Geraldine, Kathleen and Nathan for sending Michael examples
  • He found the scenarios and has one more piece of research to double check before starting on the code fix; goal is to have it done this month
  • Any 2744s that need to be completed or need help with, send to the helpdesk
EQRS Feature Updates/DiscussionPorsche/Adrienne

Prod Preview environment monthly refresh. (Jump to recording 29:40 - 33:10)

  • Do we want to stop the refresh during the 2728 testing?
    • Nathan - the April refresh will not impact DaVita, they are not testing the 2728 stuff and do not have access to Prod Preview at this time
    • Kathleen - Since the refreshes are already scheduled, FMC can work around the schedule
Open ForumEDIs



  • Regarding 2728 - there has been a bug out there for a long time
    • Part B pulls in the treatment information but it's pulling from the most recent treatment record instead of the first treatment record
    • Is it possible for the ADO while working on the 2728 to fix this bug?
    • Kathleen will send the information to Anitha and it will added to the backlog for it to be prioritized



US Renal 

Innovative Renal Care

Leah Skrien has been getting questions from some facilities about the electronic signature for the 2728 form.  Do the facilities need to wait until the new form is released in EQRS or can they start trying to build that into their process with the existing form?

  • EQRS does not have the capability to receive the electronic signature
  • EQRS is still in discussions on the "how" on their end 
  • The facilities are free to explore but if they are expecting any feedback from EQRS, they won't be able to provide any at this time
  • EDIs were told EQRS would not be set up to receive electronic signatures
  • Electronic signatures could be documented in the organizations source system and the organization be responsible for maintaining
  • Transcribing the electronic signature date into EQRS would still be via XML or manual entry
  • EQRS should be able to let the EDIs know more of their electronic signature findings in the next PI
  • Let the EDIs know well in advance when EQRS would like to gather feedback so that proper SMEs are available

Administrative Reminders

  • If any Production issues are encountered, please submit a Helpdesk ticket.  This will allow the EQRS team to better track the issue and progress.
  • CMS will refresh data in the EQRS Prod Preview environment on the first Sunday of every month. The planned schedule is below.
    • Sun, 03 Dec 2023
    • Sun, 07 Jan 2024
    • Sun, 04 Feb 2024
    • Sun, 03 Mar 2024
    • Sun, 07 Apr 2024
    • Sun, 05 May 2024
    • Sun, 02 Jun 2024
    • Sun, 07 Jul 2024
    • Sun, 04 Aug 2024
    • Sun, 01 Sep 2024
    • If there are any issues with the scheduled date(s) please notify the team by the Friday before that Sunday when the refresh of data is scheduled to take place
    • If there are any issues encountered with the refresh on Sunday, it will be moved to Monday (next day)
  • Next meeting scheduled for:   

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