

2:00 - 2:45pm


Aaron Thompsonx
Adrienne Adkins
Adrienne Ray

Ahmar Wazir

Anitha Chintalapati
Arnie Esparterox
Betina Fletcher
Branon Barrett
Cheri Jerger
Chris Brownx
Curt Phillipsx
Deb Wilsonx
Delia Houseal
Dianna Christensenx
Hayley Evans
Hari Krishna
Heather Moore
Howard Thomas
Janet Hutchinson
Jason Clemx
Jay Vancil
Jennifer Bailey
Julie Alvarezx
Justyna Sardinx
Karena Farnham
Kathleen Prewittx
Kelly Llewellynx
Lakshmi Erigineni
Leah Skien
Lisa Rees
Melissa Fieldhousex
Michael Kennedy
Nathan Muzos
Ozlem Taselx
Pandu Muddanax
Pani Palanichamyx
Porsche Dorseyx
Revathy Ramakrishna
Sarah Fillingx
Scott Laughlinx
Seema Sreenivas
Shalon Quinn
Shamim Almamun
Steve Goodmanx
Timothy Jackson
Todd Johnson
Vladimir Ladikx
Yvette Brownx
Zac Cohen


Meeting RecordingArnie

This session will be recorded for the purpose of documenting the meeting minutes and action items. If there are any objections to the recording of this session, please make it known now. Absence of an objection to the meeting being recorded will count as consent to recording this meeting.
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PI Feature Update(s)Scott

Vaccinations Timeline Schedule review (See EQRS Vaccination Timeline Schedule below)

  • Distribute the Data Dictionary/XSDs/Errors and Warnings (completed 4/12)
  • EDSM Vaccinations deployed in Prod-Preview environment  (completed 4/15)
  • Prod-Preview environment data refresh (completed 4/20/22)
  • Vaccinations live in production will no longer be a cutover, it will be a phased in/transition approach
  • Vaccinations fully going live will be 10/1
  • Kathleen (FKC) does not have a good idea for a date but July is not it.  With the phased in approach, it gives them leeway to be ready right before 10/1 
  • Vaccination XML file - there is no org vaccine ID 
    • The system will match on the vaccine and the date
    • Will prevent from creating duplicate vaccines
    • Any facility can update the vaccination data for the patient
    • Is it expected for the EDIs to submit one vaccination file for each file type?
      • Per Yvette, no
      • You can submit multiple patients in a file like you do today
      • For example, if they submit flu and pneumonia for a patient in the same file and EQRS accepts flu and rejects pneumonia, how does the feedback file identify which one was rejected?
        • Per Yvette, it will be in the messaging, in the error codes message
        • The error code will be different
    • In the feedback layout, will they have the vaccination types at all or just the patient facility?
      • Per Yvette, just the patient facility like you have today then the message
      • The message should let you know which record has an issue
      • Each vaccine should have their own unique set of error codes?
        • Per Yvette, it's the same number but the messaging should change
        • Suggested that the EDIs start testing and they will be able to see the message to understand better
        • Pandu suggest including the vaccination type so the EDIs will not have to take the extra step of parsing the description and figuring it out
        • Per Yvette, she can talk to the team
  • Scott mentioned - There are other features that are in the works; we have talked about Calcimimetics; Admission is Support of Transplant, Identify Depressed Patients (on hold) and there is the possibility with all of those mentioned, that schedules may not be so generous as this one (Vaccinations).  EQRS will do their best and request for EDIs to continue provide their feedback regarding technical readiness, etc
  • For example, Calcimimetics - we may be up against a legislative timeline and there is only so much the EQRS team can do to accommodate 6 months requests or things around that nature
    • Kathleen asked when they will get the actual XSD/XML so they can start building?
      • Per Scott he will let them know as soon as possible
EDI Submitter's Progress (upcoming feature development)EDIs


  • Sarah (DaVita) asked regarding the data clean up.  After the merge functionality data for the data formatting issues, is it still on track to be complete with the clean up by the end of the month?
    • Per Yvette, it is a question for Michael but Michael will be on time with completion of the data clean up
  • Steve Goodman asked if there was an update on the from the PI planning around Depression?
    • Per Scott, Identify Depressed Patients is on hold
  • Scott mentioned EQRS owes the group updates on what features were picked up at the PI18 planning session and plan to provide this information at the next Program Working Group meeting, 5/4 


  • Kathleen asked for a follow up on the issue of strange error codes and patient files, SSN had to be 9 digits, etc.  Have all the fixes been completed?
    • Per Yvette, it has all been done; it was a data clean up; Michael did a clean up to remove all the dashes from the SSNs
    • Per Pani, SSN error issue is resolved, but they are still receiving patient demographic errors
    • Per Pandu, they submitted patient files yesterday and did not receive the feedback files
      • Yvette will look into it


  • Vlad wanted to follow up with Michael on the progress of a list of patients he sent Michael that had issues


  • Receiving a few patient 401 errors - Michael and team are looking into it
  • Now that the 2021 months are closed, RHA are having duplicate mappings or mappings that were left open b/c some facilities were acquired by DaVita; crossing over between EDIs
    • Michael and team are looking into it
  • Kelly has sent over additional questions (to Yvette) around Vaccines -  looking forward to a response from EQRS
EQRS Role RequestsJustyna

Still seeing requests for CMS roles

    • Justyna thanked the security officers who diligently approve and reject requests roles; it's important such actions are done in a timely fashion
    • She has observed large spikes in the requests with expedient approvals, as well as requests that are not abnormal of about 70 to 100+ different roles for individual users
    • Some of those requests sit in a queue for 3 weeks or longer
    • Justyna as that people pay attention to those request because we want to make sure that they are not flooded by illegitimate requests
    • We want to make sure that users who request roles obtain their approvals so they can do their duties
    • Remember to perform your review of the users that have access to the system from the EDI organizations
    • For example, if an employee leaves the organization, make sure that person's role(s) is removed from the EQRS portal
    • Kathleen asked it was possible for CMS/EQRS provide the EDIs with a report on roles in order to better manage the roles?
      • Per Justyna, this can certainly be discussed
      • It was pointed out that SOs can log into EQRS and see all of the roles that a user has been assigned in their purview.  If the tool is not sufficient, further conversations regarding enhancements or improvements can take place
      • Possible consideration is to include in discussions with the release of Corporate Roles in the future release for EQRS 

Action Items:

EQRS Vaccination Timeline Schedule





Distribute the Vaccination Data Guide



Distribute the Data Dictionary/XSDs/Errors and Warnings



EDSM Vaccinations deployed in Prod-Preview environment



Prod-Preview environment data refresh



EDIs perform integration testing


EDI Readiness Verification

7/31/22Vaccination Module live in Production
7/31/22 - 09/30/22Vaccinations submitted via clinical will be "optional" (This means that new vaccination data would be received by EQRS, stored in the clinical database, and visible on the clinical UI. In effect this means the vaccination module will be a phased in implementation rather than a cutover implementation.)
10/01/22If vaccination data is submitted via clinical, the clinical submission record will be rejected

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