

2:00 - 2:45pm


Aaron Thompsonx
Adrienne Adkinsx
Adrienne Ray

Ahmar Wazir

Anitha Chintalapati
Anne McDermott
Arnie Esparterox
Betina Fletcher
Branon Barrett
Cheri Jerger
Chris Brown
Curt Phillips
Danita Patel
Deb Wilsonx
Delia Houseal
Dianna Christensenx
Hayley Evans
Hari Krishna
Heather Moore
Howard Thomasx
Janet Hutchinsonx
Jason Clemx
Jay Vancil
Jennifer Baileyx
Julie Alvarezx
Justyna Sardin
Kathleen Prewittx
Kelly Llewellynx
Lakshmi Erigineni
Leah Skien
Lisa Rees
Melissa Fieldhousex
Michael Kennedyx
Nathan Muzos
Ozlem Taselx
Pandu Muddanax
Porsche Dorsey
Preston Brown
Revathy Ramakrishnax
Sarah Fillingx
Scott Laughlinx
Seema Sreenivas
Shalon Quinn
Shamim Almamun
Steve Goodmanx
Timothy Jackson
Todd Johnson
Vladimir Ladikx
Yvette Brownx
Zac Cohen


Meeting RecordingArnie

This session will be recorded for the purpose of documenting the meeting minutes and action items. If there are any objections to the recording of this session, please make it known now. Absence of an objection to the meeting being recorded will count as consent to recording this meeting. Passcode: 0s^MV=0f  


We've updated the meeting invites again for this EDI Touchpoint and Wednesday's Program Working Group meeting.

    • The EDI Touchpoint Status meeting will focus on more of the IT and ISG side of EQRS
    • The Program Working Group meeting will focus more on the Program side
Error TrendsMichael

2021 Data Submission Error Trend report status

Recording for this discussion: 3:05 - 7:15 (listen for further details on report)

    • Michael emailed the latest Error Trend spreadsheet report to the EDIs and CMS folks
    • Report ran through the end of February; including everything since resubmitting since July with the top 10 errors per EDI
    • The report is broken down by patient and clinical
    • Michael is working on the repository that list the error and what could be the next steps on how to resolve the error
PI Feature UpdatesScott

Prod Preview Accounts

    • Expiring Password Emails
      • DaVita's account was suspended due to lack of activity but the change to the process should not have suspended DaVita's account
      • Per Scott, when the feature that would remove someone's roles if they didn't log into EQRS for 60 days that same deployment happened to prod preview
      • Scott received an email thread where Nathan lost his access and roles to DaVita facilities and he was asking what can be done to remedy that?
      • When prod preview was first set up, there was a back end process that was followed were bulk role assignments were performed and pushed roles to Nathan rather than Nathan having to make all of the request one by one on his own
      • Today we don't have that process and will need to plan and develop this feature again
      • Question from Steve Goodman - if we were to develop a new feature down the line and Nathan needs access, how long are we expecting individual requests for thousands of roles for multiple facilities to be handled?
        • Per Scott if it needs to be developed, CMS will need to write a feature and prioritize it with development
        • Michael's team is working on Corporate Role so that may allow Nathan to get the access he may need
        • Steve suggested have a user set up with all the roles and using that role to clone 
        • Per Scott, he is not saying it can't be done but it will take some planning and resources
        • The 60 day limit is system wide
        • Per Nathan he wanted to know if the other EDIs received an email notification about their password expiring? Nathan did not receive a notification
        • Nathan will send Scott his account name so Scott can research
        • Per Kathleen, Tracy Kennedy set up their pre prod accounts
        • After researching, Scott sees days of Nathan's email bouncing back.  Scott will send Nathan the bounce back email so it can be looked into on both sides

Updated Tribe List

    • On the Communications Hub - Resources and Reference page, down at the bottom of the big grid, there's a row that say's new patient tribe and race codes that were added.  When you download the tribe list in Documentation Repository, those tribes aren't there
    • The races and tribes spreadsheet has been updated in the EQRS Communications Hub confluence page as of 3/7/22

Vaccinations - Vaccination Timeline Schedule.docx

Vaccination Data Guide now available in the Documentation Repository in the Vaccination section

  • Scott requests that the EDIs provide feedback on the vaccination user's guide to determine from a technical standpoint, if the guide has enough information for the EDIs to start to determine their schedule and how much time their teams will need to develop the new work for the vaccinations module
EDI Submitter's Progress (upcoming feature development)EDIs


  • See Prod Preview Accounts and Updated Tribe List topics above


  • Depression issues have been resolved
  • Patient files - 95% of the records rejected
  • Received a lot of 204 errors
  • EQRS is not aware of any changes made
  • EQRS did deploy functionality related to Patient Admission Thursday (3/3)
  • EQRS will need more information on the error so they can research
  • Out of 5967 records, only 320 records got accepted.  all others rejected
  • Yvette request for Pandu to send the file name to research the root cause
  • Pandu sent Michael the following: CW UPI 1100531419 and CW UPI -3103718138
  • Michael and Yvette will research further following the meeting
  • Kathleen has noticed in some of their batches were if it's within a certain timeframe, EDSM is trying to merge the admission to the other one 


  • Continuing to finish up 2021 Data Submissions
  • Vlad mentioned that DCI is running into the same issue above that FKC encountered


  • CCSQ Service Desk engagement The EQRS helpdesk would like to have a separate meeting with Kelly to understand the NRAA helpdesk workflow to better integrate the EQRS helpdesk system and NRAA's helpdesk system
  • Scott will follow with Kelly on availability to set up the meeting
  • No other updates from NRAA

Action Items:

  • DaVita and FKC would like Scott to send examples of CMS role requests so they can reach out to their communities and determine the root cause of the request Scott Laughlin  
  • Kathleen request an update on the ICH CAHPS Attestation report.  Todd will follow up with Dianna and get back to the group (Todd Johnson)
  • Request from Chris - display/capture EQRS rule updates or "hot-fix"/non major release dates that can be shared with the EDI Submitters that may impact their ability to correct/update patient data
    • Scott will research a way to be able to identify a feature that a rule update or "hot-fix" impacts, so the EDI Submitters are aware of the change Scott Laughlin
  • Scott will discuss revisiting the DaVita effective date and date of death issue with Lisa Scott Laughlin
    • Scott will provide a response to Nathan (1/14/22)

EQRS Vaccination Timeline Schedule





Distribute the Vaccination Data Guide



Distribute the Data Dictionary/XSDs/Errors and Warnings


EDSM Vaccinations deployed in Prod-Preview environment

Prod-Preview environment data refresh

EDIs perform integration testing

EDI Readiness Verification

Prod Deployment

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