- Created by Arnie Espartero, last modified on Feb 08, 2022
2:00 - 2:45pm
Name | |
Aaron Thompson | x |
Adrienne Adkins | |
Adrienne Ray | x |
Ahmar Wazir | x |
Anitha Chintalapati | x |
Anne McDermott | x |
Antwyn Jackson | x |
Arnie Espartero | x |
Arthur (HUCD) | x |
Brandy Meade | x |
Branon Barrett | |
Cheri Jerger | |
Chris Brown | x |
Chris Mario | |
Curt Phillips | |
Danita Patel | |
Deb Wilson | x |
Delia Houseal | x |
Dianna Christensen | x |
Divya Dobbala | x |
Erin Wolfe | x |
Hari Krishna | |
Heather Moore | x |
Howard Thomas | x |
Janet Hutchinson | x |
Jason Clem | x |
Jay Vancil | |
Jennifer Bailey | x |
Julie Alvarez | x |
Justin Garcia | x |
Justyna Sardin | |
Kathleen Prewitt | x |
Kelly Llewellyn | x |
Lakshmi Erigineni | |
Leah Skien | x |
Lisa Rees | |
Melissa Fieldhouse | x |
Michael Kennedy | x |
Nathan Muzos | x |
Ozlem Tasel | x |
Pandu Muddana | |
Porsche Dorsey | x |
Revathy Ramakrishna | x |
Sarah Filling | x |
Scott Laughlin | x |
Seema Sreenivas | |
Shalon Quinn | |
Shamim Almamun | |
Steve Goodman | x |
Timothy Jackson | x |
Todd Johnson | x |
Vladimir Ladik | x |
Yvette Brown | x |
Zac Cohen | |
Zachary Serleth | x |
Items | Who | |
Meeting Recording | Arnie | This session will be recorded for the purpose of documenting the meeting minutes and action items. If there are any objections to the recording of this session, please make it known now. Absence of an objection to the meeting being recorded will count as consent to recording this meeting. https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/YG_GGu3XmWoTcy8837pxZhxczcRu3XDj3ll5vNjkPO1M4nwycZ0FHBq8B1DjwXoy.P0Mjg1bvOJ5dWdwj Passcode: u#.$652b |
2021 Data Submission Extension | Ahmar | CMS Feedback Recording for this discussion: 01:42 - 20:04 2021_2022 Clinical Closure Dates.pptx (Information in slides are as of 2/4/22, 2pm)
CCSQ Support Central | Brandy/Justin | Demo - Sending comments directly to Service Center Recording for this discussion: 20:24 - 28:48
CMS Roles | Scott | CMS Role(s) Requests Recording for this discussion: 29:08 - 31:41
EDI Submitter's Progress (upcoming feature development) | EDIs | DaVita
General | Scott |
Action Items:
- DaVita and FKC would like Scott to send examples of CMS role requests so they can reach out to their communities and determine the root cause of the request Scott Laughlin
- Kathleen request an update on the ICH CAHPS Attestation report. Todd will follow up with Dianna and get back to the group (Todd Johnson)
- Request from Chris - display/capture EQRS rule updates or "hot-fix"/non major release dates that can be shared with the EDI Submitters that may impact their ability to correct/update patient data
- Scott will research a way to be able to identify a feature that a rule update or "hot-fix" impacts, so the EDI Submitters are aware of the change Scott Laughlin
- Scott will discuss revisiting the DaVita effective date and date of death issue with Lisa Scott Laughlin
- Scott will provide a response to Nathan (1/14/22)
- No labels
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