

Adrienne Adkins

Ahmar Wazir

Arnie Esparterox
Betina Fletcher
Bridget Calvertx
Cheri Jergerx
Chris Brown
Christopher Kingx
Deb Wilsonx
Greg Eccleston
Hari Krishnax
Heather Moorex
Howard Thomasx
Jason Bullock
Jason Clemx
Jennifer Baileyx
Justyna Sardinx
Karena Sx
Kathleen Prewittx
Kelly Llewellynx
Kelly Mayo
Leah Skrien
Lisa Reesx
Melissa Fieldhousex
Michael Kennedyx
Nathan Muzosx
Pandu Muddanax
Revathy Ramakrishnax
Sarah Fillingx
Seema Sreenivas
Tracey Colemanx
Vladimir Ladikx


  • Call will be recorded for the purpose of capturing further meeting notes.  Any objections please let it be known
UniFHIR presentationBridget/Tracey (UniFHIR)
  • FHIR readiness with our submitters and talk about a survey that they are sending to the whole CCSQ submitter community to determine FHIR readiness
  • Bridget and Tracey run the team UniFHIR
  • Speaking to the group about a survey that will be distributed to the group to determine FHIR readiness across all submitters for all CCSQ programs
  • UniFHIR is a server they are working on implementing within CCSQ for future implementations pf FHIR programs
  • FHIR stands for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources 
  • Works towards interoperability for data standards and be able to share common data
  • They are looking for raw feedback from the group by way of a survey
  • The team was set up at the end of last year and working on launching FHIR within CCSQ
  • The team has analyzed their readiness within CCSQ and what needs to be done to prepare and provide support to the submitters
  • They want to understand where the submitters are with FHIR through the survey
  • Bridget will send to everyone in the group the survey that should take about 10 minutes to complete
  • Data collected will allow FHIR to establish what the FHIR implementation looks like moving forward for CCSQ 
  • The survey will help them understand how to prioritize the work they are doing
  • How to best support the submitters as they move forward to improve interoperability
  • EDI Submitters need an opportunity to learn what CMS is planning to develop in EQRS (technical and policy/program) so they can collaborate with and suggest to CMS on what, when, and how to enhance EQRS. 
  • This would enable EDIs to modify their systems concurrently so time is not wasted, and can ensure that they have the data CMS requires
  • Submitters get static reports, data reports but would really want access to the data
  • FHIR team will consider the feedback as they look at implementation and scoping out the requirements of how they want to process when they set up endpoints of just receiving data versus collection of data
Roundtable/Open FloorLisa/Howard/Nathan
  • The contract dropped yesterday, 6/1
  • Networks are going through some change over
  • Contract closeout and trying to get the new contract started
  • QIP (Ahmar)
    • Going through the rule cycle at this time
    • Proposed rule should be coming up soon for the submitters
    • Once the proposed rule is out, we can have some good discussions
  • CMS spoke to ISG about making this call a little bit more like it used to be with sharing the roadmap and PI's
  • They are not quite there yet, it's a busy time and they have more discussions needed to take place
  • Submitters got the DUA's back in a timely manner and sent to the DUA teams
  • They were all kicked back b/c there was a problem with one.  The problem has been fixed and they have all gone back to the DUA team. Should all go through today
  • System does not have a way for the Submitters to put in an MBI and get back an SSN.  Lisa will take it back to the team and see about getting it put on the backlog
  • The SSN issue that Submitters requested metrics on. Is that how often it is getting overwritten by the system? 
    • No, this is around the issue of missing SSN's. Lisa was seeing missing SSNs in general
    • Submitters had asked if there were any metrics around the volume of missing SSNs on the 2728
  • What is the objection to sharing the roadmap information with the community that will be using the system?
    • Per CMS there is no objection, they just want to be thoughtful on how they share the information
    • Trying to be collaborative as much as possible and they are not trying to keep any secrets
  • How does CMS intend to get their feedback and involvement on longer term development ideas and perspectives if we don't engage the community?
  • The development of EQRS may not have been done in a fashion that it needs to be done
  • It's been about eight months and still tripping over it and its all a process failure and failure to share the roadmap, business requirements and details of how things were going to work
  • How does the group envision the community having better input in building the system?
    • ISG has a couple of meetings throughout the week
    • There have been demo's that EDI Submitters are invited to attend
      • The EDI Submitters do attend but they are not opportunities to have discussions on how to change the process
      • The demos are more centered around here is what we did and what's going to go into the system in the next 1-2 weeks
    • Suggested to include the EDI Submitter groups during backlog discussions before PI planning
    • Suggested to have CMS provide the information out ahead and make it available to make sure everything is in alignment
    • EDI's need to be engaged more upstream, roadmap and involved in discussion of the big concepts
    • Currently, this whole program is a one way data flow and CMS clinical data.  EDI's are truly not getting the quality information feedback they they need to improve their practices and not getting operational data back out to help their practices
  • Discuss where we could be? If everything were fixed, in place and we could work on things that would be beneficial to the patient community and EDIs, what are some of the ideas that are still out there that haven't been touched?
    • Most all of their ideas have not been touched
      • Ability to get data out of the system
      • The alignment between the system and QIP and 5 star
      • It's much more looking at this as a data life cycle versus a data repository and two distinct programs that utilize the data in a black box, which exists today
      • QIP and 5 star are individual programs that are not related to each other and use the same data set in different manners, have different rules in different teams and are a black box

Meeting format discussion

  • Lisa asked the group if they felt these meetings are too frequent? 
  • Would they like to move the meetings back to every other Wednesday?
  • The group is ok with moving the meetings back to every other Wednesday starting June 16
  • Suggestion to spend time developing an agenda for this meeting
  • The group is not on the same page as to what this meeting is trying to accomplish
  • Suggested topics: the roadmap, access to data
  • Lisa requested that the submitter groups send in their suggestions for the agenda
  • There are a number of action items that need follow up
  • Provide more routine follow up and work on resolutions for the action items so the list doesn't continue to grow
  • This meeting should be used to take feedback from the EDI Submitter's groups, collect it, and ask if they can get the data for CMS
  • This group needs to step back and restructure this meeting to be able to support CMS
  • Lisa request for the EDI groups to send a sample agenda of how they would like the agenda to look like
  • In the past, there were quarterly meetings that lasted two dats where they got down into detail about where the program was trying to go, what were the implications of what their talking through, very broad strategies of new technologies
  • It was a good opportunity for the groups to get together and look at progress and set goals going forward
  • There was more engagement, constructive and details design sessions
  • Lisa will go back and have some conversations and make an effort to work on this with a couple of people internally and see where they can get to

Next meeting scheduled for  

  • Meeting will be moved to every other Wednesday, effective June 16
  • Meeting invite series will be updated and sent to the group

Action Items:

  • DUA - check if we have ability to extend past end of the contract (5/31) Lisa Rees 
  • DUA - Research and see what would happen if we're unable to get it completed in 10 days and get back to the group Lisa Rees 
  • Look into reviewing the Roadmap in future meetings Lisa Rees (discussions still taking place)
  • Need good business rule documentation - capture in a centralized location to shared with the community Lisa Rees 
  • Look and see if there is a way FKC can put in an MBI and it give them back the SSN? Lisa Rees Lisa will take it back to the team and see about getting it put on the backlog
  • Research if it is possible to gather metrics around the SSN issue Lisa Rees 

DateMilestone (M) / Task (T)DescriptionPhaseStatus
2/28/2021MCode deployed to pre-prod for testing.1Complete
3/15/2021 - 3/24/2021TEDIs perform integration testing.1Complete


MEDIs sign-off on integration testing.1Complete

3/24/2021 - 3/25/2021

TADO prepares for coding deployment.1Complete


MProduction deployment.1Complete
3/31/2021MProd-Preview environment contains refreshed prod data 2Complete
2/24/2021 - 3/10/2021 TReview of phase 2 codes and finalize list of codes.  Complete
3/11/2021 - 4/30/2021TADO perform coding updates and regression testing - Phase 2 (Patient Codes) 2Complete


MProd-Preview environment data refresh.2Complete


MRemaining Phase 2 (Patient Codes) deployed to pre-prod for testing.2Complete

5/4/2021 - 6/1/2021


EDIs performs integration testing - Phase 2 (Patient Codes) 
Starting 5/4 - EDIs submit prod file in prod environment and PP2-3.  This should be the SAME file for both environments.  Review discrepancies between the feedback files and validate codes.



MEDIs sign off-on integration testing - Phase 2 (Patient Codes) 2Complete

6/2/2021 - 6/4/2021

TADO prepares for coding deployment - Phase 2 (Patient Codes) 2Complete


MProduction deployment - Phase 2 (Patient Codes) 2Complete
6/4/2021MPhase 2 (Patient Codes) live in production.2Complete
3/10/2021 - 3/17/2021TReview of phase 3 codes and finalize list of codes.  3Complete
5/12/2021 - 06/08/2021TADO perform coding updates and regression testing - Phase 3 Clinical Codes/27283Complete


MProd-Preview environment data refresh.
6/4/2021 - 6/6/2021T

EDIs SHOULD NOT submit any PATIENT files during this time period in production (to ensure same patients are in PP2-3).


EDIs to drop file into PP2-3 to establish a baseline.



MCode deployed to pre-prod for testing - Phase 3 (Clinical Codes/2728).
Reopening September 2020 to March 2021 Clinical months for submission.

6/9/2021 - 7/6/2021

TEDIs performs integration testing.

Starting 6/9 - Re-drop same file from 6/7/2021 into PP2-3.  Review feedback files from PP2-3 and validate codes.



MEDIs sign-off on integration testing - Phase 3 (Clinical Codes/2728).3


7/7/2021 - 7/11/2021

TADO prepares for coding deployment - Phase 3 (Clinical Codes/2728).3Complete
7/12/2021MPhase 3 (Clinical Codes/2728) live in production.3Complete


MEDSM Implementation Complete (Phase 1 - 3).n/aComplete

7/12/2021 - 9/15/2021


Resubmission of Clinical Data Files (September to December). 

Open July 12, 2021 at 5 a.m. Pacific (8 a.m. Eastern) and close September 15, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time

9/15/2021 is the official closure date for the clinical months of September, October, November, and December 2020.

CMS highly recommends completing large data submissions prior to the official clinical closure date.





Data fully submitted and ready for measure and scoring calculations.

09/20/2021 - 02/28/2022T

Submit January-September 2021 EQRS Clinical Data, ICH CAHPS Attestations, and Clinical Depression Screening and Follow-Up Plan reporting in EQRS. Additionally, all subsequent months in 2021 will open for data submission on the first day of each month (i.e., October opens October 1; November opens November 1; and December opens December 1). 

02/28/2022MThe clinical closure date for all months in 2021 is February 28, 2022 at 11:59 PM PT.n/a

Data Submission (Errors & Warnings) Milestone Dates - By Phase

Phase No.

File Type

Code Bucket Name


ADO Completion Date

LDO Testing Start Date

Testing Completion Date

Production Date



Admit Reasons

11221, 11222, 11223, 11224, 11225







Patient Codes







Clinical Codes







2728 Codes





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