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Activity 1: Add the Program and Program Projects to the EazyBI Data

  1. Navigate to the source data tab in eazybi and select "edit" next to the Jira Cube Import
  2. Ensure Category is selected at the top of the project dialogue. Select the Project Category for the program you are adding.
  3. Select the import button at the bottom of the page.

  Figure 1

Activity 2: Ensure the correct project teams are associated with the category

Validate that all and only the active teams in the program are associated with the project category.

  1. Identify the active teams with the program RTE or other program leader.
  2. Confirm the right teams are included in the EazyBI data:
    1. Navigate to the program dashboard
    2. Open the project select dropdown, and click the "+" symbol next to the new program name.
    3. Validate the team projects match the list of the active teams confirmed by the RTE or other program leader
  3. If only and all of the active teams appear, move on to the next activity. Otherwise, continue with the steps in this activity
  4. If there are extra or missing teams, you must submit an Atlassian request to have the correct team projects associated with the project category.
    1. Submit a request to the Jira support team in the #help-Atlassian slack channel
    2. Include the active team projects that need to be associated with the category, and that all other teams are removed.
  5. Once the request is complete, rerun the Import and confirm in Eazybi with the method described above.

Activity 3: Update the Project Switch Measure

  1. The project switch measure will update all dashboard reports using PI start dates or boundaries on the dashboard when a program is selected at the top of the dashboard:
  2. In the edit mode for any report, open the measures panel, and edit the user-defined measure entitled "Motherfuncktion"
  3. Insert the following code to the measure where indicated in figure 2:

    DescendantsSet([Project].CurrentHierarchyMember, [Project].CurrentHierarchy.Levels("Category")),
  Cast([Time].CurrentHierarchyMember.Name as string) MATCHES "NEW PROJECT CATEGORY NAME.*"

Figure 2

Activity 4: Add Custom Members to the Time Dimension for the PI Based Reports

  1. Check the program's confluence space and get the Start and End Dates
  2. Verify the dates are correct with the RTE or Program Manager for the current, past 4, and next 4 PI's
  3. Add the Program key, PI numbers, and Start and End dates to this page
  4. In a 

    dashboard report using the time dimension

    , expand the dimension
  5. At the bottom of the report, select "Define new calculated member"(fig. 3)
  6. For the PI date range members, enter the name at the top of the dialogue(fig. 4), using the following format: Jira Project Key-PI PI Number. The hyphen is necessary for some reports to work properly.
    1. Add the code with the start and end dates that correspond with the PI number:
      [Time].[Day].DateMembersBetween('Jan 19 2022 00:01','Apr 19 2022 23:59')
    2. Use the full timestamp shown above. The hours and minutes are critical
  7. Select the update button to save the calculated member to the time dimension (fig. 4), and it will appear in the list of members of the time dimension.
  8. Repeat for the subsequent program's PI's
  9. For the PI Start Date members, enter the name, using the following format: Jira Project Key PI PI Number. Note the absence of the hyphen
  10. Enter the code with the date corresponding to the start of the PI number, in the following format:
    [Time].[Day].DateMember('Oct 13 2021')
  11. Save the calculated member to the time dimension (fig. 5), and it will appear at the bottom of the list of members in the time dimension. *note: you will only need to create these once, and they will be available for use in any report with the time dimension
  12. Repeat for the subsequent program's upcoming PI's

Figure 3

Figure 4

                     Figure 5


Activity 5: Add the new PI time dimensions to the reports

  1. Navigate to the individual report
  2. Open the time dimension and select the newly created PI's based on the specific report (see table)
    1. The PI's must be selected in order from past, present, to future
  3. Select the new Program and verify the PI's are showing in the correct order
  4. Verify the other Programs are still displaying correctly
  5. Save the Report

Current reports that use PI's

  1. Features in Status on PI Start Dates (uses PI start date, E.g. HQR PI18 - no dash)
  2. Features Started and Closed per PI (uses PI date range, E.g. HQR-PI18 - with dash)
  3. All ART teams' backlog composition at PI start (uses PI start date, E.g. HQR PI18 - no dash)
  4. All ART Teams' work delivered for selected PI (uses PI date range, E.g. HQR-PI18 - with dash)

Activity 6: Add Program specific feature statuses to user defined measures and custom members

  1. Identify Program Statuses
    1. Confirm the correct program project and program board with the Program's RTE or Program Manager.
    2. Navigate to the program's PI board in Jira, and select the carat on the "Board" Button, and select "Configure"
    3. Select Columns
    4. Note which statuses are mapped to columns
  2. Add the correct statuses to reports using status
    1. For the "Current Program Backlog Health", "Features in Status on PI Start Dates", "Features Started and Closed Per PI", and "Feature Cumulative Flow" reports using status, bookmark and select the appropriate statuses identified in step 1 to the report in the "Status" or "Transition Status" Dimensions. (fig 6) Note that in the "Current Program Backlog Health" report, no in-progress statuses are used.

Figure 6

Activity 7: Add "Complete" statuses to Jira Data import

  1. Navigate to the source data tab in eazybi and select "edit" next to the Jira Cube Import
  2. Scroll down the Statuses and History section (fig. 7)
  3. Add any program specific "completed" statuses to the Closed Statuses field needed. 

Figure 7

Activity #Suggested or Potential Workaround(s)Teams NeededFeasibility ConfidenceExpected Feature Size/Effort
1Create "Program Dashboard" flag in Jira. We can add this as a dimension or custom field for the import, and then update some measures to pull programs with the dashboard flag. If we can add properties to the project category, we should be able automate this in the import. Need to discuss with Atlassian to understand feasibility better

Atlassian, LACE

2Create a policy for RTEs or Program Managers to submit requests to remove and add teams as they are created or decommissionedProgram Support, Atlassian100%low effort, but cyclical and prone to human error
2Use the "Active Program" flag in Jira at the project level and add it as a property or dimension so that inactive projects and project data are not importedAtlassian, Lace70%Medium
2Let inactive teams screw up data, and let program leaders face the consequences. This would only work if there were work item standards in place and an expectation that the dashboards be accurateProgram Leaders30%Free 
3Use the Release Version to include Program Key, PI Boundaries, PI Numbers, start and end dates. Create measures in EazyBI and update PI based reports  This would require RTEs\Program leaders to add the correct information for  existing release versions and create future release versions correctlyAtlassian, LACE. RTEs, Program leaders99%Medium
4Transition to release versions as outlined above. Write measure to pull the right set of release versions into report based on time. We would need to think carefully about version namesLACE, RTEs or Program Leaders, possibly Atlassian90%Medium
5 Identify and add all program level statuses in use and add them to the status based reports.  Dashboards should be backwards compatible, but reports may need some finessing to keep past and present data analogousLACE, Atlassian, RTEs or Program Leaders90%Small
6Proactively all "Post Dev" statuses to the done status group in the import. Customization of Jira statuses would have to stop. Risk that some issues would be stripped out of the report to a negative effectLACE, Atlassian100%Small

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