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What is a User Research Plan?

Tells business stakeholders and other team members about your plan for gathering information about the people who use your products and services. It lays out the who, what, when, where, and why of your intended research, and gets everyone on the same page about what you are hoping to learn from it.

When do I use a User Research Plan?

Any time you intend to conduct quantitative or qualitative research with users, complete this plan template and for communicating with stakeholders and other team members. Get in front of any questions and concerns, identify gaps, and gain consensus on goals and methods by communicating your intentions as early as possible.

Download Template

User Research Plan (MS Word)

You may modify this plan to meet your needs or use it as is. An explanation of the fields is below.

How to use it


Describe the business case for your research.


Describe the when, where, and how of your research.


List stakeholders and their roles and contact info.


List the relevant characteristics of your intended participants. Link to participant recruiting and screening materials.


List your research goals so everyone agrees on what you are trying to learn from research with users.


Enter any relevant dates and milestones for your intended research.

Research Questions 

Enter your research questions.

Script or Conversation Guide 

Link to any scripts or conversation guides you intend to use in your research.

