QualityNet Jira and QualityNet Confluence will be briefly unavailable on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, between 8:00 PM ET and 9:00 PM ET while the team performs an AMI update.  If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us in Slack at #help-atlassian.



Adrienne Adkins

Ahmar Wazir

Arnie Esparterox
Betina Fletcherx
Cheri Jergerx
Chris Brownx
Deb Wilsonx
Hari Krishnax
Heather Moorex
Howard Thomas
Jason Bullock
Jason Clemx
Jennifer Baileyx
Jun Tran
Karen Wheelerx
Karena Sx
Kathleen Prewittx
Kelly Llewellynx
Kelly Mayo
Leah Skrienx
Lisa Reesx
Melissa Fieldhousex
Michael Kennedyx
Nathan Muzosx
Pandu Muddax
Revathy Ramakrishnax
Sarah Fillingx
Vladimir Ladikx


  • Call will be recorded for the purpose of capturing further meeting notes.  Any objections please inform
  • Meeting has been repurposed to focus on the Program and EDI around issues, concerns and updates
Roundtable/Open FloorDUA
  • Lisa working with DUA, OAGM and CMS
  • DUA being used circulated to everyone
  • NCC will send out a new DUA to all EDI Submitters to run past their leadership

  • Hospitalization and Clinical data reporting - how it should be handled; need clarification; impact to future
    • Hospitalization is in new contract and will be used
    • Suggested hospitalization AND labs should be used for QIP
    • Further discussion needed and will revisit in next weeks meeting
    • Use hospital data for that month
    • Lisa suggested creating a feature page
    • Ahmar from QIPS perspective needs to know if its ok to use those values for our calculation – using the hospital data for that month. Ahmar will get a confirmation for the next meeting, then can get feature page done and prioritized
  • Ability to get access to CDR - data repository beneficial to everyone
    • Lisa will schedule a meeting for further discussion - Ken Howard
    • Discussed last December and revisited in Feb, 2021
    • EQRS data not exist in CDR
    • Lisa – NCC has access to a redshift instance. Nathan thought NCC has access to CDR, but they do not. Nathan would like to know where is EQRS on the CDR roadmap. Lisa will follow up.
    • Needs to remain on roadmap and have further discussions
  • QIP
    • Heard concerns all of 2020 shouldn't be used for various reasons
    • Later 6 months will still need to run the program
    • More clarification coming on updated rules and will need deeper dive
    • Policy lead, Delia, will be included on call/discussion once the rule is out
  • Stakeholder call this afternoon (1pm eastern) to discuss Network contract
    • This may be a topic for discussion in next weeks discussion based on the Network Contract meeting
  • COVID Vaccination feedback
    • It was just set up in NHSM but looks like it will end up being chronic
    • If becomes an annual vaccination would like to treat it like other vaccinations (after it is out of acute phase)
    • Kathleen concerned about various places this must be reported – states, NHSM, and then EQRS. Each agency has different reporting requirements
    • Revathy said they just spent last 2 months working on NHSM
    • Nathan - if have to do this can we discuss what is useful so not just adding reporting for the sake of reporting but instead actionable and informative AND talk about how it is being implemented in EQRS
    • Biggest benefit to having vaccination in EQRS is that you can get down to the individual patient data – can look at demographics, can look at social determinants of health
    • Nathan – advocate for getting vaccinations out of the clinical data – all for it – also think it is great opportunity as vaccinations is designed and implemented to make sure it is flexible for the future so whatever new thing comes out in 2022
    • Kelly – suggest reach out to CDC since they must report on vaccinations – query what CDC already has instead of having Dialysis groups collect this information. Believes Covid data is being collected by states and sent to CDC
    • Betina – separate and distinct systems - we do not connect to
    • Nathan – experience with Covid reporting – multiple state and county registry and faced trying to connect to these – they all have HL7 but different requirements. Would like a central immunization registry that feed state systems connected to CDC and connect to EQRS
    • Vlad - collect data for research - pull from state/county BUT if you are connecting to 5 star (money or prestige) he wants to submit data himself – because not 100% accurate out of state.  
    • Duplication of reporting
    • Create a vaccination module separate from clinical
    • Simple design, structure and flexibility
    • Suggestion to integrate with CDC
    • FMC and DaVita report to CDC and state
    • Hope each state would develop their own registry
    • Would like to have a centralized system to access data, state registries
    • Possible enabler - expand into multiple PIs
    • Further research and discussion needed
ICD 10 Codes - Decimal IssueLisa
  • Action: EDIs go back and look at their systems and confirm what will happen with add of the decimal
  • FMC (K. Prewitt), DaVita (N. Muzos), and DCI (V. Ladik) are all okay with CMS adding the decimal
  • The ICD code description should be displayed and the code itself should be entered and displayed exactly as described in the standard
Future topicsKathleen

Attestation and Depression data

  • Anticipating reopen of Sep – Dec but never mentioned about what to do about halt on clinical, attestation and depression data. So far only talked about un-halting clinical data, what about attestation and depression data.
  • Ahmar is trying to get more information from Single User Interface clinics for calendar year 2020.
  • Follow schedule as clinical closure
  • Data will be required
  • Date is still to be determined
  • Data will be reported
  • Attestations not successful in pre prod and prod

Request for users to have access to REMIS 

  • Valuable source of data to corporate user
  • Lisa will take back and see if possible

Next meeting scheduled for  

Action Items:

  • EDIs go back and look at their systems and confirm what will happen with add of the decimal.  

DateMilestone (M) / Task (T)DescriptionPhaseStatus
2/28/2021MCode deployed to pre-prod for testing.1Complete
3/15/2021 - 3/24/2021TEDIs perform integration testing.1Complete


MEDIs sign-off on integration testing.1Complete

3/24/2021 - 3/25/2021

TADO prepares for coding deployment.1Complete


MProduction deployment.1Complete
3/31/2021MProd-Preview environment contains refreshed prod data 2Complete
2/24/2021 - 3/10/2021 TReview of phase 2 codes and finalize list of codes.  Complete
3/11/2021 - 4/30/2021TADO perform coding updates and regression testing - Phase 2 (Patient Codes) 2Complete


MProd-Preview environment data refresh.2Complete


MRemaining Phase 2 (Patient Codes) deployed to pre-prod for testing.2Complete

5/4/2021 - 6/1/2021


EDIs performs integration testing - Phase 2 (Patient Codes) 
Starting 5/4 - EDIs submit prod file in prod environment and PP2-3.  This should be the SAME file for both environments.  Review discrepancies between the feedback files and validate codes.



MEDIs sign off-on integration testing - Phase 2 (Patient Codes) 2Complete

6/2/2021 - 6/4/2021

TADO prepares for coding deployment - Phase 2 (Patient Codes) 2Complete


MProduction deployment - Phase 2 (Patient Codes) 2Complete
6/4/2021MPhase 2 (Patient Codes) live in production.2Complete
3/10/2021 - 3/17/2021TReview of phase 3 codes and finalize list of codes.  3Complete
5/12/2021 - 06/08/2021TADO perform coding updates and regression testing - Phase 3 Clinical Codes/27283Complete


MProd-Preview environment data refresh.
6/4/2021 - 6/6/2021T

EDIs SHOULD NOT submit any PATIENT files during this time period in production (to ensure same patients are in PP2-3).


EDIs to drop file into PP2-3 to establish a baseline.



MCode deployed to pre-prod for testing - Phase 3 (Clinical Codes/2728).
Reopening September 2020 to March 2021 Clinical months for submission.

6/9/2021 - 7/6/2021

TEDIs performs integration testing.

Starting 6/9 - Re-drop same file from 6/7/2021 into PP2-3.  Review feedback files from PP2-3 and validate codes.



MEDIs sign-off on integration testing - Phase 3 (Clinical Codes/2728).3


7/7/2021 - 7/11/2021

TADO prepares for coding deployment - Phase 3 (Clinical Codes/2728).3Complete
7/12/2021MPhase 3 (Clinical Codes/2728) live in production.3Complete


MEDSM Implementation Complete (Phase 1 - 3).n/aComplete

7/12/2021 - 9/15/2021


Resubmission of Clinical Data Files (September to December). 

Open July 12, 2021 at 5 a.m. Pacific (8 a.m. Eastern) and close September 15, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time

9/15/2021 is the official closure date for the clinical months of September, October, November, and December 2020.

CMS highly recommends completing large data submissions prior to the official clinical closure date.





Data fully submitted and ready for measure and scoring calculations.

09/20/2021 - 02/28/2022T

Submit January-September 2021 EQRS Clinical Data, ICH CAHPS Attestations, and Clinical Depression Screening and Follow-Up Plan reporting in EQRS. Additionally, all subsequent months in 2021 will open for data submission on the first day of each month (i.e., October opens October 1; November opens November 1; and December opens December 1). 

02/28/2022MThe clinical closure date for all months in 2021 is February 28, 2022 at 11:59 PM PT.n/a

Data Submission (Errors & Warnings) Milestone Dates - By Phase

Phase No.

File Type

Code Bucket Name


ADO Completion Date

LDO Testing Start Date

Testing Completion Date

Production Date



Admit Reasons

11221, 11222, 11223, 11224, 11225







Patient Codes







Clinical Codes







2728 Codes





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