- Created by Kathleen Church, last modified by Tina Byer on Mar 06, 2025
Release notes from more than 90 days ago are stored in the ServiceNow Release Notes Archive in the internal ServiceNow space. Users will need to log in to view these release notes, or email CCSQServiceNow@cms.hhs.gov.
The following enhancements will be completed during this iteration:
Affected Customers: CCSQ Services and Operations Support (SOS)
Quick Messages Configured for SOS
On March 6, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will configure quick messages for SOS. Quick messages will enable the SOS Team to swiftly and effortlessly communicate with customers, providing timely updates on any associated cases, requested items (RITMs), or incidents (INCs). This streamlined process significantly enhances communication efficiency, ensuring customers are promptly informed about relevant matters regarding their submissions.
Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow EQRS Customers
CCSQ Support Central: EQRS Idea Portal Launch
On March 6, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will release the EQRS Idea Portal. The ServiceNow Idea Portal for EQRS will serve as a centralized hub for collecting, curating, and promoting ideas, enabling the integration of customer feedback into future product development.
Features of the EQRS Idea Portal will include:
- New Login Screen
- Select ‘Idea Portals’ from the CCSQ Support Central Home Page
- Select the appropriate program tile (i.e., EQRS, HQR, or iQIES) to access the respective Idea Portal
- EQRS Idea Portal Home Page options will include:
- Create Idea
- Use the filters at the top to find specific ideas
- Subscribe to an idea to receive updates
- Upvote an idea to show support
- Comment on an idea
- Click the title of an idea to open the Idea Details page
- Create Idea
- To ensure successful submission of the idea for consideration to the EQRS Team, fill out all the required fields being as descriptive as possible
- EQRS Idea Details
- View a description of the idea, how the idea will benefit EQRS, and who will benefit from implementing the idea
- Subscribe and/or upvote the idea
- Only EQRS Idea Managers will see the ellipsis next to the Subscribe/Unsubscribe button allowing them to modify the details of the idea
- EQRS Idea Manager View
- The Idea Manager view not only allows editing the details but also moving the State to ‘Backlog’ which is the trigger for creating the associated Jira ticket allowing the EQRS team to work the idea through their normal development lifecycle
For more information, review the Master Article – EQRS Idea Portal and related Knowledge Articles in CCSQ ServiceNow, after the update is completed on March 6, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET.
Note: To view Knowledge Articles, you will need to sign in with your CCSQ ServiceNow account.
Affected Customers: CCSQ Service Center, EPCS Program
New Field Added to EPCS Case Form
On March 6, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will add a new optional dropdown field called ‘SC HCD Outreach’ to the EPCS case form to allow for tracking of this information. In addition to the new field, a new filter will be available for the EPCS Team that filters the ‘opt in’ selection for the ‘SC HCD Outreach Status’ field and EPCS as the case type.
Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Platform and CCSQnow Customers
AI Search Attachment Grouping
On March 6, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement group attachment search results which will enable platform and CCSQnow customers to quickly locate articles linked to these attachments via the AI search engine. This will streamline the process of finding relevant information, boosting efficiency and productivity. Additionally, it will significantly improve the requestor and fulfiller experience by delivering more precise and contextually relevant search results.
Figure 1: Search results for attachments and articles are shown separately before attachment grouping is implemented.
Figure 2: Article attachments are now grouped with their corresponding articles after implementing attachment grouping.
The following maintenance tasks will be completed during this iteration:
Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Platform Customers
CCSQ ServiceNow: Washington DC Patch 9A Upgrade
On February 23, 2025, at 4:15 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow implemented a maintenance task to upgrade to Washington DC Patch 9A in support of platform security and customer experience.
Affected Customers: CCSQ Service Center, QIES/iQIES Program
New Sub-Category Added to iQIES/QIES Case Form
On March 6, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will add a new sub-category called ‘MFA’ on the iQIES/QIES case form, which will be available for the category of Account Management.
Affected Customers: CCSQ Service Center, iQIES/QIES Program, QPP Program
Updates to iQIES/QIES & QPP Case Forms
On March 6, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the categories and sub-categories on the QIES/iQIES and QPP Case Forms to include:
- Adding to iQIES/QIES Case Form:
- Sub-category ‘Enforcement’ to the ‘S&C Survey’ category
- Removing from iQIES/QIES Case Form:
- ‘S&C Enforcement’ category and its ‘Enforcement Appeals’ and ‘Enforcement Sanctions’ sub-categories
- ‘S&C Intake/Complaints’ category and its ‘General Intake/Complaint Issues’ sub-category
- Removing from QPP Case Form:
- ‘Account Management’ category and its sub-categories
- ‘Programmatic’ Category and its sub-categories
Affected Customers: CCSQnow Self Service Portal Customers
Field Error Message Color Correction
On March 6, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will resolve the issue which is causing field error messages to no longer be colored red when rendered in the CCSQnow Self Service Portal.
The following enhancements will be completed during this iteration:
Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Platform Customers
CCSQ ServiceNow: Homepage Retirement & Dashboard Governance Implementation
On February 20, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will introduce multiple changes to enhance governance, improve reporting accuracy, and streamline the user experience for Dashboard consumers now that the transition from Homepages to Dashboards is complete.
The new Dashboard process will include:
- The remaining 1135 Homepages (6 out of 7) will be converted into Dashboards
- A single Homepage will remain for reporting purposes
- The ability to create new Homepages will be disabled for all consumers
- A ‘Last Viewed’ field will be introduced and populated for all Dashboards
- Shared Dashboards that have not been viewed in over 365 days will be retired
- Personal Dashboards that have not been viewed in over 90 days will be retired
- Starting February 21, 2025, the Dashboard Governance functionality will begin processing:
- Daily Dashboard usage data
- System Notifications will be sent to Dashboard Owners, both Individual and Shared, prior to their Dashboards being retired to notify them of inactivity
Affected Customers: CCSQ Service Center, CCSQ ServiceNow Platform Customers
Original Case Form Updates
On February 20, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update to the Original Case Form on both the Platform and CSM Configurable Workspace to ensure that customers submitting unsupported cases no longer encounter references to the inactive PQRS and DEL Programs. Additionally, the case submission process will be streamlined by eliminating outdated information and unnecessary fields.
Affected Customers: CCSQ Service Center, CCSQ ServiceNow Platform Customers
Enable ‘Resolve as Spam’ on Original Case Form
On February 20, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the Original Case Form to enable the ‘Resolve as Spam’ button to be visible on the Platform and CSM Configurable Workspace. This will allow agents to quickly resolve cases as spam if needed, streamlining the workflow and enabling efficient management of spam cases to improve productivity and ensure a smoother user experience.
Affected Customers: CCSQ Service Center, EQRS/ESRD Program
Update to EQRS Case Type
On February 20, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will modify the EQRS Case Type to auto-populate the ‘Parent Account’ field based on the ‘State’ field selection when ‘ESRD Facility’ is selected as the Account Type. The need for agents to manually select a value in the ‘Parent Account’ field will be eliminated. This enhancement not only streamlines the account creation process, but also reduces the likelihood of errors, ensuring a consistent and accurate population of the ‘Parent Account’ field.
The following enhancements will be completed during this iteration:
Affected Customers: CCSQ Service Center, CCSQ ServiceNow Platform Case Management and CSM Configurable Workspace Customers (for the impacted Case Types outlined)
Service Center Case Form Optimization Enhancements
On February 6, 2025, at 8:30 pm ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will provide optimized Service Center Case Form features.
A new dropdown required field called ‘HARP Account Related’ will be implemented in the following case forms:
- CCSQ - Identity Proofing
- ES
'Non-Program Related (HARP only)' has been implemented to the ‘Category’ field dropdown list in the following case forms:
- ES
‘Contact Type’ field updates will be configured in the following case forms:
- ES
If ‘Unsupported’ is selected in the ‘Contact Type’ field, the ‘Category’ and ‘Subcategory’ fields will default to ‘Unsupported.’
Specific to iQIES: If ‘Unsupported’ is selected in the ‘Contact Type’ field, the ‘Category,’ ‘Subcategory’ and ‘Participation Options’ fields will default to ‘Unsupported.’
‘Category’ and ‘Subcategory’ field dropdown updates for the case forms are configured.
By implementing these changes, it will enhance customer and agent experience in case form creation and triaging by optimizing and streamlining the information-gathering process for greater efficiency and effectiveness across the Platform and CSM Configurable Workspace.
The following maintenance tasks will be completed during this iteration:
Affected Customers: Cloud/DevOps Services, CCSQNow Self Service Portal Customers
Ansible Service Catalog Item Retired
On January 30, 2025, at 4:00 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow removed the Ansible Service Catalog option from the Service Catalog DevOps topics.
Affected Customers: QualityNet Question and Answer Site Customers
Quality Q&A Tool Program Article Access Restored
On January 31, 2025, at 4:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow restored the ability for unauthenticated users to access program knowledge articles on the Quality Q&A Tool without being redirected to a login screen.
Affected Customers: CCSQ Services and Operations Support (SOS)
‘Pending Reason’ Field Added to Major Incidents
On February 6, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will add the ‘Pending Reason’ field to Incidents that are promoted to Major Incidents. This will ensure the ‘Pending Reason’ field will be displayed on the Major Incident form for the user to input this information and complete the request.
Affected Customers: QualityNet Question and Answer Site Customers
Quality Q&A Tool: New Subtopic Added to ‘Ask a Question’ Page
On February 6, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will add the new subtopic of ‘Thirty-day Risk-Standardized Death Rate among Surgical Inpatients with Complications (Failure-to-Rescue)’ under the ‘Inpatient Claims-Based Measures’ Program. Questions for this subtopic will be routed to the existing ‘Public QA – PSMDM’ assignment group.
Affected Customers: CCSQNow Self Service Portal Customers
Updated Assignment Group Catalog Item
On February 6, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will remove the ‘Change’ checkbox option under the ‘Associated Applications’ section of the ‘Create an Assignment Group’ catalog item. This update will ensure the service catalog provides only relevant options to all users.
Affected Customers: iQIES/QIES Customers
Updated Link to iQIES HCD Form
On February 6, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will create a redirect link for the iQIES HCD Research Form so that customers using the outdated link will be redirected to the current form.
Affected Customers: CCSQ Service Center, CCSQ ServiceNow Platform Customers
Jira/ServiceNow Integration: Remove Error Notifications
On February 6, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will deploy an enhancement to its Jira Integration addressing and reducing additional false outage notifications due to discrepancies in ticket data synchronization between the two systems. This enhancement is part of an ongoing effort to improve data accuracy, service reliability, and customer experience.
Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Platform Customers
CCSQ ServiceNow Platform User ID Modification
On February 6, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will eliminate all customizations within the portfolio of products that currently generate User IDs for Contacts. This modification is intended to mitigate the substantial downstream challenges associated with managing these records. Additionally, this change will simplify the system for administrators and users, as they will not need to manually create and manage User IDs.
Affected Customers: CCSQ Service Center, CCSQ Services and Operations Support (SOS), CCSQ ServiceNow Platform Customers
CCSQ Identify Proofing Case Type: Update Notification
On February 6, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement changes to CCSQ Identity Proofing. This update will enable customers receiving ‘Case Resolved’ notifications for CCSQ Identity Proofing cases to view detailed resolution information, including the action taken, the cause of the issue, and any required follow-up actions, thereby enhancing transparency regarding case resolutions. These changes will also provide customers with more accurate and timely information about their case resolution.
The following maintenance tasks will be completed during this iteration:
Affected Customers: CCSQ Support Central QPP Program Customers, CCSQ Services and Operations Support (SOS), and CCSQ Service Center
CCSQ Support Central: Track a Ticket ‘Watchlist’ User Close Ability Removed
On January 23, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will remove the ability of CCSQ Support Central: Track a Ticket ‘Watchlist’ users to close QPP tickets if they are not the ticket owner. This will address the issue of the ‘Close Ticket’ button improperly displaying.
Affected Customers: CCSQ Services and Operations Support (SOS), CCSQ Service Center Email Integration Customers (QualityNet, QualityNet EQRS, iQIES/QIES, QSEP, Q&A, SOS), CCSQ ServiceNow System Team
Activate ‘Download Template’ Functionality for Recipients List in Targeted Communications
On January 23, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will enable the ‘Download Template’ functionality on the Recipients List records in the Targeted Communications module in ServiceNow. This will allow the administrators of Targeted Communications to more efficiently create new distribution lists for future publications.
Affected Customers: CCSQ Services and Operations Support (SOS), CCSQ ServiceNow Platform Customers, QSEP Agents
Remove Duplicate Field Label on QSEP Case Form
On January 23, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will remove the duplicate ‘Customer Visible’ label from the ‘Short Description’ field on QSEP Case types.
Affected Customers: CCSQ Service Center
Enable Email Validation for New Contacts
On January 23, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will enable email validations so that only valid email addresses in the proper format are accepted when Representatives create a new ‘Contact’ from a Case in ServiceNow, e.g., 123@company.com.
Affected Customers: Hospital Hardship Portal Customers
CCSQ ServiceNow Hospital Hardship Application Portal Enhancements
On January 23, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the Hospital Hardship Application Public Portal with three enhancements which apply to both the Eligible Hospital (EH) and Critical Access Hospital (CAH) paths for submission.
- Hospital Hardship Application users will see changes to the dropdown menu options following the ‘Extreme & Uncontrollable Circumstances’ section of the form. The following categories will be combined to offer a single option, rather than two separate options:
- Removing:
- Decertification
- Vendor Issues
- Adding:
- CEHRT/Vendor Issues
- Removing:
These two categories are being combined to improve annual reporting.
- The final section of the ‘Public Form’ will be updated to improve the language used on the ‘Certify’ checkbox to address 508 Compliance and Accessibility standards and to improve the experience for those utilizing screen readers to perform their work. Currently users are presented with the field label ‘Certify.’ Going forward, users will be presented with the updated field label ‘Certify statement for hardship.’
- A fix will be implemented on the date fields following the ‘Extreme & Uncontrollable Circumstances’ section of the form. When entering start and end dates on the submission form, users are presented with a date field error message that is not consistent with the intended form functionality.
- Users are presented with an error message when the end date selected is in the year following the start date, e.g.:
- Start Date: 6/15/2024, End Date: 1/1/2025
- Users are presented with an error message when the end date selected is in the year following the start date, e.g.:
This will be resolved so users will no longer experience this issue, while still preventing end dates from being entered that are prior to the start date.
The following maintenance tasks will be completed during this iteration:
Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow System Team
CCSQ ServiceNow: ServiceNow Store and Plugin Application Implementation
On December 19, 2024, at 11:30 AM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow began updating the ServiceNow store and plugin applications. The CCSQ ServiceNow team executed updates for all plugins and software with newly available versions. The update process was completed successfully and there were no reported issues. All updates were thoroughly tested to ensure stability, accuracy, and functionality in the Production Environment.
Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers
CCSQ ServiceNow: Washington DC Patch 9
On January 6, 2025, at 12:15 AM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow implemented a maintenance task to upgrade to Washington DC Patch 9 in support of platform security and customer experience.
Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow System Team
CCSQ ServiceNow: Deprecation of GlideEncrypter API and Three-Key Triple DES
On January 9, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement the deprecation of GlideEncrypter API and Three-Key triple DES standard, to improve the security posture of the platform and align to ServiceNow best practices by utilizing Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). This update ensures the use of the recommended API for encryption.
Affected Customers: CCSQ Service Center, CCSQ ServiceNow Platform Customers, CCSQnow Self Service Portal Customers
CCSQ Service Center: Updated Footer for Group Approver Notification
On January 9, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow updated the footer for approver notifications to show that the CCSQ Service and Operations Support hours are 7 Days a week | 24 Hours a Day.
Affected Customers: CCSQ Services and Operations Support (SOS), Security Incident
CCSQ Service Center: SOS Team Assignment Correction
On January 9, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement a code fix to resolve an issue where incidents and security incidents are being assigned to SOS users who are not part of the assignment group on the ticket's form.
Affected Customers: CCSQ Service Center, iQIES/QIES/ASPEN
CCSQ Service Center: iQIES Field Fix
On January 9, 2025, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement a code fix to resolve an issue where the iQIES case type removes the ‘Assigned to’ field value when the Program Sub-Type (iQIES or QIES [Legacy]) is selected.
Affected Customers: Q&A Portal Customers
Q&A Portal Updates: New Assignment Group and Topic/Subtopic
On December 30, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow added a new topic to the public Q&A Portal and created a new Assignment Group to route related questions.
New Topic:
- PRO-PM and Hip/Knee PRO-PM added under Quality Reporting to the existing ASC – Ambulatory Surgical Centers program
- The topic will be routed to the existing program Public QA-OIE Measures
New Assignment Group:
- Public QA – OP Disparity Methods
- The following existing topics will be re-routed to the new assignment group
- OQR - Outpatient Quality Reporting > CMS Disparity Methods
- ASC - Ambulatory Surgical Centers - Quality Reporting > CMS Disparity Methods
- PCH - Cancer Hosp. Quality Reporting > CMS Disparity Methods
- The following existing topics will be re-routed to the new assignment group
The following maintenance update will be completed during this iteration:
Affected Customers: CCSQ Hospital Hardship Customers
Hospital Hardship: Automation for HH Form Start/End Dates
On December 30, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will automate the Hospital Hardship Form start and end date. The automation will run once a year on December 31st at 11:55 PM ET. This will calculate the start and end dates for the upcoming year and will update the system property accordingly to prevent any manual intervention on this task. The date calculations account for weekends and holidays based on defined rules, so the derived dates will always end on a business day.
The following enhancements will be completed during this iteration:
Affected Customers: Hospital Hardship Customers
CCSQ ServiceNow - Hospital Hardship: Convert to Out-of-the-box ServiceNow Form
On December 12, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, the Hospital Hardship Portal will be converted to an out-of-the-box ServiceNow Form to alleviate technical debt and simplify maintenance.
Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers using Next Experience UI (Platform) or CSM Configurable Workspace, Public Q&A Portal Submitters
Now Assist for Customer Service Management (CSM) and Now Assist Q&A Genius Results
On December 12, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, Now Assist will be implemented in the following places:
- Now Assist for CSM:
- Customer Service Management (CSM) Configurable Workspace for the following case types:
- Original Case Form
- Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS)
- End Stage Renal Disease Quality Reporting (EQRS)
- Enterprise Services (ES)
- Hospital Hardship (HH) (Case Summarization only)
- Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR)
- Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES/QIES)
- Quality Payment Program (QPP)
- Next Experience UI (Platform)
- Customer Service Management (CSM) Configurable Workspace for the following case types:
- Now Assist Q&A Genius Results:
- Q&A Portal
- CCSQnow Self Service Portal
- Customer Service Management (CSM) Configurable Workspace
- Next Experience UI (Platform)
What is Now Assist Q&A Genius Results?
Now Assist Q&A Genius Results will be available on the Q&A Portal (Figure 1), CCSQnow Self-Service Portal (Figure 2), and Next Experience UI (Platform) (Figure 3) and will enable users to find answers quickly when searching. Now Assist Q&A Genius Results will provide actionable answers and resolutions from trusted Knowledge Base and Service Catalog sources.
The Now Assist Q&A Genius Results are identified by a label stating: “Answer generated by Now Assist. Check sources for accuracy.”
Figure 1: Now Assist Q&A Genius Results in Q&A Portal
Figure 2: Now Assist Q&A Genius Results in CCSQnow Self-Service Portal
Figure 3: Now Assist Q&A Genius Results in Next Experience UI (Platform)
What is Now Assist in Next Experience UI (Platform) and CSM Configurable Workspace?
Now Assist will allow Customer Service Management (CSM) to streamline interaction notes for service center representatives and case managers, resulting in more efficient and effective customer experience.
Now Assist will have the following functionalities in Next Experience UI (Platform) and CSM Configurable Workspace:
- Case Summarization – provides a concise summary of a case, including the issue, actions taken, and resolution details.
- Propose Solution – generates resolution notes for a case, propose the resolution to the customer, and add the resolution information to the case record.
- Chat Summarization – generates a summary of the Virtual Agent chat history.
To learn more about how to utilize Now Assist in Next Experience UI (Platform) and in CSM Configurable Workspace, CCSQ ServiceNow Internal Customers may read the knowledge article: Now Assist in CSM Configurable Workspace Guide.
Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers
Changes to ServiceNow Account Deactivation Process
On December 12th, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, the process of deactivating the CCSQ ServiceNow HARP roles due to inactivity will be updated from 180 days to 60 days. This will enhance the ServiceNow User decommission process with increased automation and additional process refinements.
The following maintenance tasks will be completed during this iteration:
Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers
Washington DC Patch 8
On December 7, 2024, at 10:00 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow implemented a maintenance task to upgrade to Washington DC Patch 8 in support of platform security and customer experience.
Affected Customers: CCSQ Support Central Customers
CCSQ Support Central: Closing Tickets in Track Multiple Tickets Page
On December 12, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, the CCSQ Support Central ‘Close Ticket’ button will be modified to remove the ‘Close Ticket’ button when a ticket is in the ‘Closed Complete’ or ‘Closed Incomplete’ state. Users will no longer be able to re-close the ticket and add a new close note when in these states. This addresses a known issue while closing tickets in Requests and Request Items.
Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers
ServiceNow Catalog Application Returns Blank Page
On December 12, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, a code fix will be implemented on the CCSQ ServiceNow Service Catalog to ensure users are directed to the CCSQnow Self-Service Portal.
Affected Customers: Public Q&A Portal Submitters
Program Removed from the QualityNet Q&A Tool
On December 12, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, the Skilled Nursing Facility Value-Based Purchasing Program (SNF VBP) will be removed as an option along with its corresponding assignment groups from the Ask a Question page on the Quality Question and Answer (Q&A) Tool.
Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers
Report Clean-Up
On December 12, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, reports assigned to non-existent groups, non-existent users, or inactive users will be removed to ensure all reports are assigned.
Affected Customers: CCSQ Services and Operations Support (SOS)
Duplicate Contact Final Clean-Up
On December 12, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, duplicate contacts in ServiceNow will be cleaned up to reduce confusion and streamline ticket and case searches.
Affected Customers: CCSQ Support Central Customers
Track an Existing Ticket Fix
On December 12, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, a code fix will be implemented on CCSQ Track a Ticket to ensure QPP cases display as intended.
Affected Customers: CCSQnow Self-Service Portal Customers
Knowledge Base Banner and CARL Icon Update
On December 12, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, the Knowledge Base Banner on CCSQnow Self-Service Portal will receive an updated image. The CARL icon image has also been updated from green to blue to align with design guidelines. This update addresses a look and feel issue for better user experience.
Affected Customers: ServiceNow Platform Team
CCSQ Support Central: ATF-Portal
On December 12, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, the Automated Testing Framework (ATF) scripts will be updated and/or created to reflect current CCSQ Support Central functionality. This will streamline and reduce the amount of time needed to perform upgrades and other major releases.
Affected Customers: ServiceNow Platform Team
ATF-Platform: Knowledge Management
On December 12, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, the Automated Testing Framework (ATF) scripts will be updated and/or created to reflect current Knowledge Management functionality. This will streamline and reduce the amount of time needed to perform upgrades and other major releases.
Affected Customers: CCSQ Service Center, CCSQ Services and Operations Support (SOS)
API Integration QualityNet Mailer API Scheduled Job: Update Code
On December 12, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, the QualityNet Mailer API will be updated to be a daily flow to simplify the process and improve manageability.
Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers
Standardizing "Do Not Respond" Verbiage on Notifications
On December 12, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, all ServiceNow notifications will be updated to use a standardized "Do Not Reply" verbiage to alleviate confusion and align with ServiceNow best practices.
The following enhancements will be completed during this iteration:
Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers, CCSQ Service Center
Qualtrics Integration Implementation
On December 2, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, Qualtrics will become integrated with ServiceNow. The CCSQ Service Center will be using Qualtrics to gather valuable feedback, helping to enhance the user experience based on provided insights.
What’s new?
- What’s Changing: Survey links will no longer come through CCSQ ServiceNow communications. Instead, look for a new email from the CCSQ Service Center with the subject line ‘CCSQ Service Center: Customer Experience Survey.’
- New Survey Platform: Following the interaction with a Service Center representative, users will receive the Customer Experience Survey from cmsfeedback@ccsq.cms.gov, hosted by Qualtrics. To ensure it is not missed, please add this address to the safe senders list. Each email will contain a secure link to Qualtrics, making it easy to share feedback.
- Quick, Valuable, and Actionable Feedback: The survey takes just a few minutes to complete and allows users to shape future improvements. If users would like to share more detailed insights, they may opt-in for follow-up discussions with the Survey Response Team.
Affected Customers: CCSQ Service Center, CCSQ Support Central Customers
CCSQ Support Central: Google Search Implementation
On November 25, 2024, at 4:00 PM ET, the following pages were configured to be searchable on Google to provide users with quicker access to these pages:
- CCSQ Support Central Home
- Schedule a Call
- Track a Ticket
- Create a Ticket
- Contact Us
Affected Customers: CCSQ Service Center, CCSQ ServiceNow Platform Customers
JIRA/ServiceNow Integration: Update JIRA Flows for Projects
On December 2, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, the JIRA to ServiceNow integration will be updated to improve the incidental data between tickets, resulting in greater accuracy between the systems. This will eliminate many of the service outage notifications between JIRA and ServiceNow.
The following maintenance tasks will be completed during this iteration:
Affected Customers: iQIES/QIES/ASPEN Customers
iQIES HCD Research Form: Convert to Out-of-the-box ServiceNow Form
On December 2, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, the iQIES HCD Research Form will be converted to an out-of-the-box ServiceNow Form to alleviate technical debt and simplify maintenance.
For instructions on how to fill out the form, review the Knowledge article: iQIES HCD Team to Add/Update HCD Participants using iQIES HCD Research Form.
Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Platform Customers
Washington DC Update: Upgrade MultiSSO to v2
On November 19, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow implemented a maintenance task to manage authentication by upgrading to Multiple Provider Single Sign-On (MultiSSO) version 2.
Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Platform Customers
Upgrade to Washington DC Patch 7a
On November 23, 2024, at 2:15 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow implemented a maintenance task to upgrade to Washington DC Patch 7a in support of platform security and customer experience.
Affected Customers: CSM Workspace Customers, CCSQ ServiceNow Agents
CSM Configurable Workspace: EPCS Subject Tags
On December 2, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement a maintenance task to allow agents to view and select any of the available subject tags during an EPCS case creation in the CSM Configurable Workspace. Previously, during the creation of a new EPCS case, users could only view and select 23 out of 29 subject tags.
Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Platform Customers
ServiceNow Platform: Updated Case Logic
On December 2, 2024, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement a maintenance task to allow agents to remain in a case after assigning the case to themselves in the platform view. Previously, clicking the ‘Assign to me’ button would direct agents back to the previous page.
Don't have a ServiceNow Account? No problem. You can get the support you need through CCSQ Support Central!
CCSQ Support Central: Provides customers with multilevel support. Through CCSQ Support Central you can create new tickets that directly submit to the CCSQ Service Center and track the status of existing tickets. It also provides access to services and information for:
- Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR)
- Quality Payment Program (QPP)
- Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES)
- End Stage Renal Disease Quality Reporting (EQRS)
- Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS).
- QualityNet Support Center
Already have a ServiceNow Account? You can also use the platforms below to get the help you need!
CCSQnow Self Service Portal: Intended only for CMS employees and vender partners. The portal provides self-service options for internal customers to report Security Incidents, submit Service Requests for tools or services offered to the internal QualityNet community, report an Incident, provide Approvals, or access internal Knowledge Base articles. The portal enables internal customers to track the status of tickets and requires a login.
QualityNet Slack: You can send questions/issues to our Slack channels #help-service-center-sos
The CCSQ ServiceNow intake process provides a centralized entry point for customers to submit enhancement requests to the CCSQ ServiceNow Agile Release Train (ART).
If you have feedback for the CCSQ ServiceNow program, you can reach us at CCSQServiceNow@cms.hhs.gov.
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