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Adrienne Adkins
Adrienne Ray

Ahmar Wazir

Anitha Chintalapati
Arnie Esparterox
Branon Barrettx
Cheri Jerger
Chris Brownx
Curt Phillips
Danita Patel
Deb Wilson
Dianna Christensenx
Hari Krishna
Heather Moore
Howard Thomasx
Janet Hutchinsonx
Jason Clemx
Jay Vancil
Jennifer Bailey
Julie Alvarezx
Kathleen Prewittx
Kelly Llewellynx
Lakshmi Erigineni
Leah Skienx
Lisa Rees
Melissa Fieldhousex
Michael Kennedyx
Nathan Muzos
Ozlem Tasel
Pandu Muddana
Revathy Ramakrishna
Sarah Fillingx
Scott Laughlinx
Seema Sreenivas
Shalon Quinnx
Shamim Almamun
Steve Goodmanx
Vladimir Ladikx
Yvette Brown
Zac Cohen
Zachary Serlethx


Meeting RecordingArnie

This session will be recorded for the purpose of documenting the meeting minutes and action items. If there are any objections to the recording of this session, please make it known now. Absence of an objection to the meeting being recorded will count as consent to recording this meeting.

Passcode: .lJc0f*# 

2021 Data Submission informationDianna/Janet

Where do you stand?

  • Graphs presented represent the full year of January 2021 through December 2021
  • Shows the sum of missing records and record not in a saved status per EDI
  • The numbers are records, not files
  • It is records, not patients
  • Record meaning, one patient per clinical period, per org ID
  • Michael is still actively working on the clean up; plans to have it done this coming week
  • NRAA (Howard) have expressed a concern about being able to meet the end of February deadline; they still have a lot of data to submit; also the issue of a lot of staff being out due to COVID
  • Howard suggest an extension on the February date
  • No one on the CMS side has raised this concern; Shalon mentioned they will need to discuss internally 
  • Scott has let Ahmar know the concern as well
  • NRAA question to Michael - Do we have sense for how many deceased patients are in the outstanding statistics?
    • Michael has not run the specific analysis; but will try to run this coming week when he finishes cleaning up clinical
  • Both EDI submission and Independent submission data is run after running the clinical comply data
  • The graphs are then run/created on Monday and Dianna then sends them to Melissa Fieldhouse to publish on the public Communications Hub
  • Per Janet, they are run based on whether or not the clinical data is updated over the weekend
  • The clinical data gets updated generally on Saturday, Janet runs it on Monday



EDI Submitter's Progress (upcoming feature development)EDIs

DaVita (Sarah and Steve Goodman)

  • No major updates for today
  • Per Steve Goodman - they are putting together the vaccination file and would like to know if there were any updates on if they will be running on parallel or if they are toing to cut that information off the clinical files at some point?
    • Per Scott - we just came out of PI planning and we will be working on flu and hepatitis in PI17
    • Still plan to bring them over to patient
    • The first iteration starts in 1-2 weeks
    • Yvette's team will be doing the work and will start working on it after starting some other assigned work
    • Any update on the rollout plan? Will CMS plan to cut off the information from being submitted in the clinical file or will they run in parallel with the standalone vaccination file and will there be any data coming in on that clinical file as well?
      • Scott will follow up with Yvette (action item)

FKC (Kathleen)

  • No major updates for today
  • Fix for last name ("Null") issue will be deployed to Prod environment next Tuesday, 1/18

DCI (Vlad)

  • At this point waiting for data clean up to finish so they can determine which patients they need to submit
  • Not sure if they will be able to finish submissions by the February deadline

NRAA (Howard and Kelly)

  • Still very concerned with NRAA not being able to meet the February submission deadline
  • NRAA still has a lot of records to submit
  • They are still waiting on some data clean up (for example the deceased patients)
Action Items ReviewScott
  • The 2746 form will be triggered by the facility who actually enters the death.  If a dialysis facility enters a discharge reason of death, what is the transplant unit supposed to discharge the patient at
    • Per Shalon, she has given the depression and transplant questions to their subject matter expert and will following up with the SME today
  • Request from Chris - display/capture EQRS rule updates or "hot-fix"/non major release dates that can be shared with the EDI Submitters that may impact their ability to correct/update patient data
    • Scott will research a way to be able to identify a feature that a rule update or "hot-fix" impacts, so the EDI Submitters are aware of the change
    • We will see how to identify "hot-fix"/non major release information on the Releases page on the public Confluence page
  • Question from Nathan - With the turn of year, it's also time for annual attestations 
    • What is the status on the report provided?
    • CMS does not have this on the EQRS portal ADO roadmap right now
    • Per Kathleen the report was generated by Ventech (Marcy) for CrownWeb
    • Not sure who would provide now since today it's EQRS
    • The attestation report is not necessarily who is missing but the status of who submitted them
    • FKC uses the report to ensure that clinics, who are supposed to do a survey, and who does not qualify
    • Vlad would like to suggest to retire that function; it is useless
      • Scott asked for either Vlad or Kathleen to provide requirements to Shalon
      • Kathleen will put together the requirements
  • Scott will discuss revisiting the DaVita effective date and date of death issue with Lisa
    • Sara and Steve agreed for Scott to further discuss with Nathan
Michael's UpdateMichael
  • Michael has been working on the data clean up and EDI error trends
  • Michael has offered to share with the group his findings of the error trends (for 2021) in next Friday's meeting
  • Error trends for both patient demographic files and clinical files
  • Howard asked Michael if there is a fix for a bug (patient gets revived in EQRS)
    • There will be a fix and will be in early PI17

Action Items:

  • The 2746 form will be triggered by the facility who actually enters the death.  If a dialysis facility enters a discharge reason of death, what is the transplant unit supposed to discharge the patient at? Lisa Rees 
  • Request from Chris - display/capture EQRS rule updates or "hot-fix"/non major release dates that can be shared with the EDI Submitters that may impact their ability to correct/update patient data
    • Scott will research a way to be able to identify a feature that a rule update or "hot-fix" impacts, so the EDI Submitters are aware of the change Scott Laughlin
  • Question from Nathan - With the turn of year, it's also time for annual attestations
    • As part of the process the EDIs usually gets a weekly report of the status of the ICHCAPS attestations
    • This report has come from different contracting groups
    • Per Janet Lea Hutchinson - this is not something the NCC has provided
    • Per Scott - we will need to get back to Nathan on this Scott Laughlin
  • Request from Yvette to Nathan and Vlad to send an email to Lisa with what the proper wording should be for the questions they brought attention to in the meeting.  It will need to be approved by the program before Yvette can make any changes to the verbiage (Nathan and Vlad)
  • Scott will discuss revisiting the DaVita effective date and date of death issue with Lisa Scott Laughlin 

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