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The Agile Release Train 2 is all of the Agile Teams, support teams, product managers, and leadership needed to create large-scale, complex products. ARTs are organized around value. As such, an Organizational Value Stream Map 5 must be provided by CCSQ to help the ART members understand the value they are expected to deliver. There are some key roles in the ART:

Release Train Engineer (RTE)

"The Release Train Engineer (RTE) 3 is a servant leader and coach for the Agile Release Train (ART). The RTE’s major responsibilities are to facilitate the ART events and processes and assist the teams in delivering value. RTEs communicate with stakeholders, escalate impediments, help manage risk, and drive relentless improvement."

Agile Facilitation and Coaching Path RTE Persona

Product Manager

"Product Management 4 is responsible for defining and supporting the building of desirable, feasible, viable, and sustainable products that meet customer needs over the product-market lifecycle."

The Product Manager 3 position is to be filled by a government partner. There may be more than one Product Manager on an ART.

Agile Program Management Product Manager Persona

Agile Coach

The Agile Coach assists the ART in identifying and addressing impediments, waste, Agile processes, and value delivery. The Agile Coach may or may not be a full-time member of the ART. Their engagement depends on the maturity and experience of the ART and the specific opportunities that need to be addressed.

Contact the LACE for Agile Coaching Support

Agile Team

The heart of the value delivery is built on the Agile Team 1. From the Scrum Guide 2:

"The Scrum Team consists of one Scrum Master, one Product Owner, and Developers. Within a Scrum Team, there are no sub-teams or hierarchies. It is a cohesive unit of professionals focused on one objective at a time, the Product Goal."

Each of these roles are important and should not be dismissed or missing from the team. It is recommended that the Agile Team positions be filled by contract partners (ADOs).

Scrum Master

  • Guides the team in Agile practices.
  • Removes impediments the team experiences.

Product Owner

  • Has content authority over the Team Backlog. 
  • Establishes and maintains product vision.
  • Works with developers to provide alignment and remove ambiguity for the work to be done.

Team Members/Developers

  • Does the work to create and deliver the value.
  • Cross functional skills to be autonomous in doing the necessary work.
    • Software Engineers
    • UI/UX
    • Technical Writers
    • Testers
    • Etc.


1 - Agile Team Definition

2 - Scaled Agile Framework - Agile Release Train

3 - Agile Roles

4 - Scaled Agile Framework - Product Management

5 - Expectations of CMS

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