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This document serves as reference for tracking approved compliance deviations for Amazon Linux 2023 Non EKS AMI in QNET Cloud. 

Audit Policy

Policy NameCIS Amazon 2023 Benchmark v1.0.0 - 26-06-2023
STIG VersionAmazon Linux 2023 Server CIS L1/L2 v1.0.0

Last Compliance Reviewed Date 


Last Updated in Tenable


Plug-In / Finding IDRisk/Severity LevelSystems Impacted
(All instances, web instances only, etc.)
CIS or DISA TitleOverview of the Risk
(From Tenable Scan)
Operational/Business Impact
(Describe the impact to the business if the check is not turned off.)
Technical Issues
(Describe the technical issues that are caused by this control being in place)
Mitigating/Compensating Controls
(Describe what additional steps, processes or features that have been put in place to provide the same security level)
ISSO Approval & Date
1012926HighAll Instances5.1.1.6 Ensure rsyslog is configured to send logs to a remote log hostInformation
RSyslog supports the ability to send log events it gathers to a remote log host or to receive messages from remote hosts, thus enabling centralized log management.
Storing log data on a remote host protects log integrity from local attacks. If an attacker gains root access on the local system, they could tamper with or remove log data that is stored on the local system.
Steps to Remediate
Edit the /etc/rsyslog.conf and /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf files and add the following line (where is the name of your central log host). The target directive may either be a fully qualified domain name or an IP address.
*.* action(type='omfwd' target='' port='514' protocol='tcp' action.resumeRetryCount='100' queue.type='LinkedList' queue.size='1000')
Run the following command to reload the rsyslogd configuration:
# systemctl restart rsyslog
In our build job, we have configured to use Splunk Client to capture the logs and the logs are captured under /var/log/splunkcontrol.log directory. We use the Splunk Client to forward the logs to the Splunk log server.We use the Splunk client to send logs to the Splunk log server.No compensating control, Splunk is utilized.Brandon Tennessee
Jun 14, 2024
1007851MediumAll Instances1.2.1 Ensure GPG keys are configuredInformation: The RPM Package Manager implements GPG key signing to verify package integrity during and after installation.


It is important to ensure that updates are obtained from a valid source to protect against spoofing that could lead to the inadvertent installation of malware on the system. To this end, verify that GPG keys are configured correctly for your system.

NOTE: Nessus has provided the target output to assist in reviewing the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Actual Value: All of the following must pass to satisfy this requirement:

WARNING - Manual Review Required - List all GPG key URLs
The command '/usr/bin/grep -r gpgkey /etc/yum.repos.d/* /etc/dnf/dnf.conf' returned :


WARNING - Manual Review Required - List installed GPG keys
The command 'for RPM_PACKAGE in $(rpm -q gpg-pubkey); do echo \\"\\"RPM: ${RPM_PACKAGE}\\"\\"; RPM_SUMMARY=$(rpm -q --queryformat \\"\\"%{SUMMARY}\\"\\" \\"\\"${RPM_PACKAGE}\\"\\"); RPM_PACKAGER=$(rpm -q --queryformat \\"\\"%{PACKAGER}\\"\\" \\"\\"${RPM_PACKAGE}\\"\\"); RPM_DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d -d \\"\\"1970-1-1+$((0x$(rpm -q --queryformat \\"\\"%{RELEASE}\\"\\" \\"\\"${RPM_PACKAGE}\\"\\") ))sec\\"\\"); RPM_KEY_ID=$(rpm -q --queryformat \\"\\"%{VERSION}\\"\\" \\"\\"${RPM_PACKAGE}\\"\\"); echo \\"\\"Packager: ${RPM_PACKAGER}\\"\\" && echo \\"\\"Summary: ${RPM_SUMMARY}\\"\\" && echo \\"\\"Creation date: ${RPM_DATE}\\"\\" && echo \\"\\"Key ID: ${RPM_KEY_ID}\\"\\" && echo \\"\\"\\"\\"; done' returned :

RPM: gpg-pubkey-d832c631-6515c85e
Packager: Amazon Linux <>
Summary: Amazon Linux <> public key
Creation date: 2023-09-28
Key ID: d832c631

RPM: gpg-pubkey-798bc818-649dd305
Packager: CrowdStrike, Inc. (falcon-sensor installer key) <>
Summary: CrowdStrike, Inc. (falcon-sensor installer key) <> public key
Creation date: 2023-06-29
Key ID: 798bc818

RPM: gpg-pubkey-8ecce87c-5810f0da
Packager: infrastructure-eng <>
Summary: infrastructure-eng <> public key
Creation date: 2016-10-26
Key ID: 8ecce87c

WARNING - Manual Review Required - Query locally available GPG keys
The command 'for PACKAGE in $(find /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/ -type f -exec rpm -qf {} \; | sort -u); do rpm -q --queryformat \\"\\"%{NAME}-%{VERSION} %{PACKAGER} %{SUMMARY}\\n\\"\\" \\"\\"${PACKAGE}\\"\\"; done' returned :

system-release-2023.4.20240416 Amazon Linux Amazon Linux release files

Policy Value: WARNING

Solution: Update your package manager GPG keys in accordance with site policy.
No changes necessary.The required settings has already been configured. Nessus expects manual review of the configuration.No mitigation necessary. As the repository is configured as expected.Brandon Tennessee
Jun 14, 2024
1012542MediumAll Instances1.2.3 Ensure package manager repositories are configuredInformation: Systems need to have the respective package manager repositories configured to ensure that the system is able to receive the latest patches and updates.


If a system's package repositories are misconfigured, important patches may not be identified or a rogue repository could introduce compromised software.

NOTE: Nessus has provided the target output to assist in reviewing the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Actual Value: The command '/usr/bin/dnf repolist' returned :

repo id repo name
amazonlinux Amazon Linux 2023 repository
kernel-livepatch Amazon Linux 2023 Kernel Livepatch repository
newrelic-infra New Relic Infrastructure

Policy Value: cmd: /usr/bin/dnf repolist
expect: Manual Review Required
system: Linux

Solution: Configure your package manager repositories according to site policy.
No changes necessary.The required settings has already been configured for amazonlinux, kernel-livepatch and newrelic-infra repository. Nessus expects manual review of the configuration.No mitigation necessary. As the repository is configured as expected.Brandon Tennessee
Jun 14, 2024
1012879HighAll Instances1.2.4 Ensure repo_gpgcheck is globally activatedInformation: The repo_gpgcheck option, found in the main section of the /etc/dnf/dnf.conf and individual /etc/yum.repos.d/* files, will perform a GPG signature check on the repodata.

It is important to ensure that the repository data signature is always checked prior to installation to ensure that the software is not tampered with in any way.

Not all repositories, notably RedHat, support repo_gpgcheck. Take care to set this value to false (default) for particular repositories that do not support it. If enabled on repositories that do not support repo_gpgcheck installation of packages will fail.


All of the following must pass to satisfy this requirement:

PASSED - Global configuration
Compliant file(s):
/etc/dnf/dnf.conf - regex '^[\s]*repo_gpgcheck[\s]*=' found - expect '^[\s]*repo_gpgcheck[\s]*=[\s]*1[\s]*$' found in the following lines:
9: repo_gpgcheck=1

FAILED - Per repository configuration
The command script with multiple lines returned :

By default repo_gpgcheck is disabled on repositories provided on base AMI from AWS. Enabling gpgcheck on the default repos prevented host to download and receive updates, This is known issue and tracked in outstanding issues for AL2023.
The required settings has already been configred. As per AWS , the default repos don't have metadata signing enabled at this time. The packages themselves are signed, and communicating with the repos is done via https. GPG check is enabled on other repos and in dnf config

cat /etc/dnf/dnf.conf
Brandon Tennessee
Jun 14, 2024
1009609HighAll Instances1.6.1.6 Ensure no unconfined services existInformation: Unconfined processes run in unconfined domains


For unconfined processes, SELinux policy rules are applied, but policy rules exist that allow processes running in unconfined domains almost all access. Processes running in unconfined domains fall back to using DAC rules exclusively. If an unconfined process is compromised, SELinux does not prevent an attacker from gaining access to system resources and data, but of course, DAC rules are still used. SELinux is a security enhancement on top of DAC rules - it does not replace them

Result: FAILED

Actual Value: The command '/usr/bin/ps -eZ | /usr/bin/grep unconfined_service_t | /usr/bin/awk -F: '{ print $NF } END {if (NR == 0) print \\"\\"none\\"\\"}'' returned :

00 systemd-inhibit
02 amazon-cloudwat
00 newrelic-infra-
00 acpid
02 newrelic-infra
00 amazon-ssm-agen
00 ds_agent
00 ssm-agent-worke
00 falcond
27 falcon-sensor-b
47 ds_agent
00 ds_am
24 ds_am
01 splunkd
00 splunkd

Policy Value: cmd: /usr/bin/ps -eZ | /usr/bin/grep unconfined_service_t | /usr/bin/awk -F: '{ print $NF } END {if (NR == 0) print \\"\\"none\\"\\"}'
expect: none
system: Linux

Solution: Investigate any unconfined processes found during the audit action. They may need to have an existing security context assigned to them or a policy built for them.
All the processes in question are related to cloud environment. The agents listed in the report are all valid running daemons and there is no SELinux policies provided from the vendor. Trend micro and crowdstrike must not be confined to maintain the functionality of the agent. No mitigation necessary the processes listed are all legitimate.Brandon Tennessee
Jun 14, 2024
1012581HighAll Instances2.1.2 Ensure chrony is configuredInformation: chrony is a daemon which implements the Network Time Protocol (NTP) and is designed to synchronize system clocks across a variety of systems and use a source that is highly accurate. More information on chrony can be found at chrony can be configured to be a client and/or a server.


If chrony is in use on the system proper configuration is vital to ensuring time synchronization is working properly.

Result: FAILED

Actual Value: The file \\"\\"/etc/chrony.conf\\"\\" does not contain \\"\\"^[\s]*(server|pool)[\s]+\\"\\"

Policy Value: expect: ^[\s]*(server|pool)[\s]+
file: /etc/chrony.conf
regex: ^[\s]*(server|pool)[\s]+
system: Linux

Solution: Add or edit server or pool lines to file ending in .conf in the /etc/chrony.d as appropriate:

server <remote-server>
The check is looking for specific IP addresses for time servers.The chrony source settings configured as recommended by AWS and config query all sources from /run/chrony.d/*.sources file

$ cat /run/chrony.d/link-local-ipv4.sources
server prefer iburst minpoll 4 maxpoll 4
None. Brandon Tennessee
Jun 14, 2024
1012628MediumAll Instances2.4 Ensure nonessential services listening on the system are removed or maskedInformation: A network port is identified by its number, the associated IP address, and the type of the communication protocol such as TCP or UDP.

A listening port is a network port on which an application or process listens on, acting as a communication endpoint.

Each listening port can be open or closed (filtered) using a firewall. In general terms, an open port is a network port that accepts incoming packets from remote locations.


Services listening on the system pose a potential risk as an attack vector. These services should be reviewed, and if not required, the service should be stopped, and the package containing the service should be removed. If required packages have a dependency, the service should be stopped and masked to reduce the attack surface of the system.

NOTE: Nessus has provided the target output to assist in reviewing the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Actual Value: The command '/usr/sbin/ss -plntu' returned :

Policy Value: cmd: /usr/sbin/ss -plntu
expect: Manual Review Required
system: Linux
No changes necessary.The services identified are legitimate. Nessus expects manual review of the configuration.None. Brandon Tennessee
Jun 14, 2024
1012631MediumAll Instances3.1.1 Ensure IPv6 status is identifiedInformation: Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) is the most recent version of Internet Protocol (IP). It's designed to supply IP addressing and additional security to support the predicted growth of connected devices. IPv6 is based on 128-bit addressing and can support 340 undecillion addresses, which is 340 followed by 36 zeroes.

Features of IPv6
Hierarchical addressing and routing infrastructure
Stateful and Stateless configuration
Support for quality of service (QoS)
An ideal protocol for neighboring node interaction


IETF RFC 4038 recommends that applications are built with an assumption of dual stack.
When enabled, IPv6 will require additional configuration to reduce risk to the system.
NOTE: Nessus has provided the target output to assist in reviewing the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Actual Value: Non-compliant file(s):
/sys/module/ipv6/parameters/disable - regex '.*' found - expect 'Manual Review Required' not found in the following lines:
1: 0

Policy Value: expect: Manual Review Required
file: /sys/module/ipv6/parameters/disable
regex: .*
system: Linux

Solution: Enable or disable IPv6 in accordance with system requirements and local site policy

Default Value:

IPv6 is enabled
No changes necessary.The required settings has already been configured for IPv6 and enabled by default on AMI from AWS Market place. Nessus expects IPv6 must be set to disabled if not implemented.No mitigation necessary as IPv6 is enabled.Brandon Tennessee
Jun 14, 2024
1012566MediumAll Instances3.4.2.5 Ensure firewalld drops unnecessary services and portsInformation: Services and ports can be accepted or explicitly rejected or dropped by a zone.

For every zone, you can set a default behavior that handles incoming traffic that is not further specified. Such behavior is defined by setting the target of the zone. There are three options - default, ACCEPT, REJECT, and DROP.

ACCEPT - you accept all incoming packets except those disabled by a specific rule.

REJECT - you disable all incoming packets except those that you have allowed in specific rules and the source machine is informed about the rejection.

DROP - you disable all incoming packets except those that you have allowed in specific rules and no information sent to the source machine.


To reduce the attack surface of a system, all services and ports should be blocked unless required

NOTE: Nessus has provided the target output to assist in reviewing the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Actual Value: The command 'systemctl is-enabled firewalld.service | /usr/bin/grep -q 'enabled' && /usr/bin/firewall-cmd --list-all --zone=\\"\\"$(firewall-cmd --list-all | /usr/bin/awk '/\(active\)/ { print $1 }')\\"\\" | /usr/bin/grep -P -- '^\h*(services:|ports:)'' returned :

Failed to get unit file state for firewalld.service: No such file or directory

Policy Value: cmd: systemctl is-enabled firewalld.service | /usr/bin/grep -q 'enabled' && /usr/bin/firewall-cmd --list-all --zone=\\"\\"$(firewall-cmd --list-all | /usr/bin/awk '/\(active\)/ { print $1 }')\\"\\" | /usr/bin/grep -P -- '^\h*(services:|ports:)'
expect: Manual Review Required
system: Linux
Nessus expects rules must exists for firewalld, when firewalld is installed and enabled.Nftable is implemented to manage the inet (IPv4, IPv6) inbound, outbound and forward rules inplace of firewalld. As firewalld is not installed, hence this is not applicable.We use AWS Security Groups to manage inbound and outbound rules. Additionally, the recommended rules has already been configured for nftables.Brandon Tennessee
Jun 14, 2024
1012567MediumAll Instances3.4.2.6 Ensure nftables established connections are configuredInformation: Configure the firewall rules for new outbound and established connections


If rules are not in place for established connections, all packets will be dropped by the default policy preventing network usage.

NOTE: Nessus has provided the target output to assist in reviewing the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Actual Value: The command 'systemctl is-enabled nftables.service | /usr/bin/grep -q 'enabled' && /usr/sbin/nft list ruleset | /usr/bin/awk '/hook
input/,/}/' | /usr/bin/grep 'ct state'' returned :
ip protocol tcp ct state established accept
ip protocol udp ct state established accept
ip protocol icmp ct state established accept

Policy Value: cmd: systemctl is-enabled nftables.service | /usr/bin/grep -q 'enabled' && /usr/sbin/nft list ruleset | /usr/bin/awk '/hook input/,/}/' | /usr/bin/grep 'ct state'
expect: Manual Review Required
system: Linux

Solution: If NFTables utility is in use on your system:
Configure nftables in accordance with site policy. The following commands will implement a policy to allow all established connections:

# systemctl is-enabled nftables.service | grep -q 'enabled' && nft add rule inet filter input ip protocol tcp ct state established accept
# systemctl is-enabled nftables.service | grep -q 'enabled' && nft add rule inet filter input ip protocol udp ct state established accept
# systemctl is-enabled nftables.service | grep -q 'enabled' && nft add rule inet filter input ip protocol icmp ct state established accept
No changes necessary.The required settings has already been configured. Nessus expects manual review of the configuration.No mitigation necessary. As nftables rules are configured as expected.Brandon Tennessee
Jun 14, 2024
1012885HighAll Instances4.2.4 Ensure SSH access is limitedInformation: There are several options available to limit which users and group can access the system via SSH. It is recommended that at least one of the following options be leveraged:



Restricting which users can remotely access the system via SSH will help ensure that only authorized users access the system.

Result: FAILED

Actual Value: All of the following must pass to satisfy this requirement:

FAILED - sshd output
The command script with multiple lines returned :

port 22:

FAILED - sshd_config
No matching files were found
Less than 1 matches of regex found

Policy Value: FAILED

Solution: Edit or create a file ending in *.conf in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/ directory or the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and set one or more of the parameters as follows:
sshd_config does not support define restricted Active Directory users and groups, and instead defined in the sudoers file.This configuration item is a local method to control user access to a host based on the SSH client.  It is a list of users that are permitted or denied based on their user account.  QNET does not use local accounts or local access to provide user authentication to a server.  QNET uses REALMD/SSSD to integrate with Active Directory.  All access control mechanisms are configured inside Active Directory.We do not perform this at the SSH level. We authenticate at the host level through AD. Brandon Tennessee
Jun 14, 2024
1012779HighAll Instances4.6.6 Ensure root password is setInformation: There are a number of methods to access the root account directly. Without a password set any user would be able to gain access and thus control over the entire system.


Access to root should be secured at all times.


If there are any automated processes that relies on access to the root account without authentication, they will fail after remediation.

Result: FAILED

Actual Value: The command '/usr/bin/passwd -S root' returned :

root LK 2009-12-22 -1 -1 -1 -1 (Alternate authentication scheme in use.)

Policy Value: cmd: /usr/bin/passwd -S root
expect: Password set
system: Linux

Solution: Set the root password with:

# passwd root
Implementing root password present significant challenges due to maintain the password securely and querying the password when required for one ore more Instances. At this time, there is no automation in place to support root password rotation and to sharing it securely with server POCs.Root login is disabled via ssh config and sudo is granted for elevated access Brandon Tennessee
Jun 14, 2024
1012829HighAll Instances5.1.3 Ensure all logfiles have appropriate permissions and ownershipInformation: Log files contain information from many services on the local system, or in the event of a centralized log server, others system's logs as well. In general log files are found in /var/log/, although application can be configured to store logs elsewhere. Should your application store its logs in another location, ensure to run the same test on that location.


It is important that log files have the correct permissions to ensure that sensitive data is protected and that only the appropriate users / groups have access to them.

Result: FAILED

Actual Value: The command script with multiple lines returned :

- Start check - logfiles have appropriate permissions and ownership

- Audit Results:
** Fail **

- File: \\"\\"/var/log/chrony/statistics.log\\"\\" mode: \\"\\"644\\"\\"

- File: \\"\\"/var/log/chrony/tracking.log\\"\\" mode: \\"\\"644\\"\\"

- File: \\"\\"/var/log/chrony/measurements.log\\"\\" mode: \\"\\"644\\"\\"

- File: \\"\\"/var/log/splunkforwarder.log\\"\\" mode: \\"\\"644\\"\\"

- File: \\"\\"/var/log/splunkforwarder.log\\"\\" ownership: \\"\\"splunk splunk\\"\\"

- File: \\"\\"/var/log/launch.txt\\"\\" mode: \\"\\"644\\"\\"

- End check - logfiles have appropriate permissions and ownership

Policy Value: cmd: multiple line script
dont_echo_cmd: NO
expect: \*\* Pass \*\*
system: Linux

Solution: Run the following script to update permissions and ownership on files in /var/log.
Although the script is not destructive, ensure that the output of the audit procedure is captured in the event that the remediation causes issues.
Splunk log collection requires custom FACLs. Some logs require group or world read access for command functionality. Others are getting reset to system defaults when logrotation occurs.The manner in which the AWS AMI is configured does not allow us to do anything but change the permissions on the files after the server is booted. Since the configuration of the logging subsystem is set inside the marketplace AMI the settings will always revert when a new AMI is built. We modify the permissions at each new server launch.No compensating, Splunk is utilized. Brandon Tennessee
Jun 14, 2024
1012573HighAll Instances5.2.2.2 Ensure audit logs are not automatically deletedInformation: The max_log_file_action setting determines how to handle the audit log file reaching the max file size. A value of keep_logs will
rotate the logs but never delete old logs.

In high security contexts, the benefits of maintaining a long audit history exceed the cost of storing the audit history.

Result: FAILED

Actual Value: Non-compliant file(s):
/etc/audit/auditd.conf - regex '^[\s]*max_log_file_action[\s]*=' found - expect '^[\s]*max_log_file_action[\s]*=[\s]*[Kk][Ee][Ee][Pp]_[Ll][Oo][Gg][Ss][\
s]*$' not found in the following lines:
17: max_log_file_action = ROTATE

Policy Value: expect: ^[\s]*max_log_file_action[\s]*=[\s]*[Kk][Ee][Ee][Pp]_[Ll][Oo][Gg][Ss][\s]*$
file: /etc/audit/auditd.conf
regex: ^[\s]*max_log_file_action[\s]*=
system: Linux

Solution: Set the following parameter in /etc/audit/auditd.conf:
max_log_file_action = keep_logs
QNET uses Splunk Client to send logs to the Splunk log server before deletion.

$ grep max_log_file /etc/audit/auditd.conf
max_log_file = 32
max_log_file_action = ROTATE
This suggests to retain all log files and never delete. We use centralized Splunk logging and do not to keep local log files on each server permanently.No compensating control, Splunk is utilized. Brandon Tennessee
Jun 14, 2024
1012882HighAll Instances5.2.2.3 Ensure system is disabled when audit logs are fullInformation: The auditd daemon can be configured to halt the system when the audit logs are full.

The admin_space_left_action parameter tells the system what action to take when the system has detected that it is low on disk space. Valid values are ignore, syslog, suspend, single, and halt.


In high security contexts, the risk of detecting unauthorized access or nonrepudiation exceeds the benefit of the system's availability.


If the admin_space_left_action parameter is set to halt the audit daemon will shutdown the system when the disk partition containing the audit logs becomes full.

Result: FAILED

Actual Value: All of the following must pass to satisfy this requirement:

FAILED - space_left_action
Non-compliant file(s):
/etc/audit/auditd.conf - regex '^[\s]*(?i)space_left_action(?-i)[\s]*=[\s]*' found - expect '^[\s]*(?i)space_left_action(?-i)[\s]*=[\s]*(?i)email(?-i)[\s]*$' not found in the following lines:
19: space_left_action = SYSLOG

PASSED - action_mail_acct
Compliant file(s):
/etc/audit/auditd.conf - regex '^[\s]*(?i)action_mail_acct(?-i)[\s]*=' found - expect '^[\s]*(?i)action_mail_acct(?-i)[\s]*=[\s]*(?i)root(?-i)[\s]*$' found in the following lines:
21: action_mail_acct = root

FAILED - admin_space_left_action
Non-compliant file(s):
/etc/audit/auditd.conf - regex '^[\s]*admin_space_left_action[\s]*=' found - expect '^[\s]*admin_space_left_action[\s]*=[\s]*([Hh][Aa][Ll][Tt]|[Ss][Ii][Nn][Gg][Ll][Ee])[\s]*$' not found in the following lines:
23: admin_space_left_action = SUSPEND

Policy Value: FAILED

Solution: Set the following parameters in /etc/audit/auditd.conf
QNET uses Splunk Client to send logs to the Splunk log server before deletion.

system settings are the following:
[ hostname ]# grep space_left_action /etc/audit/auditd.conf
space_left_action = email
action_mail_acct = root
admin_space_left_action = SUSPEND
QNET uses the Splunk client to send logs to the Splunk log server. No compensating control, Splunk is utilized. Brandon Tennessee
Jun 14, 2024
1012935MediumAll Instances5.3 Ensure logrotate is configuredInformation: The system includes the capability of rotating log files regularly to avoid filling up the system with logs or making the logs unmanageably large. The file /etc/logrotate.d/syslog is the configuration file used to rotate log files created by syslog or rsyslog.


By keeping the log files smaller and more manageable, a system administrator can easily archive these files to another system and spend less time looking through inordinately large log files.

NOTE: Nessus has not performed this check. Please review the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Actual Value:

Policy Value: WARNING

Solution: Edit /etc/logrotate.conf and /etc/logrotate.d/* to ensure logs are rotated according to site policy.
No changes necessary.The log rotation settings has already been configured.

The output of the files are as follows:
$ cat /etc/logrotate.conf
# see \\"man logrotate\\" for details
# rotate log files weekly

# keep 4 weeks worth of backlogs
rotate 4

$ cat /etc/logrotate.d/dnf
/var/log/hawkey.log {
rotate 4
No mitigation is necessary as the log rotation values are already been configured.Brandon Tennessee
Jun 14, 2024
1012877HighAll Instances6.1.10 Audit system file permissionsInformation: The RPM package manager has a number of useful options. One of these, the -V for RPM option, can be used to verify that system packages are correctly installed. The -V option can be used to verify a particular package or to verify all system packages. If no output is returned, the package is installed correctly. The following table describes the meaning of output from the verify option:


It is important to confirm that packaged system files and directories are maintained with the permissions they were intended to have from the OS vendor.

Result: FAILED

Actual Value: The command 'rpm -Va --nomtime --nosize --nomd5 --nolinkto | /usr/bin/awk '{ print } END { if (NR==0) print \\"\\"none\\"\\" }'' returned :

Policy Value: cmd: rpm -Va --nomtime --nosize --nomd5 --nolinkto | /usr/bin/awk '{ print } END { if (NR==0) print \\"\\"none\\"\\" }'
expect: none
system: Linux

Solution: Correct any discrepancies found and rerun the audit until output is clean or risk is mitigated or accepted.
Resetting all of these files to vendor default will impact the ability of splunk to collect logs for off system retention.All the files reported by tenable have been carefully reviewed and modified to make the system functional and secure

setback has been used to set permissions enabling splunk collection of log files.
[root]# getfacl /var/log/
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: var/log/
# owner: root
# group: root

[root]# getfacl /var/log/secure
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: var/log/secure
# owner: root
# group: root
No further mitigation is necessary.Brandon Tennessee
Jun 14, 2024
1012841MediumAll Instances6.1.13 Ensure SUID and SGID files are reviewedInformation: The owner of a file can set the file's permissions to run with the owner's or group's permissions, even if the user running the program is not the owner or a member of the group. The most common reason for a SUID or SGID program is to enable users to perform functions (such as changing their password) that require root privileges.


There are valid reasons for SUID and SGID programs, but it is important to identify and review such programs to ensure they are legitimate. Review the files returned by the action in the audit section and check to see if system binaries have a different checksum than what from the package. This is an indication that the binary may have been replaced.

NOTE: Nessus has provided the target output to assist in reviewing the benchmark to ensure target compliance.


Actual Value: The following 24 files are SUID or SGID:

owner: root, group: root, permissions: 4111

owner: root, group: root, permissions: 4755

owner: root, group: root, permissions: 4755

owner: root, group: root, permissions: 4755

owner: root, group: root, permissions: 4755

owner: root, group: root, permissions: 4755

owner: root, group: tty, permissions: 2755

owner: root, group: root, permissions: 4755

owner: root, group: root, permissions: 4755

owner: root, group: stapusr, permissions: 4110

owner: root, group: root, permissions: 4755

owner: root, group: screen, permissions: 2755

owner: root, group: root, permissions: 4755

owner: root, group: root, permissions: 4755

owner: root, group: postdrop, permissions: 2755

owner: root, group: postdrop, permissions: 2755

owner: root, group: postdrop, permissions: 2755

owner: root, group: root, permissions: 4755

owner: root, group: root, permissions: 4755

owner: root, group: root, permissions: 4755

owner: root, group: root, permissions: 4755

owner: root, group: root, permissions: 4755

owner: root, group: utmp, permissions: 2711

owner: root, group: ssh_keys, permissions: 2555

Policy Value: name: find_suid_sgid_files
system: Linux
timeout: 7200

Solution: Ensure that no rogue SUID or SGID programs have been introduced into the system. Review the files returned by the action in the Audit section and confirm the integrity of these binaries.
No changes necessary.The programs listed are legitimate and permissions are configured as expected.Auditd rules are configured to audit permission changes (chmod, fchmod, fchmodat) by regular usersBrandon Tennessee
Jun 14, 2024




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Initial Release

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