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Chris Reinartz (Federal)

Corinne Smith (PM3II)

Lynn Blair (PM3II)

Randolph Anagho (LACE)

Marc Santini (LACE)

Pain Points

  • Not enough insight/clinical backround into how users engage with the healthcare system, neither does policy team.
  • HCD must be reactive to policy making understanding customer needs/pain points a moving target.
    • Can HCD be present for policy formation at some stage?
  • No insight into the why of policy until its already solidified. (potential org agility solution) Can that be addressed?
  • Policy contains implementation details, constricting solution development (or does it?) Can that be addressed?
  • Inadequate time for discovery for implementation and impact
  • SMT is shorthanded, Chris has no bandwidth for engagement in program operations
  • Operational inefficiencies caused by team specialization
  • Lack of/ambiguous documentation
  • Enterprise tech decision and timelines are “provided” without regard for policy deadlines or other program delivery pressures
  • Lack of “breathing room” for dev teams and innovation

Desired Outcomes

  • Adequate time for discovery
  • Users understand the changes and how it affects them
  • What users can/should do differently to improve scores
  • Better resources and data real-time to show users how scores are calculated
  • What services are impacted? The cost impact for specific services and care types. (Need validation/clarification from Chris)
  • A solution for counting/scoring of incomplete measures (Measure categories, required completion, incomplete submissions not accepted) is implemented so incomplete entries are not negatively impacting users
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Better management of tech debt, reduction of security patches
  • Clarity on work required to meet deadlines and policy implementation
  • Delivery Predictability
  • Reduced dependencies between teams to accelerate delivery
  • Inclusion in roadmap discussions for enterprise tech changes

In Scope for QPP Engagement

Recommendations for Chris

  • Investigate testing practices to find opportunities to reduce patches/ tech debt
  • Potential redistribution of devs to leads for other programs
  • Impact analysis of work
  • Value stream mapping/alignment (operational and development)
  • Increase Practice discipline
    • New jira project to align to LACE standards
      • Work item hygiene
      • Workflows
      • Traceability
      • Documentation
    • Scrum across the board
    • Implement/revisit/revise social contracts
    • Value driven, non-implementation specific requirements
    • Role responsibilities training (lace courses and “encouraged” attendance)
    • Start doing the I&A workshop
    • Revive the I&P iteration
    • LACE Observation of refinement meetings (team & program)

Investigative actions for PM3 Team:

  • Investigate the how/if the solution is constricted by policy (or Steven)
  • Teams working on lower priority work where the time spent could be better used.
  • Do other programs model measure changes before implementation?
  • Is anyone doing an impact analysis of not meeting policy deadlines


  • Appetite for reflection/innovation
  • Competent HCD team with access to users
  • Chris will take Lynn and Corinne’s recommendations on program operations
  • Vendor transition provides an opportunity for a “Clean Break” on some practices and behaviors

Engagement Information

Goal Summary:


 How do we know we're making progress/successful (per goal)?


 How often would you like to evaluate progress (per goal)?

Goal Summary:


 How do we know we're making progress/successful (per goal)?


 How often would you like to evaluate progress (per goal)?

Goal Summary:


 How do we know we're making progress/successful (per goal)?


 How often would you like to evaluate progress (per goal)?



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