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The premise of Human-Centered Design is to seek to understand your customer. What does it look like to involve your customer throughout the process of creating products, services, and policies that impact them?

The HCD Center of Excellence provides training opportunities and resources to help you be more successful in your role supporting the mission of CMS.


Upcoming Events

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HCD Upcoming Events
HCD Upcoming Events

Event Types

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HCD Three Column Training Widget
HCD Three Column Training Widget



<iframe width="375" height="211" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Watch short videos to learn about the methods used at each phase of the Human-Centered Design process as well as an introduction to design thinking.  

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          <div class="quote">"The speakers were entertaining and very knowledgeable. They made the training fun."</div>
          <div class="source">- HCD 101 Attendee</div>
        <li class="anim2">
          <div class="quote">"The breakout rooms were very beneficial. It helped reinforce the concepts that were being presented."</div>
          <div class="source">- HCD 101 Attendee</div>
        <li class="anim3">
          <div class="quote">"The exercises were thought-provoking and easy to apply in day-to-day work tasks."</div>
          <div class="source"></div>
        <li class="anim4">
          <div class="quote">"I enjoyed the activities that gave us an opportunity to pilot some of the strategies we were learning."</div>
          <div class="source"></div>
        <li class="anim5">
          <div class="quote">"The exercises were thought-provoking and easy to apply in day-to-day work tasks."</div>
          <div class="source"></div>