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Aaron Thompsonx
Adrienne Adkins
Adrienne Ray

Ahmar Wazir

Andrew Yochum
Anitha Chintalapati
Arnie Esparterox
Betina Fletcher
Branon Barrett
Cheri Jergerx
Chris Brownx
Christopher King
Curt Phillipsx
Dawn Achantax
Deb Judy
Deb Wilsonx
Greg Ecclestonx
Hari Krishna
Heather Moorex
Howard Thomasx
Jada Garrettx
Jason Bullock
Jason Clemx
Jennifer Baileyx
Justyna Sardin
Karena Sullivanx
Kotaiah Ravipati
Kathleen Prewittx
Kelly Llewellynx
Lakshmi Eriginenix
Leah Skienx
Lisa Reesx
Lonnie Hanekampx
Melissa Fieldhousex
Michael Kennedyx
Nana Aidoox
Nathan Muzosx
Ozlem Taselx
Pandu Muddax
Patrick McConnell
Preston Brownx
Revathy Ramakrishna
Scott Laughlinx
Seema Sreenivas
Sarah Fillingx
Shamim Almamunx
Shalon Quinn
Tim Jacksonx
Tom Lantz
Vladimir Ladikx
Yvette Brownx
Zac Cohenx


Meeting RecordingArnie

This meeting will be recorded for the purpose of capturing meeting minutes and action items.  If there are any objections, please let the host know. Passcode: W?mKDE6^ 

Phase 3 Testing Timeline

  •  07/12/2021 - Phase 3 (Clinical Codes/2728) live in production.
  •  07/12/2021 - 09/15/2021 - Resubmission of Clinical Data Files (September to December).
  •  Resubmission of Clinical Data Files (September - December 2020) Countdown: 19 days left
  •  09/15/2021 - Data fully submitted and ready for measure and scoring calculations.
  •  09/20/2021 - 02/28/2022 - Submit January-September 2021 EQRS Clinical Data, ICH CAHPS Attestations (2021), and Clinical Depression Screening and Follow-Up Plan reporting in EQRS. Additionally, all subsequent months in 2021 will open for data submission on the first day of each month (i.e., October opens October 1; November opens November 1; and December opens December 1). 
  •  02/28/2022 - The clinical closure date for all months in 2021 is February 28, 2022 at 11:59 PM PT.
  •  Timeline
    • Encourage everyone to complete large data submissions prior to the closure of the clinical data
    • Allows us to react to any large data submissions early in the process
  • 2021 will be completely open until February 2022
    • Keeping in mind October opens October 1; November opens November 1; and December opens December 1
  • Memo indicates that ICH CAHPS Attestations will also open for 2021
    • Need confirmation that it actually will not open until 2022
    • Typically ICH CAHPS starts on January 1 of a year; so the next time it will be open is January 1, 2022 for the prior year (annual cycle)
    •  The memo includes that on 9/20 you can start doing  ICH CAHPS Attestations; but assuming they will not be open in EQRS on 9/20
    • Per Kathleen, a revised communication would be ideal, because she links to it in her communications
    • Confirming that ICH CAHPS Attestations will not open until January 1, 2022 is enough for Kathleen to put in her communications
    • Per Lisa and Tim they will further discuss and if the communications needs to be restated, they will reissue the communications piece early next week
    •  The EDIs will continue the original schedule in the submission of the January-September 2021 data
      • For example, DaVita will coordinate with FKC with large data submissions
      • DCI may not be impacted with a large volume
      • NRAA is still 24/7
    • Per Scott - Dates for clinical closure still reflect the previous timeline, so on the ADO side, they still have to do a deployment to update those dates.  They will be updated soon
Production SupportMichael
  • Production support this week has been status quo
  • Majority of issues are stragglers and special cases still being worked
  • Helping users determine why and what is the issue and then getting them fixed
  • "Thanks" to Kelly Llewellyn for being patient and helping with various scenarios
  • No blockers
  • Howard extends a "Thank You' for all of Michael's care, devotion and help in getting things fixed
EDI 2020 Data SubmissionsPreston


  • It has been a very low volume week in terms of clinical submissions
  • Looking at the logs this week, no new type of errors have surfaced 
  • There is one fix in the test pipeline related to submitting files with no clinical data.  The fix is scheduled to be deployed next Tuesday, 8/31


  • Recent Deployments
  • Future Deployments
    •  Checkbox in the UI not being checked when no clinical data is submitted (Will be deployed 8/31)
Round tableScott/EDIs

DaVita -

  • Is there any update on error code13489?
    • The Medicare effective date is being auto created after the patients date of death
    • Per Yvette we discussed this as being a future enhancement
    • There currently is no ticket for this
    • DaVita does not submit a Medicare enrollment effective date in their submissions
    • The system auto creates it for them
    • But it is auto assigning the day the submission is done
    • For example, today DaVita sends EQRS a patient died yesterday, it says the effective date is today and then it errors saying the effective date can't be after the date of death
    • Nathan is referring to the Medicare enrollment effective date
    • Per Yvette, there are no plans to fix this in the current PI
    • This error is DaVita's number one error that gets generated on their patient submissions
    • Request that this error be looked at with high priority
    • One way to get around this error is to actually send the effective date
    • DaVita never sends effective date
    • Per Howard the source of truth on Medicare effective date is from Medicare, it's not from the EDIs or facilities
    • This is an example of where the EDIs should be able to query EQRS to get the information rather than the EDIs supply information
    • CMS will have to make the requirements change saying those dates are no longer needed
    • Per Lisa there may be something coming up in the next PI to help this issue
  • Nathan is unable to access the latest data dictionary
    • Access issues
    • Scott sent the link in the chat for Nathan to try and it worked
  • The defect regarding the checkbox in the UI not being checked when no clinical data is submitted.  Do we know if it affects redshift and what the NCC gets for their reporting?
    • Want to make sure this is not a downstream impact that hasn't been discovered and if no one knows, can it be looked into?
    • Per Kathleen who has been looking at patients with missing data, none of them have had a checkbox checked


  • Per Kathleen - On 8/25, they received the same error as DCI regarding the transplant and citizenship error
  • What is the expectation of the error?
    • There are multiple scenarios per Yvette
    • The error really shouldn't have been triggering that error on the dialysis facility b/c that citizenship requirement is not required for dialysis
    • Another scenario where depending on the date that you send for the admission, for example if the patient is already admitted to your facility, but you submit a different date a year or two later, the system is looking at that like a new admission and then it was still checking all of the admissions the patient ever had. If the patient had a transplant, and it was null, and in some cases they could have had a citizenship but the dates could have been after the transplant, it was still triggering
    • There are several more scenarios that the ADO needs to look into
    • Kathleen will get Patient IDs encountering this error to Yvette and Michael
    • Michael can help Nathan look at those missing

DCI - 

  • Error related to transplant and citizenship still received after resubmitting 44 cases; submitted data today and only 8 cases
  • Vlad will send Yvette those patients so she can take a look at them and research further
  • Vlad will contact the helpdesk or can send the patient information through MFT (Manage File Transfer)
  • Yvette does not need the file submitted, she only needs the Patient IDs


  • Question from Howard - Is citizenship required in EQRS for a dialysis center. 
    • Per Yvette, it is not required, it is optional; depends on the scenario
    • When you submit your patient files, citizenship is not required.  It is required in certain scenarios depending on the patient's race and then there's a requirement for the 2728
    • If the patient gets a transplant, citizenship is required b/c need to know if they are coming to America to get one versus a citizen getting one 
    • Howard suggest this as a good example why a data dictionary is needed
    • Is there an ETA on when a solid data dictionary would be available?
      • The ADO planned to give an updated data dictionary at the end of this PI
      • This PI ends 10/12
  • Per Kelly, still working with Yvette's team on the tilde issue
  • REMINDER: if need to email the help desk, using the following email address: with URGENT in front of subject line
  • Telemedicine Update
    • Conversations around Telemedicine have continued
    • Had a brainstorming session last night with Chris Brown and Kathleen
    • There will be more information and feedback to share next week
    • They will refine the feature, added some more scope and reprioritize with the SMT 
  • EQRS EDI Data Dictionary and the CROWN Clinical CPMs XSD have been posted to the EQRS Communications Hub

Next meeting scheduled for  

Action Items:

  •   Updated, solid data dictionary delivered to the EDIs around the end of PI15, 10/12

Include Page
Data Submission (Errors & Warnings) Implementation Timeline
Data Submission (Errors & Warnings) Implementation Timeline