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Aaron Thompsonx
Adrienne Adkins
Adrienne Ray

Ahmar Wazir

Andrew Yochum
Anitha Chintalapati
Arnie Esparterox
Betina Fletcherx
Branon Barrettx
Cheri Jergerx
Chris Brownx
Christopher Kingx
Curt Phillipsx
Deb Judyx
Deb Wilsonx
Greg Ecclestonx
Hari Krishna
Heather Moore
Howard Thomasx
Jada Garrettx
Jason Bullock
Jason Clemx
Jennifer Baileyx
Justyna Sardin
Karena Sullivanx
Kotaiah Ravipati
Kathleen Prewittx
Kelly Llewellynx
Lakshmi Eriginenix
Leah Skienx
Lisa Reesx
Lonnie Hanekamp
Melissa Fieldhousex
Michael Kennedyx
Nana Aidoo
Nathan Muzos
Ozlem Tasel
Pandu Muddax
Patrick McConnell
Preston Brownx
Revathy Ramakrishnax
Scott Laughlinx
Seema Sreenivasx
Sarah Fillingx
Shamim Almamunx
Shalon Quinn
Tim Jacksonx
Tom Lantz
Vladimir Ladik
Yvette Brownx
Zac Cohenx



Phase 3 Testing Timeline

Scott L.
  •  07/12/2021 - Phase 3 (Clinical Codes/2728) live in production.
  •  07/12/2021 - 09/01/2021 - Resubmission of Clinical Data Files (September to December).
  •  Resubmission of Clinical Data Files (September - December 2020) Countdown: 19 days left
  •  Timeline
    • Encourage everyone to complete large data submissions prior to the closure of the clinical data
    • Allows us to react to any large data submissions early in the process
Production SupportMichael
  • Continuing to work tickets coming in
  • Worked with Vlad on a few patient mappings that needed verification
  • Working on a few NRAA tickets
  • Worked with Heather Moore on a few issues regarding patient mapping
  • Working wit Kathleen on data clean up and how to be more proactive with regard to the data
  • Continuing to work on normal prod support issues
  • No blockers
EDI 2020 Data SubmissionsPreston
  • Encountered some issues this week with some tokens being generated from 9pm - 4am causing some submissions during that time to sometimes fail
  • A fix was put in place yesterday about 8pm eastern time; since then there have been no token issues



  • 08/10 deployment: Handle null pointer exception in batch
    • Feedback affecting feedback to NRAA Detailed logging for patient admission data anomalies (99999) errors (e.g., data from DaVita)
  • 08/12 deployment: 
    • Fix for oauth Batch Token refresh discrepancy
    • It was set to expire every 16th hours and between 1am and 8am mountain time; when the tokens were refreshing there was an issue and those file were failing
    • This is oauth token, not the token you use to submit your files
  • Future Deployments
    • Defect coming up in the next iteration for the code - 13510 (At least one citizenship is required when primary type of treatment is living related, living unrelated, deceased, or unknown)
    • Defect to correct the issue where you submit data and you say that there is no clinical data and the checkbox is not being checked in the UI
    • Both above fixes will be in either Thursday, 8/19 or Tuesday, 8/24 deployments
    • EDI's should have enough time to resubmit clinical data plans through batch
    • On average each deployment is a couple of hours
Round tableScott L.

DaVita - No updates to report at this time

FKC - No updates to report at this time

  • Question - On the clinical depression module, is it only going to allow you to submit data for clinics that are open and certified as of the Submission Date?
    • Yvette will look into this. She thinks in EQRS, the validation was removed prior to go live or shortly after
      • Yvette request for Kathleen to provide more information
      • If the facility is closed that entire assessment period? 
      • Is it a month they are open?
    • A request may have come from the QIP side to just accept the data even though it doesn't meet the criteria for the measure
    • The original intent was to not allow if a facility or patient didn't meet the criteria for the measure, not to accept the data
  • Revathy wanted to follow up on the no clinical data fix
    • Will they be asked to submit data only on a specific date? Are we sticking to the assigned submission days in place right now?
    • Scott suggest that they could just send the data in and not have to follow the assigned submission days
    • At this point, for 2020 data, no scheduling or coordinating between the submitters is required

DCI - Vlad is out of the office

  • On 7/30/2021 received error 13510 - At least one citizenship is required when primary type of treatment is living related, living unrelated, deceased, or unknown
  • EQRS EDSM-354
    serverHCQIS JIRA

NRAA -  

    • Suggest to the Program about doing an impromptu two week extension on the 9/1/21 because recent issues or potential blockers
    • Potential blocker? - two days of not being able to process last week that prevented people from being able to get work done
    • Potential blocker? - this week had a number of issues, satellite had all kinds of problems that Michael mentioned above
    • Heather Moore's team working hard to try to meet the 9/1/21 deadline
    • Scott suggest this two week extension be discussed with Ahmar
    • Howard is not saying they have to have the extension but is was a suggestion
    • What was the root cause of the issue that Michael worked with Satellite?
      • It was something with the org microservice and it wasn't processing that before it was trying to process the other day
      • They were still looking back at their feedback files from 728
      • They were resubmitted last night and 100% went through
    • The second ticket - the data errors were appropriate
MiscellaneousScott L.
  • REMINDER: if need to email the help desk, using the following email address: with URGENT in front of subject line

  • Data topic - Michael
    • When EQRS went live, on of the features at that time was that EDSM would allow EDI submissions to update data but that included updating with null
    • Want to stop things from being updated appropriately, such as identification numbers that would help us match things
    • While researching and finding the root cause, coming up with a plan as to what we will change, need to be mindful of what you are sending and what's in your system
    • Howard will work with Kelly on writing up a communication on what is going on so at least people are aware
  • Distribution Email question - Kelly
    • Scott - making a few more changes on the DNS side and then should be able to send it out sometime early next week

Next meeting scheduled for  

  • Next EDI Submission Testing Meeting

Action Items:


Include Page
Data Submission (Errors & Warnings) Implementation Timeline
Data Submission (Errors & Warnings) Implementation Timeline