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| Contractor Onboarding |
| Contractor Onboarding |
| Contractor OnboardingThe following steps provide guidance for access to these QualityNet IT Services based on whether you are a new contractor or an existing contractor requiring additional services. Anchor |
| New Contracts |
| New Contracts |
| New ContractsContractors that are new to QualityNet IT Services should follow this four-step process to begin onboarding after the contract's period of performance begins. Step One: The CMS COR and New Contractor create an engagement request to identify the type of work to be performed and the services required. Step Two: The CMS COR or New Contractor submits the completed ISG Contract Onboarding Services Request form to Step Three: The ISG Contract Onboarding Services team conducts an interview with the CMS COR and New Contractor to confirm eligibility for these services and sends a request for approval of these services to the CMS Service Leads for processing. Step Four: After the CMS Service Leads have processed the request, the ISG Contract Onboarding Services team prepares and sends a welcome package to the New Contractor’s Security Official (SO) to complete the engagement process. The welcome package includes the following information: - List of SO Responsibilities
- List of Approved Services
- Description of Approved Services
- Instructions for Onboarding Users
Upon receipt of this welcome package and informational materials, the New Contractor SO can begin the process of onboarding new users into the QualityNet IT Services. Access is based on the list of approved services provided in the package.
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| Existing Contracts |
| Existing Contracts |
| Existing ContractsIf you are an existing contractor with QualityNet IT Services looking to obtain access to an additional service, follow this three-step process to begin onboarding. Step One: The CMS COR or Contractor submits a request to obtain access to an additional service by emailing The request should contain the following information: - Name of Organization (HARP Organization Name Preferred)
- Name of QualityNet IT Service
- Business Justification for Use of Service
- Estimated Number of Users
- COR Approval (NOTE: COR approval for the new service request is required before we can proceed. Please include your COR's approval with your request.)
Step Two: The ISG Contract Onboarding Services team sends a request for approval of the service(s) to the CMS Service Leads for processing. Step Three: After the CMS Service Leads have processed the request, the ISG Contract Onboarding Services team prepares and sends a welcome package to the Contractor’s Security Official (SO) to complete the onboarding process. The welcome package includes the following information: - List of SO Responsibilities
- List of Approved Services
- Description of Approved Services
- Instructions for Onboarding Users
Upon receipt of this welcome package and informational materials, the Contractor SO can begin the process of onboarding users into the QualityNet IT Service(s). |