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Welcome to the CCSQ Community! As an Application Development Organization (ADO) with CMS, your expertise is critical to delivering value to the American taxpayer. In alignment with the agile values and principles,   CCSQ uses the Scrum and Scaled Agile Frameworks (SAFe) as a guide for standardized processes. The information provided in this Onboarding Guide highlights CCSQ's standards and expectations for operating within these frameworks.  More comprehensive information is found in the Scrum Guide and the Scaled Agile Framework websites. Rely on your program leadership, Agile coaches, and Release Train Engineers to provide guidance and training when needed.

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Testing is complete, and the story is awaiting the product owner to begin validating the Business and Functional requirements
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titleManaging Work

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titleManaging Work

Work Item Management Basics

Ownership is taken, not given



Scaled Agile, Lean, and Agile development models leverage KanBan’s operating model to provide transparency, visibility, and shared understanding of work preparation and delivery progress.

Owners of responsibility for a process step pull work from the upstream step as throughput allows.  For example, a Product Owner pulls the highest priority feature from the program backlog as they become available to investigate the desired functionality and define requirements for the product backlog. Work is then pulled from the prioritized product backlog in priority order into the sprint backlog by the development team. Within the iteration, a developer pulls the highest priority story in the sprint backlog when they become available. Since we can’t predict who will be the first available to pull the highest priority item from appropriate backlog, the onus of changing ownership is on the person beginning the next phase of work. The exception to this rule is that work is pushed into the "Ready" states to support procedural communications and visibility.

Social Contracts regulate quality


The Definition of Ready and theDefinition of Done  regulate the quality of work throughout the process. Each business and product delivery team should develop their own definitions of what constitutes done and ready, holding themselves and others accountable to these contracts. The Definition of Ready defines what is acceptable for work to begin, and theDefinition of Done defines when the work is done, and therefore ready, for the next phase of the process.

Whoever is working it owns it


At any level of requirements, whoever is responsible for a phase of delivery of work retains ownership until the phase is complete.  At the higher levels of requirements, ownership my never be transferred, For example, a solution manager owns one or more epics, and its associated draft features. When the feature drafts are done, it is also ready for a Product Owner to take ownership and begin more thorough requirements definition and refinement. 

Whoever owns it manages the status

Because work item status management is the responsibility of the owner, the transfer of ownership throughout the process is key for both communications and visibility. As a result, the statuses that a specific owner can manage are limited to those within their domain authority. For example, a developer has authority to say a work item is in “development” or “ready for testing”, but may not change a Feature’s status to complete, as it is outside the developer's domain authority, and should only be closed by the Product Manager.

The Requirements Hierarchy


Work break down moves from large and goal oriented to small and deliberate. 

The 4 levels of requirements from largest to smallest:
  1. Epics
  2. Features
  3. Stories
  4. Tasks

Requirements that can exist at multiple levels of the hierarchy:

  1. Objectives
  2. Enablers

Use the menu at the top to see the CCSQ Standards for defining and managing each work item type







References used in this article:

1 - Scaled Agile Framework - Epic <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
2 - Scaled Agile Framework - Feature <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
3 - Scaled Agile Framework - Story <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
4 - Definition of Done <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
5 - Scaled Agile Framework - Strategic Themes <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
6 - Scaled Agile Framework - Continuous Delivery Pipeline <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
7 - Scaled Agile Framework <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
8 - Scaled Agile Framework - Portfolio Kanban <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

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<img class="learning" alt="OKR Workshop" title="OKR Clinic" onclick="showTrainingPopup('okrs-training');"/> 

"Objectives are strategic and tactical requirements used to associate value with the work being delivered, rather than describe the work itself".

Objectives can be used to map value to any level of requirement, and can be used by every level of the enterprise. Objectives defined at any level should be evaluated for progress at a minimum once per PI.
Typically, you will see the Objective work item type used  at the team level to show how the work in their PI Plan supports the program's business objectives, which should be introduced at the beginning of PI Planning.  At this level, the Objective work item type should be linked as "Supports" to the corresponding PI Objective, rather than a Feature. 
At the Program Level, you may see the Objective Work Items as the parent items for Epics or Features, and are typically expressed as Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). To use objective at this level, you must manually add the Supports/Is Supported By or Parent/Child links in Jira. 

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"An <a href="" target="_blank">Epic </a><span class="sup">1</span> is a container for a significant Solution development initiative that captures the more substantial investments that occur within a portfolio." Epics are too large to fit into a single PI and may take multiple PIs to deliver.
Below is the recommended Portfolio Kanban configuration, taken from the <a href="" target="_blank">Scaled Agile Framework</a><span class="sup">7</span>. You can see that Epics move through the <a href="" target="_blank">Portfolio Kanban </a><span class="sup">8</span> to bring visibility into the progress of the Epic work.
<img src="" style="width:900px;height:546px"/>

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Enabler Management

"Enablers are work required to build business future functionality."

Enablers sit outside the hierarchy of work items and describe a specific type of work. Enablers can be defined at the Epics, Features, or User Story level.
At all levels, the work can be created as an Enabler issue type in Jira, but at the Epic and Feature level, enablers must use labels to align the work with SAFe standard enabler types. The appropriate label should be applied to all enabling features and epics, using one of the labels below:
Programs use two primary enabler types: Feature and team enablers.
These work item management practices align the work with SAFe standards, support enterprise metrics, and reporting standardization across CCSQ.

Feature Enabler:

The Program Feature Backlog differentiates enabler work using labels tagged to Image Added

Enabler Type

Enabler Jira Label


Exploration enablers
Support research, prototyping, and other activities needed to develop an understanding of customer needs, including the exploration of prospective solutions, and evaluating alternatives.
Architectural enablers
Define the Architectural Runway, which allows smoother and faster development.
Infrastructure enablers
Define enhancements to and automations for the development, testing, and deployment environments to ensure higher-quality,
and increase the speed of development and
Compliance enablers
Facilitate managing specific compliance activities, including Verification and Validation (V&V), documentation and signoffs, and regulatory submissions and approvals.
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"A feature is a service that fulfills a stakeholder need."

Each Feature includes a benefit hypothesis and acceptance criteria, and is sized or split as necessary to be delivered by a single Agile Release Train (ART) in a Program Increment (PI).   Features are working software that solve problems. Partial features can be released to the users, as long as it solves a user's problem or helps a user complete their work. 
Features move through different statuses as they are being refined, developed, and released.  Below is the recommended Program Kanban configuration, taken from the Scaled Agile FrameworkYou can see that as Features move through the Continuous Delivery Pipeline there are corresponding statuses to bring visibility into the progress of Feature work. 

Team Enablers:

Enablers at the team level should use the Image Addedwork item type.

Enabler Issue Management Standard


Status Definition/Description

Status Category

Jira Enabler Workflow Setup


Has been created and can be in any state of refinement by the Product Owner and/or team, but has not met the definition of ready


Image Added


Has met the team’s Definition of Ready but has not been taken into an iteration commitment


In Development:

A developer has become available, taken ownership of the story and begun working on a task associated with the story

In Progress
Ready for Peer Review:The developer has completed the story and needs it reviewed by a fellow engineerIn Progress
In Peer Review:A fellow engineer is reviewing and discussing with the authoring engineer if/when changes need to be madeIn Progress

Ready for Testing:

All development tasks are complete, the code has been reviewed, integrated, and deployed to the test environment

In Progress

In Testing:

Testing of the story has begun, test cases are being run against all business, functional an non-functional requirementsIn Progress

Ready For Acceptance:

Testing is complete, and the story is awaiting the product owner to begin validating the Business and Functional requirements defined in the Acceptance Criteria

In Progress
Production Ready:The Product Owner has validated the Acceptance Criteria and approves the story for deployment to the production environmentDone


The story has been deployed and validated in the production environment



The Product Owner has made the decision that the story is no longer necessary


Ownership by Status and Transition

Ownership Role


Status Change

Product Owner

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Developer 1

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Developer 2

Image Added

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                   Or back to

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                   Or back to

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Product Owner

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Product Manager

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Product Owner

<any state>

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Image Removed

Feature Ownership

Features are owned by the Feature Owner for a specific Feature and the role is assigned when more explicit requirements are needed and the Feature is being implemented and developed. Feature Owner works closely with the Product Management Team (SMT) and Product Owner (PO) who is a member of the Agile Team. Feature Owner works in identifying benefit hypothesis and how this Feature will need to be developed and guides the Product Owner and Agile Team with visioning and goal of the scope of work needed. Product Owner author stories in advance of backlog refinement with the assistance of the team to ensure the Agile Team understands "What" needs to get done and Agile Teams focus on "How" it will get done and "How much" will get done based on capacity and velocity. 

*Only the Feature Owner and Product Manager have the authority to abandon or close a feature

Jira Board Configuration

  • Given that CCSQ has adopted the Scaled Agile Framework for Enterprise, ISG Programs should use the columns above to create transparency and allow enterprise measurement. 
  • While all programs have different processes to manage their work, Jira offers some flexibility in its board configuration, allowing custom processes to be shown on the program 
  • Most of the statuses your program needs are already created in Jira, but you may need to request the statuses be added to your project via a request in Atlassian Slack. When working with Atlassian to set up your project, request the core statuses from the Kanban board above and any other statuses you use in your workflow. 

The Program Kanban Board configuration below illustrates the encouraged configuration. Labels can be added to support reporting or add visibility to issues on your board. Click on image to enlarge

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User Story Issue

Management Standard

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Spike (Research) Management

Since spikes do not directly deliver user value, use them sparingly

Spikes should be Quantifiable, Demonstrable, and Acceptable. Like other stories, spikes are put in the Team Backlog, estimated, and sized to fit in an iteration. Spike results are different from a story because spikes typically produce information rather than working code. They should develop only the necessary data to identify and size the stories that drive it confidently. The output of a spike is demonstrable, both to the team and to any other stakeholders, which brings visibility to the research and architectural efforts, and also helps build collective ownership and shared responsibility for decision-making. The Product Owner accepts spikes that have been demoed and meet its acceptance criteria.

Tracking research using Image Added

Spikes are typically Technical or Functional

Functional spikes – They are used to analyze overall solution behavior and determine:

  • How to break it down
  • How to organize the work
  • Where risk and complexity exist
  • How to use insights to influence implementation decisions

Technical spikes – They are used to research various approaches in the solution domain. For example:

  • Determine a build-versus-buy decision
  • Evaluate the potential performance or load impact of a new user story
  • Evaluate specific technical implementation approaches
  • Develop confidence about the desired solution path
Use Jira Labels: Functional_Spike or Technical_Spike


Ownership Role StatusStatus Change
Program / Team/ AnyoneNew (Big Idea)Funnel
Solution Management TeamNewAnalyzing
PDM- Product ManagerNewProgram Backlog 
PDM/ Feature OwnerNewImplementing
PDM/ SMTIn progress/ readyValidating on staging
PDM/ SMTDeployment testing / prod environmentDeploying to Production
PDM/ Feature OwnerDefinition of Done and meet acceptance criteria Releasing 
PDM/ SMTFeature released to the customerDone
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titleUser Stories

User Story Management

"A User story is a short, informal, plain language description of what a user wants to do to gain something they find valuable."

The user stories are owned by the product owner, from the time created until a work begins, and re-assumes ownership after work is complete. For User stories where task assignment is split, ownership should be assumed by the first person taking a task, and can be updated to the person working the last open task.


Status Definition/Description

Status Category



Story Workflow Setup



Has been created and can be in any state of refinement by the Product Owner and/or team, but has not met the definition of ready
Document any need for technical or functional researchTo-do

Image Removed

Image Added

Analyzing:The Product Owner has documented the benefit hypothesis and acceptance criteria. WSFJ has been calculatedTo-do

PI Ready:

Has met the team’s Definition of Ready for the PI but has not been taken into an iteration commitment


In Development:

A developer has become available, taken ownership of the


Spike and begun working on a associated task

associated with the story

In Progress
Ready for Peer Review:The developer has completed the
Spike and needs it reviewed by a fellow engineerIn Progress
In Peer Review:A fellow engineer is reviewing and discussing with the authoring engineer if/when changes need to be madeIn Progress


for Test


Testing of the story has begun, test cases are being run against all business, functional an non-functional requirementsIn Progress

Ready For Acceptance:

For Acceptance:

All development tasks are complete, the code has been reviewed, integrated, and deployed to the test environment.

In Progress

The Spike is awaiting the Product Owner to validate the Business Hypothesis and requirements defined in the Acceptance Criteria

In Progress


The Product Owner has validated the Acceptance Criteria and approves the

story for deployment




The Product Owner has made the decision that the


Spike is no longer necessary


Ownership by Status and Transition

In Development

Ownership Role


Status Change

Product Owner


Image Added


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DeveloperProduct Owner


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Developer 1

Image Added

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Developer 1


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Image Added

Ready for Peer Review

Developer 2Peer ReviewReady for Test,  Development



In Development, Ready for Acceptance

Product Owner

Ready for Acceptance


Product Owner

<any state>


Jira Scrum Board Configuration 

The Scrum Board configuration below illustrates the encouraged configuration. Labels can be added to support reporting or add visibility to issues on your board. Click on image to enlarge

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To do:

A task/story has been created and is in the backlog



A task/story has been started by an engineer

In ProgressIn Progress
Awaiting ReviewA task/story is ready for review by another engineerIn In ProgressProgress
In ReviewA task/story is being reviewed internallyIn ProgressIn Progress

Awaiting Awaiting Validation

The task/story is awaiting confirmation of completion

In ProgressIn Progress


The task meets the release criteria defined in the team's definition of done



The team has made the decision that the task is no longer necessary.

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Excerpt IncludeCollaborationCollaborationnopaneltrue Tabs Page


Excerpt IncludeSocial ContractsSocial Contractsnopaneltrue Tabs Page


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Excerpt IncludeFoundational ValuesFoundational Valuesnopaneltrue Tabs Page


Excerpt IncludeExpectations of CMSExpectations of CMSnopaneltrue Tabs Page


Excerpt IncludeProvided to CMSProvided to CMS

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Developer 2

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                   Or back to

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Product Owner

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Feature Management

"A feature is a service that fulfills a stakeholder need."

Each Feature includes a benefit hypothesis and acceptance criteria, and is sized or split as necessary to be delivered by a single Agile Release Train (ART) in a Program Increment (PI).   Features are working software that solve problems. Partial features can be released to the users, as long as it solves a user's problem or helps a user complete their work. Features move through different statuses as they are being refined, developed, and released.  Below is the recommended Program Kanban configuration, taken from the Scaled Agile FrameworkYou can see that as Features move through the Continuous Delivery Pipeline there are corresponding statuses to bring visibility into the progress of Feature work. 


Status Definition/Description

Status Category

Jira Story Workflow Setup


All big ideas are welcome hereTo-do

Image Added

Analyzing:The Product Owner has documented the benefit hypothesis and acceptance criteria. WSFJ has been calculatedTo-do

PI Ready:

Has met the team’s Definition of Ready for the PI but has not been taken into an iteration commitment


Program Backlog:

A program has accepted the work for a Program Increment

In Progress
Implementing:As development team has started working on stories associated with the FeatureIn Progress
Validating on Staging:The Feature is being tested in a Staging environmentIn Progress

Production Ready:

A Product Owner has validated that the Business Hypothesis and requirements defined in the Acceptance Criteria have been met



The Product Manager has validated that the Feature has been deployed



The Product Owner has made the decision that the Feature is no longer necessary


Ownership by Status and Transition

Features are owned by the Feature Owner for a specific Feature and the role is assigned when more explicit requirements are needed and the Feature is being implemented and developed. Feature Owner works closely with the Solutions Management Team (SMT) and Product Owner (PO) who is a member of the Agile Team. Feature Owner works in identifying benefit hypothesis and how this Feature will need to be developed and guides the Product Owner and Agile Team with visioning and goal of the scope of work needed. Product Owner author stories in advance of backlog refinement with the assistance of the team to ensure the Agile Team understands "What" needs to get done and Agile Teams focus on "How" it will get done and "How much" will get done based on capacity and velocity. 

Ownership Role


Status Change

Product Owner

Image Added

Image Added

Product Owner/SMT

Image Added

Image Added

Product Manager/SMT/RTE

Image Added

Image Added

RTE/Development Team

Image Added

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RTE/Development Team

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RTE/Dev Team/Product Manager

Image Added

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Product Manager

Image Added

Image Added

Product Owner

<any state>

Image Added

*Only the Feature Owner and Product Manager have the authority to abandon or close a feature

Jira Board Configuration

  • Given that CCSQ has adopted the Scaled Agile Framework for Enterprise, ISG Programs should use the columns above to create transparency and allow enterprise measurement. 

  • While all programs have different processes to manage their work, Jira offers some flexibility in its board configuration, allowing custom processes to be shown on the program 

  • Most of the statuses your program needs are already created in Jira, but you may need to request the statuses be added to your project via a request in Atlassian Slack. When working with Atlassian to set up your project, request the core statuses from the Kanban board above and any other statuses you use in your workflow. 

The Program Kanban Board configuration below illustrates the encouraged configuration. Labels can be added to support reporting or add visibility to issues on your board.

Click on image to enlarge

Image Added

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titleUser Stories

User Stories
User Stories

User Story Management

"A User story is a short, informal, plain language description of what a user wants to do to gain something they find valuable."

The user stories are owned by the product owner, from the time created until a work begins, and re-assumes ownership after work is complete. For User stories where task assignment is split, ownership should be assumed by the first person taking a task, and can be updated to the person working the last open task.

User Story Issue Management Standard


Status Definition/Description

Status Category

Jira Story Workflow Setup


Has been created and can be in any state of refinement by the Product Owner and/or team, but has not met the definition of ready


Image Added


Has met the team’s Definition of Ready but has not been taken into an iteration commitment


In Development:

A developer has become available, taken ownership of the story and begun working on a task associated with the story

In Progress
Ready for Peer Review:The developer has completed the story and needs it reviewed by a fellow engineerIn Progress
In Peer Review:A fellow engineer is reviewing and discussing with the authoring engineer if/when changes need to be madeIn Progress

Ready for Testing:

All development tasks are complete, the code has been reviewed, integrated, and deployed to the test environment

In Progress

In Testing:

Testing of the story has begun, test cases are being run against all business, functional an non-functional requirementsIn Progress

Ready For Acceptance:

Testing is complete, and the story is awaiting the product owner to begin validating the Business and Functional requirements defined in the Acceptance Criteria

In Progress
Production Ready:The Product Owner has validated the Acceptance Criteria and approves the story for deployment to the production environmentDone


The story has been deployed and validated in the production environment



The Product Owner has made the decision that the story is no longer necessary


Ownership by Status and Transition

Ownership Role


Status Change

Product Owner

Image Added

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Developer 1

Image Added

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Developer 2

Image Added

Image Added

                   Or back to

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Image Added

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                   Or back to

Image Added

Product Owner

Image Added

Image Added

Product Manager

Image Added

Image Added

Product Owner

<any state>

Image Added

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To do:

A task/story has been created and is in the backlog



A task/story has been started by an engineer

In ProgressIn Progress
Awaiting ReviewA task/story is ready for review by another engineerIn In ProgressProgress
In ReviewA task/story is being reviewed internallyIn ProgressIn Progress

Awaiting Awaiting Validation

The task/story is awaiting confirmation of completion

In ProgressIn Progress


The task meets the release criteria defined in the team's definition of done



The team has made the decision that the task is no longer necessary.


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Collaboration is a key practice to maintaining alignment and removing impediments. Collaboration is necessary within a team between team members, teams with other teams (inside and outside of the ART 1), and teams and the ART with stakeholders and customers.

Cadence 2 of normalized collaboration sessions helps keep calendars uncluttered and minimizes disruption of focus time to get the work done.


Program Increment

The Program Increment 1 (PI) is a medium term timebox between 8-12 weeks. This gives the program roughly a quarterly timeline to plan and deliver initiatives at the Feature level.

PI Planning

At the beginning of the PI, the Agile Release Train takes time to map and commit to the Features that will be completed in the PI during the PI Planning 2 event. This is an important ceremony that cannot be skimped on. All members of the ART and external stakeholders MUST participate to set the ART up for success in value delivery. To learn more about PI Planning, please request the LACE Explained: PI Planning Training. Futhermore, the success of a PI Planning depends on real-time access to information and tooling to support distributed planning or remote attendees. One of the tools at your disposal is LucidSpark. Learn how to leverage LucidsPark PI Planning Template

ART Sync

During the PI, as the Agile Teams and ART members are executing to create and deliver value, it is important to align on execution and expose impediments that are impacting the ART. The ART Sync 5 is typically attended by Scrum Masters, Product Owners, Technical Leads, and various Program Stakeholders. The ART Sync is not a ceremony. It is a broad label that encompasses two ceremonies, the PO Sync and the Scrum of Scrums 6. These two ceremonies can be scheduled independently, back-to-back, or even simultaneously. However, the value of these two ceremonies is the ability to communicate progress and surface dependencies and risks. This means that outputs and discoveries from one ceremony are communicated to the other.

System Demo

During the PI, as the Agile Teams and ART members are executing to create and deliver value, it is important to show the actual value (working software) to customers and stakeholders in the System Demo 3. This is the time for the customers and stakeholders to view progress and give feedback.

Inspect & Adapt Workshop

At the end of the PI, the ART must take time to reflect on how it executed and how it can improve. The Inspect & Adapt Workshop 4 brings the entire ART together for a retrospective. Learn more about the LACE Inspect and Adapt Explained Training.


Each Agile Team executes within an ART during a PI. The teams operate on their own work items, collaborating with other teams, as needed.


Just as the PI is the timebox for the ART, the Sprint 1, or Iteration, is the timebox for the Agile Team. This is a shorter timebox, as several Iterations will occur in a given PI. Generally, an Iteration length is 2 weeks.

Iteration Planning

At the beginning of the Iteration, the team plans the work to be committed to from the Product Backlog. This is the Daily Scrum 2.

Daily Standup

Just as the ART Sync helps the ART align and expose impediments, the Daily Scrum 3, or Daily Standup, helps the team align and expose impediments. This happens on a daily basis, so the team doesn't fall too far out of alignment and impediments don't remain hidden.

Iteration Review

At the end of the Iteration, the team showcases their completed work. This is a review of the current state of the product. The Iteration Review 4 is a time for the customers and stakeholders to witness the completed work and provide feedback. It's important for team members to demo the actual deliverables - working software or documentation for example - so everyone is in sync and the Product Owner and team members can provide more useful feedback. In a virtual team environment, consider walking through each user story and it's associated deliverables via screen share.

Iteration Retrospective

At the end of the Iteration, the team reflects on how they accomplished their work and how they can improve. This is a review of the current state of the agile process. The Retrospective 5 is a time for the team members to provide feedback on what is working well and not working well in the agile process and create action items that the Scrum Master can track and report on during the following Sprint Retrospective. This is to ensure that changes are being made and the desired outcomes are being realized. If they're not, try something new to address the pain points and revisit it during the next Retrospective. Learn to facilitate a retrospective here

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Social Contracts & Agreements
Social Contracts & Agreements

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Value Delivery
Value Delivery

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Foundational Values
Foundational Values

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As an Application Development Organization (ADO), you are expected to deliver value. However, CCSQ will provide you with the information and support you need to be successful.

Expected of CMS

The following artifacts should be created and maintained by CMS (Business Owners, Solution Management, Product Management) and should be provided to ADOs and other Stakeholders.


The Vision 1 is a description of the future state of the Solution under development. It reflects customer and stakeholder needs, as well as the Feature and Capabilities proposed to meet those needs.

Operational Value Stream Map

Operational Value Streams 1 (OVS) are the sequence of activities needed to deliver a product or service to a customer.

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

Objectives and Key Results, or OKRs, for short, are plain language goals and the measures of success for those goals. How do we know what the goal is? How do we know if reached the goal? Does everyone agree on what success is?

The goal of using OKRs for strategic themes 1 is to define and track their progress through concrete, specific, and measurable actions. “OKRs are frequently set, tracked, and re-evaluated – usually quarterly. OKRs exists to create alignment and to set the cadence for the organization. The goal is to ensure everyone is going in the same direction, with clear priorities, in a constant rhythm.”

Program Backlog

The Program Backlog 1 is the holding area for upcoming Features, which are intended to address user needs and deliver business benefits for a single Agile Release Train 3 (ART). It also contains the enabler features necessary to build the Architectural Runway 2.

The Program Backlog is created, refined, and prioritized by Product Management 4. To learn more about Program Backlog Management, the LACE offers the following trainings:

Expected of Software Development Partners

Team Backlog

Organizing your work into a digestible, transparent artifact is not difficult. The Team Backlog 1 is the primary repository for managing work items. Specifically, User Stories 2. User Stories are discreet value propositions of a larger Feature or Enabler 4 from the Program Backlog 3. All User Stories will be tracked in Jira. This is because the CMS Jira implementation is able to read Jira projects and collect and collate pertinent metrics associated with team effectiveness.

Value Artifacts

All of the source code, infrastructure as code, documentation, dependencies, and everything else used to create the Value belong to CMS. As such, all repositories, Confluence spaces, etc. are to be provided to CMS.

Required Artifacts:

  • Personas

    "A Persona is a fictitious character embodying a segment of real-world users of your product, website or service. It is based on information gathered via research, both qualitative and quantitative."

  • HCD Research Methods

    HCD practices include many research and testing methods. All artifacts from these methods need to be stored, preferably in Confluence, and available for interested parties and stakeholders.

    A comprehensive list of these practices can be found in the HCD Space.

DevOps Metrics

While Team effectiveness metrics are gleaned from Jira projects, DevOps metrics must be provided.

  • Deployment Frequency
  • Deployment Lead Time
  • Mean Time To Restore
  • Deployment Failure Rate

Development Value Stream Map

Getting the software value into production is just as important as the software value, itself. Automation, quality gates, package bundling and installation, and software scanning help increase quality and speed of delivery.

Mapping out the Development Value Stream 1 is critical to understand the system and where to focus on improvement opportunities.

All ADOs are required to create and maintain a Development Value Stream Map. This should be available in Confluence.

Getting the software value into production is just as important as the software value, itself. Automation, quality gates, package bundling and installation, and software scanning help increase quality and speed of delivery.

Mapping out the Development Value Stream 1 is critical to understand the system and where to focus on improvement opportunities.

All ADOs are required to create and maintain a Development Value Stream Map. This should be available in Confluence. Learn more about Value Stream Mapping to request the LACE Value Stream Mapping Workshop

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Team Backlog

Organizing your work into a digestible, transparent artifact is not difficult. The Team Backlog 1 is the primary repository for managing work items. Specifically, User Stories 2. User Stories are discreet value propositions of a larger Feature or Enabler 4 from the Program Backlog 3. All User Stories will be tracked in Jira. This is because the CMS Jira implementation is able to read Jira projects and collect and collate pertinent metrics associated with team effectiveness.

Value Artifacts

All of the source code, infrastructure as code, documentation, dependencies, and everything else used to create the Value belong to CMS. As such, all repositories, Confluence spaces, etc. are to be provided to CMS.

Required Artifacts:

  • Personas

    "A Persona is a fictitious character embodying a segment of real-world users of your product, website or service. It is based on information gathered via research, both qualitative and quantitative."

  • HCD Research Methods

    HCD practices include many research and testing methods. All artifacts from these methods need to be stored, preferably in Confluence, and available for interested parties and stakeholders.

    A comprehensive list of these practices can be found in the HCD Space.

DevOps Metrics

While Team effectiveness metrics are gleaned from Jira projects, DevOps metrics must be provided.

  • Deployment Frequency
  • Deployment Lead Time
  • Mean Time To Restore
  • Deployment Failure Rate

Development Value Stream Map

Getting the software value into production is just as important as the software value, itself. Automation, quality gates, package bundling and installation, and software scanning help increase quality and speed of delivery.

Mapping out the Development Value Stream 1 is critical to understand the system and where to focus on improvement opportunities.

All ADOs are required to create and maintain a Development Value Stream Map. This should be available in Confluence.

Getting the software value into production is just as important as the software value, itself. Automation, quality gates, package bundling and installation, and software scanning help increase quality and speed of delivery.

Mapping out the Development Value Stream 1 is critical to understand the system and where to focus on improvement opportunities.

All ADOs are required to create and maintain a Development Value Stream Map. This should be available in Confluence. Learn more about Value Stream Mapping to request the LACE Value Stream Mapping Workshop

Tabs Page

Team Readiness Checklist


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Team Readiness Checklist
Team Readiness Checklist

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Agility Playbook LACE Request Form Insert
Agility Playbook LACE Request Form Insert

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Working Copy Popup Test
Working Copy Popup Test

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