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Continual User Participation in Human-Centered Research and Design 
Meaghan Hudak | Reading time:
about 8 min

From working out what you want to achieve to providing incentives for respondents, survey design can take time. But when you don’t have hours to devote to becoming a survey-creation guru, a quick guide to the essentials is a great way to get started.

In this article, we’re going to reveal how to create a survey that’s easy for survey respondents to complete, hits the research questions you’re interested in, and produces data that’s easy to work with at the analysis stage.

1. Define the purpose of the survey

Before you even think about your survey questions, you need to define their purpose.

The survey’s purpose should be a clear, attainable, and relevant goal. For example, you might want to understand why customer engagement is dropping off during the launch of a new online product. Your goal could then be something like: “I want to understand the key factors that caused engagement to dip upon launch of the new product, including both internal and external elements.” Or maybe you want to understand customer satisfaction with a product or service. If so, the goal of your survey could be: “I want to understand how customer satisfaction is influenced by customer service and support, including online and offline channels.”

The idea is to come up with a specific, measurable, and relevant goal for your survey. This way you ensure that your questions are tailored to what you want to achieve and that the data captured can be compared against your goal.

2. Make every question count

You’re building your survey questionnaire to obtain important insights, so every question should play a direct role in hitting that target. Make sure each question adds value and drives survey responses that relate directly to your research goals. For example, if your participant’s precise age or home state is relevant to your results, go ahead and ask. If not, save yourself and the respondents some time and skip it.

It’s best to plan your survey by first identifying the data you need to collect and then writing your questions. You can also incorporate multiple-choice questions to get a range of responses that provide more detail than a solid yes or no. It’s not always black and white.

3. Keep it short and simple

Although you may be deeply committed to your survey, the chances are that the respondents, well... aren’t. As the survey designer, a big part of your job is keeping their attention and making sure they stay focused until the end of the survey. Respondents are less likely to complete long surveys or surveys that bounce around haphazardly from topic to topic. Make sure your survey follows a logical order and takes a reasonable amount of time to complete. Although they don’t need to know everything about your research project, it can help to let respondents know why you’re asking about a certain topic. Knowing the basics about who you are and what you are researching means they’re more likely to keep their responses focused and in scope.

4. Ask direct questions

Vaguely worded survey questions confuse respondents and make your resulting data less useful. Be as specific as possible, and strive for clear and precise language that will make your survey questions easy to answer.

It can be helpful to mention a specific situation or behavior rather than a general tendency. That way you focus the respondent on the facts of their life rather than asking them to consider abstract beliefs or ideas. Different question types will also allow for a variety of clear answers that help to uncover deeper insights. Good survey design isn’t just about getting the information you need, but also encouraging respondents to think in different ways.

5. Ask one question at a time

Although it’s important to keep your survey as short and sweet as possible, that doesn’t mean doubling up on questions. Trying to pack too much into a single question can lead to confusion and inaccuracies in the responses.

Take a closer look at questions in your survey that contain the word “and” – it can be a red flag that your question has two parts. For example: “Which of these insurance providers has the best customer support and reliability?” This is problematic because a respondent may feel that one service is more reliable, but another has better customer support.

6. Avoid leading and biased questions

Although you don’t intend them to, certain words and phrases can introduce bias into your questions or point the respondent in the direction of a particular answer.

As a rule of thumb, when you conduct a survey it’s best to provide only as much wording as a respondent needs to give an informed answer. Keep your question wording focused on the respondent and their opinions, rather than introducing anything that could be construed as a point of view of your own. In particular, scrutinize adjectives and adverbs in your questions. If they’re not needed, take them out.

7. Speak your respondent's language

This tip goes hand-in-hand with many others in this article – it’s about making language only as complex or as detailed as it needs to be when conducting great surveys.

Create surveys that use language and terminology that your respondents will understand. Keep the language as plain as possible, avoid technical jargon and keep sentences short. However, beware of oversimplifying a question to the point that its meaning changes.

8. Use response scales whenever possible

Response scales capture the direction and intensity of attitudes, providing rich data. In contrast, categorical or binary response options, such as true/false or yes/no response options, generally produce less informative data.

If you’re in the position of choosing between the two, the response scale is likely to be the better option.

Avoid using scales that ask your target audience to agree or disagree with statements, however. Some people are biased toward agreeing with statements, and this can result in invalid and unreliable data.

9. Rephrase yes/no questions if possible

As we’ve described, yes/no questions provide less detailed data than a response scale or multiple-choice, since they only yield one of two possible answers.

Many yes/no questions can be reworked by including phrases such as “How much,” “How often,” or “How likely.” Make this change whenever possible and include a response scale for richer data.

By rephrasing your questions in this way, your survey results will be far more comprehensive and representative of how your respondents feel.

10. Start with the straightforward stuff

Ease your respondent into the survey by asking easy questions at the start of your questionnaire, then moving on to more complex or thought-provoking elements once they’re engaged in the process.

This is especially valuable if you need to cover any potentially sensitive topics in your survey. Never put sensitive questions at the start of the questionnaire where they’re more likely to feel off-putting.

Your respondent will probably become more prone to fatigue and distraction towards the end of the survey, so keep your most complex or contentious questions in the middle of the survey flow rather than saving them until last.

11. Take your survey for a test drive

Want to know how to make a survey a potential disaster? Send it out before you pre-test.

However short or straightforward your questionnaire is, it’s always a good idea to pre-test your survey before you roll it out fully so that you can catch any possible errors before they have a chance to mess up your survey results.

Share your survey with at least five people, so that they can test your survey to help you catch and correct problems before you distribute it.

Survey Design Best Practices: Learn about a survey life cycle, general guidelines and best practices in survey design, and how to avoid common problems while gaining insight with this popular research method. More information and registration coming soon!
4 minutes

Many of those who receive health coverage from CMS are some of the most socioeconomically vulnerable populations in the United States. Their right to high quality healthcare is heavily reliant on the ability of CMS and associated healthcare workers to provide effective support for its program beneficiaries and health providers. 

Ventera provides innovative solutions to continuously improve this support system by centering user feedback in its product development and improvement processes.

We learned about two custom designed and developed CMS products: HCQIS Access Roles and Profile (HARP) and Program Resource System (PRS 2.0). This case study highlights the importance of incorporating human-centered research and design throughout the entire lifecycle of product development. 

Attendees learned: 

  • Continual user research with stakeholder/end-user participation in the product development lifecycle leads to relevant and timely user experience (UX) design and increased user investment towards product success,
  • Flexibly shifting between having a leadership mindset and a team player mindset in a cross-functional team is key, and
  • From creating a minimum viable product to adding value to an MVP, the focus of UX research often changes, but the human-centered approach does not end when each project milestone is reached.

The presentation was facilitated by Shelagh Cully, Senior User Experience Designer, Mana Hayashi, Senior User Experience Researcher, and Hyorim Park, Senior User Experience Researcher. All speakers are with Ventera. 

Shelagh starts the presentation off with an audience question, “What does it mean to be continually engaged?” For users that might mean collecting follow-up information and feedback. In order to do so, the whole product team has to be continually engaged with each other.

Human-Centered Research and Design: Best Practices

  1. Collaborate cross-functionally
  2. Continually engage users
  3. Work iteratively think holistically

Shelagh asks, How do we incorporate these best practices into the product team workflow? How do we continue to bring value to users? Below includes information of the ESS team: 

Enterprise Systems and Services (ESS) 

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Cross-Functional Work Process

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Through the second stage, Man explains how to engage users through cross-functional collaboration. The lead user experience researcher conducts the user interviews and faciliate a 1-on-1 conversation with the interviewer. The audience is shown an example with PRS 2.0 interviews. PRS 2.0 users search for information on Medicare/Medicaid doctors. One pain point observed was that users could not find a doctor's group practice affiliations easily. We learn the benefits of cross-functional engagement of users. These include: users can speak directly to product team on their needs/concerns, product team members can more easily empathize with users and team consensus on product needs are grounded in user perspectives. 

Hyorim explains why it is important to engage users by collaborating beyond your team. The ESS Team worked with the Help Desk Team and explored why HARP users contact the Help Desk. These reasons are: not being able to login, forgotten passwords and manual identity proofing. 

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Graphic: The outcome above shows steps the teams made to implement HARP changes. 

Hyorim provided the benefits of collaborating beyond product teams. These benefits include: the product team can discover user pain points in real-time and reduced workload for all involved. 

Continually Engaging Users 

Shelagh shares the importance of managing user lists to track user participation and building relationships with participants in the early product stages. As the products mature, the user lists grow significantly. Within PRS 2.0, the team identified core user needs. Most of the users were patient facing. One of the pain points a user discussed, was that the name of the facility was constantly changing and how it was difficult to find information. With this new functionality, users can now search the facility address which helped fulfill the users needs. Keeping the human-centered work process top of mind, teams should continue to: have product team work regularly with the UX team to communicate with users, consistently manage user lists to recruit and build trust with users and work in iterations, but keep in mind user’s entire journey with the product.

Shelagh, Mana and Hyorim left the audience with some pro-tips to continually engage users:

  • Involve product team and stakeholders in UX research and design
  • Keep open communication channels with other teams that support users
  • Create encouraging atmosphere for users to experiment and give feedback
  • Demonstrate impact of continual user participation to users and stakeholders
  • Observe product usage to discover problem areas
  • Validate solutions with users before implementation
  • Make time to ask users open-ended questions on full product experience
  •  Create a dedicated findings repository as seed ideas for future research
  • Embed survey and recruitment in product for ongoing user feedback

If you missed the case study presentation, check out the transcript and recording on the CCSQ World Usability Daypage. This page also includes an archive of transcripts and recordings of speaker presentations, session materials, and event photos. For more information about the Human-Centered Design Center of Excellence, refer to the HCD CoE Confluence page.







Meaghan is a Communication Specialist supporting the CCSQ Human-Centered Design Center of Excellence (HCD CoE). Meaghan has been with the HCD CoE since January 2022. 

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