QualityNet Jira will be unavailable on Tuesday, September 03, 2024, between 8:00 PM ET and 11:00 PM ET while the team performs a system upgrade. QualityNet Confluence will also be briefly unavailable between 8:00 PM ET and 8:30 PM ET.  If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us in Slack at #help-atlassian.

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Release notes from more than 90 days ago are stored in the ServiceNow Release Notes Archive in the internal ServiceNow space. Users will need to log in to view these release notes, or email CCSQServiceNow@cms.hhs.gov. 

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titleRelease Notes

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titleSeptember 8, 2023

The following enhancements will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow 1135 Waiver Submitters and Administrators

1135 Waivers: Updated Language and Pop-up Functionality

On Friday, September 8, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the language and pop-up functionality on 1135 Waivers for the ‘Other’ Waiver/Flexibility Request selection and add new pop-up functionality to the ‘Other’ Inquiry Type selection. These enhancements will provide more descriptive instructions for customers submitting Requests who cannot immediately identify their intended selection.

Additionally, this update will also provide the same pop-up functionality for Inquiry Requests on the 1135 Public Portal which was previously not provided. 

The following maintenance tasks will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Service Customers

CCSQ ServiceNow: Annual Zip Code Update

On Friday, September 8, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will process the annual upload to update the ServiceNow Location table with the current United States Postal Service (USPS) location information for City, State, County, and Zip Code.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow iQIES Idea Portal Idea Managers

iQIES Idea Portal Update: Associate Duplicate Ideas to the Original Idea

On Friday, September 8, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update on the iQIES Idea Portal.  This update will allow Idea Managers to associate duplicate ideas with the original idea.

The field titled ‘Duplicate’ will display on the form when the selected State is ‘Duplicate’. When the Idea Manager clicks the Lookup icon in the ‘Duplicate’ field, all existing Ideas previously submitted will display. Managers will be able to select the original idea from that list to associate it with the duplicate idea submitted. 

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow System Team and HIWAVE Customers

CCSQ ServiceNow Update: Utah Patch 6 Upgrade

On Saturday, September 9, 2023, CCSQ ServiceNow will be updated to include theUtah Patch 6upgrade as scheduled in HIWAVE as a part of the monthly patching program. Skipped list will be manually adjusted as needed.

ServiceNow Patches provide enhancements and security patching to the environment and will ensure that the production environment has the most current patch level to reduce the risk of potential vulnerabilities.

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titleAugust 25, 2023

The following enhancements will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: 1135 Waiver Administrators

1135: Administrators 1135 Report for Specified PHE

On Friday, August 18, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow implemented an update that enables 1135 Waiver Administrators to request a collection of reports from the 1135 Administrator's Homepage for distribution.

These reports will be for specific, current Public Health Emergencies (PHE) and will be distributed to a designated distribution list. These requests are made through the ServiceNow IT Services Catalog item ‘Misc. Admin Request.’

This reduces the dependency on the Development Team to generate these reports and provides an easy, repeatable process for the 1135 Waiver Administrators to generate the 1135 PHE Specific Reports.

Affected Customers: 1135 Waiver Admins, 1135 Agents, and Submitters

1135 Waiver and Inquiry Case Form Updates

On Friday, August 25, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement updates to the 1135 Waiver and Inquiry Case Forms.

  • 1135: General Waiver Escalation Enhancement for Parent with Single Child Waiver

This update provides the Agent updates to the Waiver Case so that when a Child Waiver is Escalated, the Parent Waiver remains in the Open State.

  • Validate ‘Email Address’

This update prevents a Waiver submitter from entering an invalid email address that lacks a valid domain extension (e.g., *.gov, *.com, *.net). When an invalid email is entered, the field displays a red bar, and the submitter cannot proceed to the next sections of the Public Portal form.

Affected Customers:CCSQ Support Central Customers and CCSQ Service Center Agents

CCSQ Support Central Update: New ‘Close Ticket’ Button

On Friday, August 25, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update that will allow a customer to close their own Cases, Incidents (INCs), and Requested Items (RITMs) from CCSQ Support Central in the Track a Ticket list view.

A new ‘Close Ticket’ button will display on the Ticket Information page that lists their ticket records. The ‘Close Ticket’ button will allow customers to close their own tickets when the solution provided is acceptable. This button will be available for tickets in all Ticket Statuses except Closed.

This will reduce the ticket volume and save time for the Service Center agents while providing CCSQ Support Central customers the control to close their own tickets.

For more information, review the Knowledge Article: CCSQ Support Central - Track an Existing Ticket Formin ServiceNow and related Knowledge Articles in CCSQ ServiceNow. Note: To view Knowledge Articles you will need to sign into your CCSQ ServiceNow account. 

Affected Customers: CCSQ Services and Operations Support (SOS) Team

Automatic HARP Role Removal

On Friday, August 25, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update to automatically remove a User's associated HARP roles when the User is inactive for more than 180 days.

This update will reduce the time previously spent manually processing the removal of associated HARP roles.


The CMS COR HARP role and last User of that Role are excluded from automatic HARP role removals and will be processed as follows:

  • If the user has the CMS COR HARP role and the User Roles below, then a SOS ticket is automatically created to manually remove these roles.
  • If the member associated to a Role is the last User of that Role, then a SOS ticket ‘Last User Removed: 180 Days ServiceNow Inactivity for CCSQ [User’s Name]’ is automatically created to research and manually replace that removed member.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Service Center Agents and HCD

Agent Workspace Update: CCSQ Support Central Customer Survey Verbiage Popup

On Friday, August 25, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will add a new 'HCD Verbiage' button within Agent Workspace. When selected, this functionality will provide the Agent with specific language that may be used to better engage customers to opt-in for customer satisfaction improvement opportunities, such as the CCSQ Support Central customer surveys.

The following maintenance tasks will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Systems Team

CCSQ ServiceNow: Section 508 Regulation Updates

On Friday, August 25, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the CCSQ Self Service Portal, CMS 1135 Waiver / Flexibility Request and Inquiry Form, Public Quality Question and Answer Tool, and iQIES HCD Research Form to address Section 508 compliance issues.


Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow HIDS Security IAM and Services and Operations Support (SOS) Team

IAM Identity Proofing Cases and Harp Manual Proofing Document Updates

On Friday, August 25, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the following:

  • Identity Proofing Cases and Edit ServiceNow Assignment Group Requests will be updated so that these Cases will be assigned to Services and Operations Support (SOS).
  • Harp Manual Proofing documents will automatically be removed once the case is resolved as manual proofing.


Affected Customers:  CCSQ ServiceNow IT Services Catalog Customers

CCSQ ServiceNow IT Services Catalog: ‘Database Services‘ Removed

On Friday, August 25, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the IT Services Catalog. The ‘Database Services' catalog item under 'Data and Database Services’ is no longer available.


Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers

TRAPP ‘Verify Software Allocation’ Email Notifications Update

On Friday, August 25, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will deactivate future Verify Software Allocation email notifications as this process has ended.

The following notifications will be turned off to prevent future notifications:

  • TRAPP - Notification to PO and Asset Team
  • TRAPP - Reminder notification to Product
  • TRAPP - Email asking to update licensing

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titleAugust 11, 2023

The following enhancements will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow HQR Service Center Agentsand HQR Customers

HQR Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Survey Update

On Friday, August 11, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will remove the 30-day lockout from HQR CSAT surveys, so that customers are able to provide feedback about their interactions with the Service Center via their HQR-Case Closed Customer email notifications. This update will allow HQR customers to complete surveys for multiple closed tickets at any time and as many as they want, without restriction unless they opt out.

Affected Customers: PublicQ&A Portal Submitters

Public Q&A Portal: PSI Topic Updates on ‘Ask a Question’ Page

On Friday, August 11, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement the following updates to the ‘Ask a Question’ page:

  • Inpatient Claims-Based Measures Program, under the Patient Safety Indicators (PSI) Topic:
    • The 'PSI 90 Software' Topic will be renamed 'PSI Software - SAS.’
    • A new Topic titled ‘PSI 90 Software - Windows’ will be added.
  • HACRP - Hospital-Acquired Condition Reduction Program, two new Topics added:
    • ‘PSI 90 Software - SAS’
    • ‘PSI 90 Software - Windows’

These Topics will be routed to the current Assignment Group: Public QA Ventech.

Affected Customers:CCSQ ServiceNow Service Center Agents

CCSQ ServiceNow: Inbound Email Process Update

 On Friday, August 11, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update so that ‘donotreply’ email addresses will not be associated to system-generated accounts and the sender’s email address will populate as the Contact on the created Case.

This will ensure all future communication about the Case will be directed to the correct Contact.

The following maintenance tasks will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Agents

CCSQ ServiceNow: 'Request Info' Button Update

On Wednesday, August 2, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow implemented a fix that allows Agents to select the option to 'Request Info' from the customer in reference to their cases.

 The Agents now will be able to move the case to ‘Awaiting Info’ by selecting the ‘Request Info’ button.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Portal Customers

CCSQ ServiceNow IT Services Catalog Items: Assignment Group Updates

On Friday, August 4, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow updated the IT Services Catalog item Assignment Group for the following items to ‘ADO-ESS-Access Management.’

The following items have been added:

  • IT Services Catalog > Desktop Services >
    • Desktop Management
    • Desktop Issues
    • Network Printing
    • Email Distribution List and Shared Inbox

The following items were removed:

  • IT Services Catalog > Network Services > IP Addressing >
    • 'HIDS Shared Application Management'
    • 'HIDS OPS-NIX'

Affected Customers: Public Q&A Portal Submitters

Public Q&A Portal: ASC ‘Claims Based Measures’ Topic Update

On Friday, August 11, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the ‘Claims Based Measures’ Public Q&A Tool item. This will move ‘ASC 1-4: Falls, Burns, Wrong Site/Site & Hospital Transfer/Admission’ from under the ‘Claims Based Measures’ category to the ‘Web-Based Measures’ category.

These Topics will be rerouted from Assignment Group ‘Public QA - DRIO-Lewin’ to ‘Public QA - OQR/ASC Agents’ Assignment Group.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Systems Team

CCSQ ServiceNow: Utah Patch 5 Upgrade

On Friday, August 11, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow production environment will be updated to include the Utah Patch 5 upgrade.

ServiceNow Patches provide enhancements and security patching to the environment and will ensure that the production environment has the most current patch level to reduce the risk of potential vulnerabilities.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers

HARP Approval Request Update

On Friday, August 11, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update so that HARP Approval Requests do not create duplicate RITMs. This will prevent previous onboarding issues that impacted the completion of role assignments in ServiceNow.

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titleJuly 28, 2023

The following enhancements will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow iQIES Customers and Service Center Agents

CCSQ Support Central: iQIES Idea Portal Launch

On Friday, July 28, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement the iQIES Idea Portal as part of CCSQ Support Central. The ServiceNow Idea Portal for iQIES will provide a central location to collect, curate, and promote ideas, enabling integration of customer feedback into future product development.

iQIES customers with valid HARP IDs will have access to the following iQIES Idea Portal functions:

  • View, submit, vote, and subscribe to ideas.
  • Collaborate using comments to discuss and exchange information on ideas.
  • Customers who subscribe to an idea receive a notification for any state change, comment, or reply to that idea keeping them informed about its status and progress.

ServiceNow licensed Idea Managers can use the idea portal to:

  • Manage submitted ideas.
  • Review and evaluate the submitted ideas and select the ideas that meet their requirements.
  • Selected ideas will be converted into Jira tasks with full integration between Jira and ServiceNow during the development cycle of the idea.

For more information, review the Master Article – iQIES Idea Portal and related Knowledge Articles in CCSQ ServiceNow. Note: To view Knowledge Articles you will need to sign into your CCSQ ServiceNow account. 

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Service Center Agents and Managers

CCSQ ServiceNow:Incident Watchlist Notification Update

On Friday, July 28, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement a new notification that is triggered when the caller adds a new comment to an Incident. The new notification is sent to all customers included in the Watchlist for the associated Incident. This will ensure that everyone on the Watchlist is kept current on the Incident work progression.

Affected Customers: 1135 Agents and Group Managers

1135 Waivers: PII/PHI Verification Update

On Friday, July 28, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the 1135 process for identifying and reporting Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI) on 1135 Cases.

Two new buttons have been added to the 1135 Case form:

  • The ‘Notify the Manager’ button is available to all 1135 Agents and is on the native view form that escalates the Case to an 1135 Group Manager for review and security incident creation. An email is sent to the manager to inform that PII/PHI data is found on the case.
  • The ‘Create Security Incident’ button is limited to the Group Managers. When the Manager opens a record with ‘Verify No PII/PHI’ field set to ’Has PII/PHI Data‘, the ’Create Security Incident’ action button navigates to the Create Security Incident Form.

This update will provide compliance support in the identification and remediation of PII/PHI when provided by the Submitter.

The following maintenance tasks will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNowService CenterManagers

Agent Workspace: ‘Close Case’ Button Update

On Friday, July 28, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update Agent Workspace, so Managers are able to close Cases by clicking the ‘Close Case’ button.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Change Request Submitters and Approvers

CCSQ ServiceNow: Change Request (CR) Approval Update

On Friday, July 28, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the approval process stages that appear at the top of the Change Request record.  When the record advances to Government Technical Lead (GTL)/Business Approval after the 1st level approval is completed,  a green check mark will display next to each approval process stage when completed.

This check mark will provide a quick visual verification of the current approval stage of the CR.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow IT Services Catalog Customers

CCSQ ServiceNow IT Services Catalog: ‘Priority’ Field in RITM/TASK Update

On Friday, July 28, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update to CCSQ ServiceNow Request Items (RITMs). The IT Services Catalog customers will now be able to change the ‘Priority’ field under TASK without impacting the ‘Priority’ field of the RITM.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Support Central Customers

CCSQ Support Central: Customer Satisfaction Surveys Update

On Friday, July 28, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will extend the time between Customer Satisfaction Surveys presented to CCSQ Support Central customers. When CCSQ Support Central customers receive a Customer Satisfaction Survey for ‘Create a New Ticket’ and ‘Track an Existing Ticket’, they will not receive another survey request for 180 days.

Affected Customers: Division of Value, Incentives and Quality Reporting (DVIQR) and Hospital Hardship Submitters

2023 Medicare Promoting Interoperability (PI) Program Hardship Exception Application Form Update

On Tuesday, August 1, 2023, at 3:00 AM ET, annual updates will be completed to the PI Hospital Hardship Exception Application form for Eligible Hospital (EH) to reflect the submission window closing July 31, 2023.

NOTE: The PI Hospital Hardship Exception Application for Critical Access Hospital (CAH) submission window closes September 30, 2023.

Reports and Dashboard will also be updated to reflect the 2023 PI Hardship program reporting requirements.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Portal Customers and ServiceNow Knowledge Team

CCSQ ServiceNow Portal: Knowledge Base Update

On Friday, July 28, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the CCSQ ServiceNow Portal to include missing Knowledge Bases: EQRS Shared, EQRS Basic, and HQR/QNET.

The following enhancement will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow QPP Service Center Team

QPP Case Form Update: New Field ‘ACO Legal Name’  

On Friday, June 16, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the QPP Case form in the ServiceNow Platform and Agent Workspace to include a new field titled, ‘ACO Legal Name.’ This new field will only appear when ‘Medicare Share Savings Program Accountable’ is selected from the ‘APM’ field. The value selected from the dropdown for the ‘ACO Legal Name’ field will populate the value in the ‘APM Entity ID’ field.

The following maintenance tasks will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ Services and Operations Support

CCSQ ServiceNow Case Update: New Field ‘Office Contact’

On Friday, June 16, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update all Cases in the ServiceNow Platform.

  • The new field ‘Office Contact’ will be added to the ServiceNow Platform and Agent Workspace.
  • The new field will not be visible until the completion of SNOW-7118.
  • This update will set the stage for the remainder of the features under EPIC SNOW-4522.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Agents

CCSQ Support Central: Remove the "Priority" Field from View Ticket Activity

On Friday, June 16, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update in CCSQ Support Central to remove the ‘Priority’ field from the View Ticket activity. The ‘Priority’ field will also be removed from all email notifications.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow System Team

1135 ATF End-to-End Master Regression Suite Test for Utah Upgrade

On Friday, June 16, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement the 1135 ATF End-to-End Master Regression Suite Testto reduce testing effort, improve maintenance of test suites, and reduce issue resolution time associated with the Utah upgrade.

This feature creates the Child Test Suites that are included in the parent Master ATF Test Suite.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow System Team

ATF Test Suite Updates

On Friday, June 16, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement the following CCSQ ServiceNow Test Suites to reduce testing effort, improve maintenance of test suites, and reduce issue resolution time associated with the upgrades, patches, and enhancements:

  • ATF Test Suite for CSM
  • ATF Test Suite for Reporting
  • ATF Test Suite for ITSM

This feature creates the Child Test Suites that are included in the parent Master ATF Test Suite.

The following enhancements will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Systems Team

CCSQ ServiceNow Change Request (CR) Workflow Update: New First Level Approval Group

On Friday, June 9, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the Change Request (CR) Workflow so that CRs that include ‘ServiceNow’ as the ‘Configuration Item’ and ‘HIDS Ops-ServiceNow’ as the ‘Change Owners Group’ are routed to the CCSQ ServiceNow Contractor Approvers assignment group instead of the existing first level approval group (HIDS Change Manager - Approvals).

Affected Customers: QualityNet Question & Answer (Q&A) Portal Customers

Q&A Portal: New Topic ‘CMS Disparity Methods’

On Friday, June 9, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will add a new topic to the Q&A Portal titled, ‘CMS Disparity Methods,’ under the following programs:

  • Inpatient Claims-Based Measures Program
  • ASC- Ambulatory Surgical Center- Quality Reporting Program
  • OQR- Outpatient Quality Reporting Program

Each of these programs will have the following ‘Contact Type’ dropdown options:

  • Research Organization
  • Consulting Company
  • Federal or State Government Agency
  • Hospital/Health System (including federal VA hospitals)
  • Insurance Company
  • Other organization (including non-hospital healthcare providers)
  • Patient/Advocate/Consumer/Family Caregiver
  • Quality Improvement Organization/Quality Innovation Network (QIO/QIN)

NOTE: The ‘Country’ and ‘State’ fields are mandatory when ‘CMS Disparity Methods’ is selected as the Topic.

Upon submission, the ticket will then be routed to the ‘Public QA – CMS Disparity Methods’ assignment group.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Security Team

CCSQ ServiceNow: User ‘Last Login’ Update

On Friday, June 9, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement a solution in ServiceNow to differentiate when the ‘Last login’ field was prompted by an approval email or a system login. The ‘Last Login Source’ field will populate ‘Email’ when the last login was prompted by an approval email.

The following maintenance tasks will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Systems Team

CCSQ ServiceNow: San Diego Patch 10 Hot Fix 1b Upgrade

On Saturday, June 10, 2023, at 5:30 AM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow production environment will be updated to include the San Diego Patch 10 Hot Fix 1b upgrade.

ServiceNow Patches provide enhancements and security patching to the environment and will ensure that the production environment has the most current patch level to reduce the risk of potential vulnerabilities.

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titleJuly 14, 2023

CCSQ ServiceNow Version Upgrade from San Diego to Utah

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers

CCSQ ServiceNow will begin the upgrade from the San Diego version to the Utah version tonight at 8:30 PM ET. The upgrade will be completed and available on July 17, 2023. This upgrade will not cause any system downtime, and customers will be able to continue using CCSQ ServiceNow while the upgrade is implemented.

CCSQ ServiceNow is upgraded annually to ensure that CCSQ ServiceNow customers have continued access to support services and the latest ServiceNow features.

Enhancements Included in the Upgrade

Customers can expect some new functionality with this upgrade, which introduces several new features in the ServiceNow Platform and the Service Portal as well as some enhancements to existing features.

Some of the new functionality includes:

  • Artificial Intelligence(AI)/Machine Learning(ML)
    • Natural Language Understanding enables the system to learn and respond to human-expressed intent
    • Task Intelligence uses machine learning to train solutions with your data and achieve important outcomes
  • The Next Experience UI
    • Enhanced AI Search across the platform
    • Theme Builder allows for consistent portal configuration with Human Centered Design thinking
  • Multi-language Support
    • Virtual Agent – Dynamic Language detection and machine translation in conversations
    • Service Portal – Ability to provide content in preferred languages using a locale selector
  • Knowledge Management
    • Improvements in search engine rankings to provide faster page load times
    • User-friendly URL structure makes finding articles easy

The Release Notes for upgrading from San Diego to Utah can be found on the ServiceNow website as well as the Utah Release Fact Sheet.

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titleJune 16, 2023
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titleJune 9, 2023

titleNeed Help?

Don't have a ServiceNow Account?  No problem.  You can get the support you need through CCSQ Support Central!

CCSQ Support Central: Provides customers with multilevel support.  Through CCSQ Support Central you can create new tickets that directly submit to the CCSQ Service Center and track the status of existing tickets. It also provides access to services and information for:

  • Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR)
  • Quality Payment Program (QPP)
  • Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES)
  • End Stage Renal Disease Quality Reporting (EQRS)
  • Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS).
  • QualityNet Support Center


Already have a ServiceNow Account? You can also use the platforms below to get the help you need!



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ServiceNow Service Portal: Intended only for CMS employees and vender partners. The portal provides self-service options for internal customers to report Security Incidents, submit Service Requests for tools or services offered to the internal QualityNet community, report an Incident, provide Approvals, or access internal Knowledge Base articles. The portal enables internal customers to track the status of tickets and requires a login. https://cmsqualitysupport.servicenowservices.com/sp_ess



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QualityNet Slack: You can send questions/issues to our Slack channels #help-servicenow

titleCCSQ ServiceNow Intake Process


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The CCSQ ServiceNow intake process provides a centralized entry point for customersto submit enhancement requests to the CCSQ ServiceNow Agile Release Train (ART).  

Click here to learn more about the intake process and how to complete the CCSQ ServiceNow Intake Form.

titleHave Feedback?

If you have feedback for the CCSQ ServiceNow program, you can reach us at CCSQServiceNow@cms.hhs.gov.

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