QualityNet Jira will be unavailable on Tuesday, September 03, 2024, between 8:00 PM ET and 11:00 PM ET while the team performs a system upgrade. QualityNet Confluence will also be briefly unavailable between 8:00 PM ET and 8:30 PM ET.  If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us in Slack at #help-atlassian.

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Release notes from more than 90 days ago are stored in the ServiceNow Release Notes Archive in the internal ServiceNow space. Users will need to log in to view these release notes, or email CCSQServiceNow@cms.hhs.gov. 

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titleRelease Notes

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titleMay 25, 2023

The following enhancements will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers, Service Center Agents, and the Services and Operations Support (SOS) Team

CCSQ ServiceNow Update: Inactivity Rule

On Thursday, May 25, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update allowing approvers who use links in notification emails for processing approvals, to be exempt from the 90-day inactivity rule and remain active in ServiceNow. Their email approvals/denials will count as their last login, which will prevent their User account from being locked.

This update will improve the customer experience and approval process by eliminating the manual process and effort involved from both the customer and Service Center Agents to reactivate the User account.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Service Center and Help Desk Agents (except iQIES)

CCSQ ServiceNow Update: New Requirements for the ‘Work Notes’ Field

On Thursday, May 25, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update so that the ‘Work Notes’ field is no longer mandatory for all updates to Incident tickets.

The ‘Work Notes’ field will be required only for the following field changes:

  • Description
  • Caller
  • Business Service
  • State
  • Assignment Group
  • Assigned To

This will improve the agent’s experience by reducing the time needed to type Work Notes that were previously required on all Incident updates.

For more information,  review the following Knowledge Articles in CCSQ ServiceNow. Note: To view Knowledge Articles you will need to sign into your CCSQ ServiceNow account. 

Affected Customers: Data and Analytics Modernization (DAMOD) Team

Updates to JIRA Customer Account Line of Business Impacted for DAMOD Incidents

On Thursday, May 25, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the caller’s company information along with associated fields for the incidents for the ServiceNow/Jira integration. These updates will automate the Data and Analytics Modernization (DAMOD) Team’s process for gathering metrics and improve the identification of issues.

ServiceNow/Jira integration will be updated so the ‘Company’ field in the ServiceNow User/Contact record populates the ‘ServiceNow Caller Company’ field in JIRA for all ServiceNow/Jira Incidents.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow System Team

ATF Test Suite for CCSQ ServiceNow Integrations Updates

On Thursday, May 25, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement the CCSQ ServiceNow Integrations Child Test Suite to:

  • Reduce testing effort
  • Improve maintenance of test suites
  • Reduce issue resolution time associated with:
    • Upgrades
    • Patches
    • Enhancements
    • Business critical customizations

This feature creates the Integrations Child Test Suite that is included in the parent Master ATF Test Suite.

The following maintenance tasks will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers

CCSQ ServiceNow Update: IT Services Catalog Items Removed

On Thursday, May 25, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will remove the following items from the IT Services Catalog:

  • Nexus IQ Server Access Request > SecDevOps > Tool Access Request
  • Nexus IQ Server Support Incident > SecDevOps > ADO Support Incident
  • Nexus IQ Server Support Request > SecDevOps > ADO Support Request 

Tabs Page
titleMay 12, 2023

The following enhancements will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow HQR Service Center Agents

HQR Case Form Update: Two New Mandatory Fields

On Friday, May 12, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the HQR Case form in the ServiceNow Platform and in Agent Workspace to include the following mandatory fields:

  • ‘Which HQR support materials did you consult before contacting us?’ to include the following options: YouTube Video, FAQs, Not Applicable and Other (Add free text field here).
  • ‘Where in HQR are you having this problem?’ to include the following options: Access Management, Change organizations, Chart Abstracted, Claims-based measure, DACA, eCQM, eCQM Web-based Measures, HCAHPS, Hybrid Measures, Login, My Profile, New permissions, NOP, Performance reports, PI Admin Reports, PI Registration, Population and Sampling, Program credit, Program Management, Public reporting, Reporting requirements, Request Access, SO access, Status of a request, Support Content, Support videos, User access, Validation, Vendor Management, and Web-based Measures.

The following maintenance tasks will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Systems Team

CCSQ ServiceNow Update: Jira Production Upgrade to v9.4.5

On Wednesday, May 10, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow made configuration changes required for the Jira Production upgrade to 9.4.5. These changes were made immediately after the production Jira upgrade was completed. The ServiceNow team reprocessed any ServiceNow to Jira updates that failed when the upgrade/changes were made.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Service Center Agents

CCSQ Support Central Updates:Create a New Ticket’ Case Form

On Friday, May 12, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement the following updates:

  • CCSQ Support Central will update the ‘Create a New Ticket’ function to prevent a ‘User’ from being converted to ‘Customer contact’ when a customer submits a case.
  • ‘Previous Caller’ and ‘Previous Caller Lookup’ fields will be removed from the Original Case form.

These updates will prevent issues that are currently occurring when a Ticket is created through CCSQ Support Central.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Service Center Agents

CCSQ Support Central Updates:Create a Ticket Functionality’ Name Update

On Friday, May 12, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the CCSQ Support Central ‘Create a Ticket’ functionality to retain the name used on the User/Contract record instead of converting to the name used on the ticket.   

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Systems Team

CCSQ ServiceNow ‘Insert and Stay’ Update

On Friday, May 12, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will remove the ‘Event Name’ field when using the ‘Insert and Stay’ functionality to create notifications. This update will prevent the creation of multiple notifications that have duplicate event names.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Service Center and Help Desk Agents

CCSQ ServiceNow Case Form Update: ‘Convert to Incident’ Links

On Friday, May 12, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update all case forms so that the ‘Convert to Incident’ links will only appear in the ‘Related Links’ list when the ‘Assigned to’ field is populated. For iQIES/QIES case forms, the ‘Convert to Incident – Resolve Case’ link will be used. This will only allow assigned cases to be escalated to incidents.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Systems Team

CCSQ ServiceNow: San Diego Patch 10 Hot Fix 1a Upgrade

On Saturday, May 13, 2023, at 5:30 AM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow production environment will be updated to include the San Diego Patch 10 Hot Fix 1a upgrade.

ServiceNow Patches provide enhancements and security patching to the environment and will ensure that the production environment has the most current patch level to reduce the risk of potential vulnerabilities.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Service Center Agents

CCSQ ServiceNow: Empty Case ‘State’ Field Update

On Friday, May 12, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update all EQRS Case form to ensure that the ‘State’ field is populated. This will prevent Cases from having a blank ‘State’ field so that agents have the ability to move the case forward.  

Affected Customers: 1135 Waiver Administrators

On Friday, May 12, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will provide the following 1135 updates:

  • 1135: Post-COVID-19 PHE Reporting

CCSQ ServiceNow will provide the following 1135 Post-COVID-19 PHE updates:

  • A Post-COVID-19 PHE Report will be scheduled for a one-time distribution to the provided distribution list of State recipients.
  • Post-COVID-19 PHE Dashboard will include these reports:
    • 1135 Waivers - Total Waivers Processed by Status with Total bar
    • 1135 Waivers - Total Processed by Component by Status
    • 1135 Waivers Processed by Location – Cumulative
  • 1135: End of COVID-19 1135 Waiver ‘Inquiry Type’ Routing Update

CCSQ ServiceNow will add two new fields titled, ‘Skip Routing Priority’ and ‘Routing Priority.’ The two new fields will only appear for inquiries with the ‘Topic’ of 'Original Medicare (Part A or B)' and an ‘Inquiry Type’ of 'COVID-19 PHE: 1135 Waiver Question.’

  • The ‘Skip Routing Priority’ field is a checkbox.
    • If this checkbox does not appear or is left unchecked, then the Assignment Group is determined based on 'Routing Priorities' table.
  • The ‘Routing Priority’ field is mandatory and only visible when ‘Skip Routing Priority’ box is checked.
    • Dropdown values:
      • Keywords
      • Inquirer Type
      • Default

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow HIDS Security IAM

IAM Manual Proofing Cases and Edit ServiceNow Assignment Group Requests Update

On Friday, May 12, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the Manual Proofing Cases and Edit ServiceNow Assignment Group Requests so that they will be assigned to Services and Operations Support.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Knowledge Team

Knowledge Article Update: Renamed ‘Category’ Field

On Friday, May 12, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will change the ‘Category(kb_category)’ field to ‘Category’ on the Knowledge Article form.

Tabs Page
titleApril 28, 2023

The following enhancements will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Service Center Agents, SOS Team, and ServiceNow System Team

New "Steps to reproduce error" Field for Incidents on CCSQ ServiceNow Portal and Platform

On Friday, April 28, at 8:30 PM ET, 2023, CCSQ ServiceNow will add a new field titled ‘Steps to reproduce error’ to incidents from the CCSQ ServiceNow Portal and Platform that are submitted to the SOS Team or the ServiceNow System Team. The field must include the actions taken that created the error.

This field will only be required when:

  • SOS submits an incident assigned to the ServiceNow System Team.
  • ServiceNow System Team submits an incident assigned to the ServiceNow System Team.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Knowledge Article Authors/Owners andServiceNow Knowledge Team

Knowledge Article Updates: New Mandatory ‘Author’ Field and New Email Notification for Expiring Articles

On Friday, April 28, at 8:30 PM ET, 2023, CCSQ ServiceNow will make the following updates to Knowledge Articles (KAs):

  • A new mandatory field titled, ‘Author’, will be added to the Knowledge Article (KA) form. Any member of the ownership group should update the ‘Author’ field whenever there is a new author assigned to the KA. For new and old KAs, if the ‘Author’ field is empty, the person editing the article will be prompted to complete that field.
  • An automated email notification will be sent to the KA ownership group every 30/15/7 days prior to the ‘Valid to date’ to alert the ownership group members that the KA is approaching expiration and they need to take action, whether that be to update, extend or retire the KA. This feature would replace the existing manual reporting process.

For more information, review the following Knowledge Articles in CCSQ ServiceNow. Note: To view Knowledge Articles you will need to sign into your CCSQ ServiceNow account.

The following maintenance tasks will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: Division of Value, Incentives and Quality Reporting (DVIQR) and Hospital Hardship Submitters

2023 Medicare Promoting Interoperability (PI) Program Hardship Exception Application Form

On Friday, April 28, 2023, 8:30 PM ET annual updates will be completed to the PI Hospital Hardship Exception Application form to reflect the 2023 PI Hardship program.

The PI Hospital Hardship Exception Application for Critical Access Hospital (CAH) and Eligible Hospital (EH) submission windows are as follows:

  • CAH: Opens May 1, 2023 – closes September 30, 2023
  • EH: Opens May 1, 2023 – closes July 31, 2023

Reports and Dashboard will also be updated to reflect the 2023 PI Hardship program reporting requirements.

Affected Customers: CCSQ Services and Operations Support (SOS)

IAM Manual Proofing SLA Weekly Report: Renamed and Updated

On Friday, April 28, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the IAM Manual Proofing SLA Weekly Report, renamed SOS Manual Proofing SLA Weekly Report, so it will capture the associated cases. The incomplete reports for 4/3/23 and 4/10/23 will be reproduced and emailed.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow 1135 Waiver Report Customers  

The following 1135 Waiver updates are scheduled as follows:

  • 1135 Waiver: Post PHE Reporting – State, Territories, and District Reports

On Friday, April 28, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow 1135 Waiver Group will schedule the distribution of State, Territories, and District Reports to state representatives for the end of COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE). The report is scheduled to be distributed on May 18, 2023.  The reports will provide a summary of all COVID-19 PHE waiver submissions and metrics for each state.

  • 1135 Waiver: NATCEP Reports Ended 

On Friday, April 18, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow discontinued the Nurse Aide Training & Competency Evaluation Program (NATCEP) Reports to the states. The reports no longer provide value to the states since the COVID-19 PHE ended. No new Waivers have been submitted past the last distribution of the Report, on April 12, 2023.

Tabs Page
titleApril 14, 2023

The following enhancements will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers

CCSQ ServiceNow Portal Update: New Fields Added to Create Incident Form

On Friday, April 14, 2023 at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the Create Incident form on the ServiceNow Portal to replace the "Please describe your issue below" field with "Short Description" and "Description" fields.

This update will provide consistency between the Create Incident form and the Miscellaneous Request form on the ServiceNow Portal and will now match the Incident form in ServiceNow platform.

Affected Customers: CCSQ Service Center Agents

Agent Workspace Update: New ‘Create New Subject” Button for Case Types

On Friday, April 14, 2023 at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will add a new button to Agent Workspace titled ‘Create New Subject’ to provide certain Agents this functionality  for all Case types. This applies to Agents with the ‘Case_subject_admin’ role.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow System Team

ATF Test Suite for Custom CCSQ ServiceNow Products

On Friday, April 14, at 8:30 PM ET, 2023, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement the CCSQ ServiceNow Products Child Test Suite to:

  • Reduce testing effort
  • Improve maintenance of test suites
  • Reduce issue resolution time associated with:
    • Upgrades
    • Patches
    • Enhancements
    • Business critical customizations

This feature creates the Child Test for Custom CCSQ ServiceNow Products that is included in the parent Master ATF Test Suite.

Affected Customers: iQIES Service Center Agents and Managers

iQIES Jira Integration Update: iQIES Incidents to Trigger ServiceNow SLA

On Friday, April 14, 2023 at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update to iQIES Incidents in Jira used to track iQIES Tier 3 tickets. The information entered in the Incident ‘Additional comments (Customer visible)’ field in Jira will automatically update ServiceNow to trigger the 2-day response Service Level Agreement (SLA).

The following maintenance tasks will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ Service Center Agents and ServiceNow Admin Team

Agent Workspace Chat Sessions to Be Scrubbed for PII/PHI Data

On Friday, April 14, 2023 at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement a configuration update to allow the ServiceNow Admin team to complete scrub requests to remove Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI) that are entered during Virtual Chat and Live Agent sessions in CCSQ Support Central.

Affected Customers: CCSQ Support Central Customers

EPCS Phone Number Update

On Friday, April 14, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update CCSQ Support Central to list the phone number for EPCS as (866)-288-8292.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Internal Customers

AppOmni Update: Email Spam Scoring and Filtering System Setting Rule

On Friday, April 14, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement a configuration update to ignore vCalendar (.vcs) and iCalendar (.ics) email invitations. This update will prevent erroneous Cases from being created by moving these email invitations into the ServiceNow junk mail folder.

Affected Customers: CCSQ Services and Operations Support(SOS) Team 

Backdate Separation Date on Individual Contractor Offboarding Requests

On Friday, April 14, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will add the ability to backdate the separation date of a contractor on Individual Contractor Offboarding Requests.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers

Assignment Group Update: ‘HIDS AiOps Operations and Support’ Assignment Group Renamed

On Friday, April 14, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an Assignment Group name change. The ‘HIDS AiOps Operations and Support’ Assignment Group will be renamed ‘HIDS Data Analytics & AiOps.’

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow System Team

ITSM ATF Updates to Incident Management Test Suite

On Friday, April 14, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update to ensure that the Incident Management ATF Scripts successfully run and are collected into an Incident Management ATF Regression Suite.

The following 8 test scripts will be corrected and added to the Test Suite:

  • 1 Incident Resolved as Spam - Update Contact
  • 2 Incident - Resolve As SPAM
  • 3 Incident Internal Notification Footer
  • 4 Splunk Support Incident
  • 5 Incident: Info messages on Banner
  • 6 HQR - Convert to Incident
  • 7 EQRS - Convert to Incident
  • 8 DAMOD - Incident Survey

The following Test scripts are not valid and will be removed from the Test Suite:

  • Fails because no form is open
  • Incident: Priority Field Validation
  • INCIDENT MGMT: Copy Incident - CMS
  • INCIDENT MGMT: Reopening an Incident - CMS
  • INCIDENT MGMT: Parent and child Incident state sync up after reopening an Incident - CMS
  • INCIDENT MGMT: Parent and child Incident state sync up - CMS
  • INCIDENT MGMT: Incident State flow - CMS
  • INCIDENT MGMT: Incident Response SLA - CMS
  • INCIDENT MGMT: Incident Resolution SLA - CMS
  • INCIDENT MGMT: Incident creation - Self service - CMS
  • INCIDENT MGMT: Incident Assignment - CMS
  • INCIDENT MGMT: Create Standard Change from Incident - CMS
  • INCIDENT MGMT: Create Problem from an Incident - CMS
  • INCIDENT MGMT: Create Normal Change from an Incident - CMS
  • INCIDENT MGMT: Create Knowledge from an Incident - CMS
  • INCIDENT MGMT: Create Emergency Change from an Incident - CMS
  • INCIDENT MGMT: Create child Incident using UI action and verify its fields - CMS
  • INCIDENT MGMT: Copy Incident from a Closed Incident - CMS
  • INCIDENT MGMT: Create Knowledge from an Incident – CMS

Affected Customers: CCSQ Services and Operations Support(SOS) Team

ES Case Updates

On Friday, April 14, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement the following updates to ES Cases:

  • Manual Proofing Cases and Edit ServiceNow Assignment Group Requests Update: Route to SOS

Manual Proofing Cases and Edit ServiceNow Assignment Group Requests were incorrectly assigned to “HIDS Security IAM.“

This change will update the routing of Manual Proofing Cases and Edit ServiceNow Assignment Group Requests as follows:

  • Converting QPP Cases to Manual Proofing Update

The mandatory fields on the QPP Case form should not display when converting a QPP Case to Manual Proofing.

The update with impact the following:

    • When a QPP Case is converted to a Manual Proofing Case, the Case will be moved to the Case/parent table.
    • Manual Proofing Cases will be visible only to CCSQ Services and Operations Support.
    • When the QPP Case assignment group is reassigned, the mandatory fields will display on the QPP Case form before it is reassigned.
    • The Assignment Group will change from ‘HIDS IAM Group’ to the correct CCSQ SOS Assignment Group.
  • Identity Proofing Cases Update: Automatically Remove Proofing Documents When Resolved

Proofing documents are not automatically removed when resolving Identity Proofing Cases assigned to CCSQ Services and Operations Support.

The update will impact the following:

    • Update the Assignment group for correct routing to CCSQ Services and Operations Support.
    • When a Case is converted to a Manual Proofing Case, the Case will be moved to the Case/parent table.
    • Manual Proofing Cases will be visible only to CCSQ Services and Operations Support.
    • When a Manual Proofing Case is resolved and the Case form is reloaded, the attachment will be automatically removed.
  • ES Incident Email Notification Update

The Incident email notification titles for ES Incidents are reading as “Ticket Opened” and “Case Assigned to Group” instead of “Incident.”

The update will impact the following:

    • When an Incident is opened, the email notification title will read “Incident Opened.”
    • When an Incident is assigned to a group, the email notification title will read “Incident Assigned to Group.”

Tabs Page
titleMarch 24, 2023

The following enhancements will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers and Agents

“QualityNet Support Center” Renamed “CCSQ Services and Operations Support”

On Friday, March 24, 2023 at 8:30 PM ET, “QualityNet Support Center” will be renamed “CCSQ Services and Operations Support (SOS).”

This will impact all locations where “QualityNet Support Center” is referenced (e.g., Create a New Ticket in CCSQ Support Central, email notifications, etc.) and will be replaced with “CCSQ Services and Operations Support” in the following portals/pages:

  • CCSQ Support Central
  • CCSQ ServiceNow Platform
  • Self Service Portal

Other impacts include:

  • The “HCQIS Services and Operations Support” Assignment Group will now be known as “CCSQ Services and Operations Support.”
  • The “HIDS Security IAM” Assignment Group will no longer be an active Assignment Group.
    • All open records (not closed or resolved) assigned to the “HIDS Security IAM” Assignment Group will be assigned to the “CCSQ Services and Operations Support” Assignment Group. (Previously named “HCQIS Services and Operations Support”)
    • Historical records (closed and resolved) will remain assigned to the “HIDS Security IAM” Assignment Group.
  • All members of the “HIDS Security IAM” Assignment Group will be added to the "CCSQ Services and Operations Support" Assignment Group.
  • All notifications that reference IAM SNOW, "HIDS Security IAM", will be changed to “CCSQ Services and Operations Support” Assignment Group in ServiceNow.
  • Any automated ticket routing currently in place for “HIDS Security IAM” will be routed to the “CCSQ Services and Operations Support” Assignment Group in ServiceNow.

The name update will reduce confusion when contacting the CCSQ Services and Operations Support (SOS) team for assistance.

Affected Customers: CCSQ Services and Operations Support (SOS) Team, CCSQ ServiceNow Customers and Service Center Agents

New Custom Enterprise Services (ES) Case Form

Starting Friday, March 24, 2023, after 10:00 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow Service Center agents will receive access to new functionality for creating and managing ES cases in CCSQ ServiceNow.

The new custom ES Case form will:

  • Streamline data entry for customer service representatives and optimize search and reporting capabilities resulting in shorter call times and improved customer experience.
  • Improve categorization for the SOS team to distinguish ES cases from other Case types.
  • Direct cases to the SOS Team that are submitted by an internal or external contact and are not related to a specific program.

The custom ES Case form will include:

  • Refined lists of categories and subcategories specific to ES cases.
  • A “My Groups Work” list for case types that will show tickets assigned to SOS.
  • Customized list view of ES cases.
  • Capability to easily reassign cases to other programs.
  • Availability to create a ticket or access tickets via CCSQ Support Central.
  • Access to the Case form via Agent Workspace.

For more information and ES Case form training resources, review the Knowledge Article titled: Master Article – Enterprise Services (ES) Case in CCSQ ServiceNow. Note: To view Knowledge Articles you will need to sign into your CCSQ ServiceNow account. 

Affected Customers: CCSQ Support CentralCustomers

CCSQ Support Central: New SECINC Warning Message

On Friday, March 24, 2023 at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement a new SECINC warning message to indicate security incidents cannot be tracked in CCSQ Support Central Track-a-Ticket function.

The new warning message will display when the customer types a security incident number (SECINC) in the “Ticket Number” field for a single ticket and will display on the report for multiple tickets:

Security Incidents cannot be tracked in CCSQ Support Central.

Please contact ServiceCenterSOS@cms.hhs.gov for assistance.

The new SECINC warning message will increase security awareness by providing informative messaging to CCSQ Support Central customers.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow System Team

ServiceNow Health Scan Upgradeability Remediation 2022

On Friday, March 24, 2023 at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update to the ServiceNow health scan so it produces significantly less reported issues around Upgradeability.

This update will remove impediments that may affect a successful upgrade of ServiceNow and reduce the number of issues generated during upgrades to new releases of ServiceNow.

Affected Customers: CCSQ Support Central Portal Customers

Session Timeout Message for All Portals

On Friday, March 24, 2023 at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will add two new Session Timeout message pop-ups for all CCSQ ServiceNow portals. This will let the customer know when the form session will timeout and prevent any loss of the data that is entered. 

  • The first Session Timeout message pop-up allows the customer to extend the session. “Please choose to extend or exit this session. If no selection is made, you will be redirected to the homepage in 5 minutes.”
  • The second Session Timeout message pop-up reads, “Your session has been expired due to 30 minutes of inactivity. You will return to the homepage upon exiting this window.”

The following maintenance tasks will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Training Team and ServiceNow System Team

TRAIN Environment Clone Process Update for CCSQ Service Center Training Group  

On Friday, March 24, 2023 at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update to the clone process to ensure the members of the CCSQ Service Center Trainers group are active after each clone to the TRAIN environment.

CCSQ Service Center trainers no longer need to submit requests to the ServiceNow Admins for access in the TRAIN environment or to request roles. The CCSQ Service Center Trainers group will have now the ability to impersonate the user_admin role in order to unlock training userids.

Affected customers:CCSQ ServiceNow Service Center Agents

CCSQ Support Central Update: Track-a-Ticket “no tickets found” Message

On Friday, March 24, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update CCSQ Support Centralto increase the time before the 'no tickets found' message displays on the screen due to a delay in the system response. The 'no tickets found' message was causing customer confusion when they searched for their existing tickets.

This update will reduce the queries to the CCSQ Service Center about the Track-a-Ticket function.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow System Team

Master Suite Structure Update

On Friday, March 24, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will deploy software and configurations to implement the inclusion of additional child test suites under the Master Test Suite:

  • ITSM
    • Change
    • Incident
    • Problem
    • Service Portals
    • Service Catalog
  • CSM
    • ES - Enterprise Case
    • QIES/iQIES
    • HQR
    • EPCS
    • QSEP
    • EQRS
    • QPP
    • Original Case Form
    • Hospital Hardship
  • Custom CCSQ ServiceNow Applications
    • 1135 Waivers

Tabs Page
titleMarch 10, 2023

The following enhancements will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow RITM and REQ Approvers

CCSQ ServiceNow Update: Approval Request Notifications for RITMs and REQs

On Friday, March 10, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update to the approver email notifications to redirect approvers to the appropriate location to review information for RITMs or REQs.

  • Approver email notifications will direct ServiceNow approvers without the ITIL role or fulfiller license (i.e., business stakeholder approver without ITIL access) to the CCSQ ServiceNow Portal to view RITM or REQ information.
  • Approver email notifications will direct approvers with ITIL access or fulfiller license to the CCSQ ServiceNow Platform/Native to view RITM or REQ information for approval.

This resolves the issue of directing some approvers to a location where they cannot review the information needed to approve the request.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers

CCSQ Support Central: Customer Satisfaction Surveys for Create a New Ticket and Track an Existing Ticket

On Friday, March 10, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, 2023, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update to add customer surveys for the CCSQ Support Central functionalities: Create a New Ticket and Track an Existing Ticket.

The customer has the option to opt out of either survey upon survey invitation or complete the survey with their feedback on their overall experience.

The survey feedback will identify areas of improvement by gathering metrics to gauge customer satisfaction and engagement with CCSQ Support Central. CMS, HCD, and the Service Center teams will have access to view the data-driven feedback and the analytic dashboard.

The following maintenance tasks will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow System Team and Service Center Training Team

PlatCore LMS Decommission

On Friday, March 10, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update to decommission PlatCore LMS and remove all access.  PlatCore LMS is no longer in use and the Service Center now uses Tovuti LMS.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers

CCSQ ServiceNow Incident Watchlist Update

On Wednesday, March 8, 2023, CCSQ ServiceNow enabled sending email notifications to customers added to the ‘Watchlist’ field for an incident. Each watchlist participant will receive an email when the incident is created, additional comments are added by someone other than the caller, and the status is resolved. 

The hover/help text for the ‘Watchlist’ field will be updated to "People added to the Watchlist will receive email notifications for ticket updates and status changes."

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Agents and Customers

CCSQ ServiceNow Update: URLs in Case Resolution Notifications

On Friday, March 10, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implementan update to ensure complete URLs will appear in the case resolution notifications sent to customers.  URLs are currently partially deleted when the text populates from the Close notes to the case resolution notifications. This enhancement will alleviate customer confusion and decrease Service Center calls about the incomplete URLs.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow System Team and HIWAVE Customers

CCSQ ServiceNow Update: San Diego Patch 10 Hot Fix 1 Upgrade

On Saturday, March 11, 2023, CCSQ ServiceNow will be updated to include the San Diego Patch 10 Hot Fix 1 upgrade as scheduled in HIWAVE as a part of the monthly patching program. Skipped list will be manually adjusted as needed.

ServiceNow Patches provide enhancements and security patching to the environment and will ensure that the production environment has the most current patch level to reduce the risk of potential vulnerabilities.

Tabs Page
titleFebruary 24, 2023

The following enhancements were completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Agents

Role Removal Deactivate User Flow

On Friday, February 24, 2023, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update to the Role Removal Deactivate User Flow so that events and notifications are used instead of sent email steps. Any updates to a single notification can be done in one effort and associated with other notification updates.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers

IT Service Catalog Update: Hover Text Added to Edit ServiceNow Assignment Group Membership

On Friday, February 24, 2023, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the Edit ServiceNow Assignment Group Membership item by adding help text when hovering over the ‘Add’ buttons to provide the customer instructional text on how to complete the Add Members and Remove Members sections.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers

QualityNet Question and Answer (Q&A) Update: New ‘State’ Field on Inpatient Quality Reporting Programs (IQR)

On Friday, February 24, 2023, CCSQ ServiceNow will add a new ‘State’ field dropdown in the Questions Details section of the QualityNet Question and Answer (Q&A) Site.

A ‘State’ dropdown field (required) will be added to the Question Details section when a customer selects:

  • Program: IQR - Inpatient Quality Reporting
  • Topic: Hip/Knee PRO-PM
  • Country: United States

The State value captured on the Q&A form will be saved to the Case form and available in the platform and Agent Workspace.

This will allow CMS to better understand the population asking questions and route additional support requests to resources in their state if other assistance is requested.

Affected Customers: 1135 Waiver Administrators

1135: Public Health Emergency (PHE) Update – Inquiry/Waiver Only Options

On Friday, February 24, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update that allows 1135 Administrators to set a PHE to Inquiry only, Waiver only, or both.

A new checkbox titled 'Other Waiver Request Type Needed' will display on the Public Health Emergency page in the Field Message tab when the ‘Applicable to Waiver Request’ checkbox is checked. When both checkboxes are checked, the ‘Waiver/Flexibility Request Type’ and the ‘Describe your 1135 Waiver/Flexibility Request’ fields on the form must be completed.

 Affected Customers: 1135 Waiver Report Customers, 1135 Waiver Administrators, and 1135 Group Managers

1135: Supporting Document Reports - Withdrawn/Denied

On Friday, February 24, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update to the NATCEP Waiver 'Supporting Documents Missing OR Do Not Contain Data' notification and the 'NATCEP data received on CSXXXXXXX - Incorrect Format' notification so they will generate only when the withdrawn or denied records that have the resolution code ‘Covered Under Blanket Waiver’ are selected.

This update will provide customers with the most accurate information available about the Case(s) that have been submitted by filtering out records that are not applicable to the notifications listed above.

Affected Customers: SOG, 1135 Triage, 1135 Group Manager, 1135 Administrator, 1135 Comprehensive Reviewers and Escalation Analyst

1135: Access Control List (ACL) for Blanket Waiver Field on Case Form

On Friday, February 24, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an 1135 Waiver update to the ACL for ‘Blanket Waiver’ field on Case forms.

  • The 1135 Customer/1135 Triage/1135 Escalation Analyst roles cannot modify the ‘Blanket Waiver’ field directly. The field value will be changed automatically upon selecting the Waiver Request Type.
  • The 1135 Admin/1135 Group Manager/1135 Comprehensive Reviewer roles will be able to modify the ‘Blanket Waiver’ field directly or upon changing the Waiver Request Type.

The following maintenance tasks will be completed during this iteration:

 Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow System Team

1135: Inbound Email Action for Parent/Child Waivers Script

On Friday, February 24, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update the associated Automated Test Framework (ATF) script for a previous deployment to modify the inbound email handler processing for the 1135 Parent/Child Waivers.

Affected Customers: : CCSQ ServiceNow Internal Users

Onboarding Catalog Item Update: HIDS OPS-Active Directory Removed

On Friday, February 24, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will remove the HIDS OPS-Active Directory task from the Onboarding Catalog Item. The task routed to HIDS OPS-Active Directory is no longer needed.

Affected Customers: CCSQ Service Center Agents

Aging Tickets Not Updated Prior to 2022 to Be Closed

On Friday, February 24, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update to close Cases and Incidents (INCs) that were last updated on or before Dec 31, 2021. 

This update will automatically provide Closed Notes/Work Notes for each ticket to explain why it was closed using the Closed Notes text, “This ticket was identified as an aging ticket that has been in open state since 2022 or prior. It is being moved to closed state as a part of a cleanup effort approved by CMS.“

No email notifications will be sent when these records are closed.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Systems Team and Architects

CCSQ Support Central Live Agent Chat Update: Profanity Filter Plugin

On Friday, February 24, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will install the Profanity Filter plugin to the CCSQ Support Central Live Agent chat application. When enabled at a future date, this filter will prevent the use of profanity by an agent in chat. Another communication will be sent when the Profanity Filter is enabled.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Architects, Administrators, and Security

Restrict JavaScript in iFrame Content Blocks

On Friday, February 24, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update to prevent JavaScript code from being stored and executed in iFrames.

This will close out an existing POAM and provide a more secure platform from malicious attacks.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Architects, Administrators and Security

CCSQ ServiceNow Connection to AppOmni Retired

On Friday, February 24, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will retire the connection to AppOmni. ServiceNow will disable and remove all groups and roles from the AppOmni User and remove ServiceNow in AppOmni since it is no longer needed. 

Tabs Page
titleFebruary 10, 2023

The following enhancements were completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ Service Center Agents and HIDS Knowledge Management Team

Agent Workspace Update – Knowledge Base Interface

On Friday, February 10, 2023, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an enhancement to access the Knowledge Base Homepage from Agent Workspace. A new Knowledge icon will be added to the left-hand navigation pane to allow agents to easily navigate the Knowledge Base categories using the filter and search functionalities.

This will improve the agent navigation experience and ability to access current Knowledge Base articles more efficiently.

For more information, review the Knowledge Article titled: Operating in Agent Workspace in CCSQ ServiceNow. Note: To view Knowledge Articles you will need to sign into your CCSQ ServiceNow account.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Internal Customers

CCSQ ServiceNow Case Type Update – Assignment Group List View

On Friday, February 10, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update for the Assignment Group List on the application navigator for each Case type to automatically limit the list of groups to only display active groups. If the assignment group is no longer active, it will not appear in the results when a user selects the Assignment Group List for each Case type.

This will minimize the need to make manual updates to inactive groups for each case type. 

Affected Customers: HQR ADO Support

New Monthly HQR Incident Lifecyle Report

On Friday, February 10, 2023 at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow willprovide a new Monthly HQR Incident Lifecyle Report to track the updates to the assignment group, status, and priority values on incidents assigned to the ADO-HQR-Support and ADO-PM3-HQR Support assignment groups. The report will help to identify gaps in the incident workflow process and possible areas of improvement.

Affected customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Team

ATF Test Suite for the Master Test Suite Update

On Friday, February 10, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will deploy software and configurations to implement the following:

  • Master Test Suite will be created and deployed.
  • The following Child Test Suites will be created and associated with the Master Test Suite as the parent:
  • Custom HCQIS ServiceNow Products
  • CSM
  • ITSM
  • Core
  • Integrations
  • Reporting
  • Managed Documents

The following maintenance tasks will be completed during this iteration:

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Team

CCSQ ServiceNow – San Diego Patch 9a and 10 Upgrades

CCSQ ServiceNow production environment will be updated to include the following patch upgrades:

  • San Diego Patch 9a Upgrade on Saturday, February 11, 2023, at 6:00 AM ET
  • San Diego Patch 10 Upgrade on Sunday, February 12, 2023, at 6:00 AM ET

ServiceNow Patches provide enhancements and security patching to the environment and will ensure that the production environment has the most current patch level to reduce the risk of potential vulnerabilities.

Affected Customers: CCSQ ServiceNow Customers

IT Services Catalog Update – HCQIS CI/CD Reference Links and Labels

On Friday, February 10, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will replace the URL link label ‘HCQIS CI/CD Reference’ with ‘HIDS CI/CD Tools’ for the SecDevOps > ADO Onboarding Request catalog items. The changes apply to the information on the Ansible Tower, CloudBees Jenkings, and the GitHub Enterprise Onboarding Request items.

Additionally, the URL link and label will be updated from ‘HCQIS CI/CD Reference’ to ‘HIDS CI/CD Tools’ for all the applicable areas under the Tool Access Request, ADO Support Request, and ADO Support Incident catalog items.

Affected Customers: CCSQ Service Center Agents

Agent Workspace Update – New Account and/or New Contact Error Messages

On Friday, February 10, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement an update in Agent Workspace to eliminate error account messages when creating a new account or new contact in any Case type.

Affected customers: CCSQ Support Central Customers

CCSQ Support Central – Service Center Hours of Operations Update

On Friday, February 10, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will update CCSQ Support Central by adding the hours of operation for the CCSQ Service Center and Live Chat/Virtual Agent to the Contact Us page. The Contact Us page will also include a list of the Federal Holidays when the Service Center is closed.

Affected customers: CCSQ Service Center Agents

CCSQ ServiceNow Update – Active User Reconciliation Process

On Friday, February 10, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will modify the reconciliation process to look at active user records to identify duplicate user and contact records. Reconciliation will only occur if there are duplicates with at least 1 active user record with that email, reconciling to the active record.

Improvements to the reconciliation process are made to eliminate the duplicate records in the user table and decrease calls to the Service Center.

Affected customers: 1135 Waiver Administrators, 1135 Comprehensive Reviewer, 1135 OPOLE Administrators, and 1135 Group Managers

1135 Waiver Updates

On Friday, February 10, 2023, at 8:30 PM ET, CCSQ ServiceNow will implement the following updates to 1135 Waivers:

  • Inbound Email Action for Parent/Child Waivers

When an inbound email response is received on a parent/child waiver in the ‘Resolved’ or ‘Closed’ state, the email will be attached to the parent/child waiver. A notification will be sent to the 1135 Comprehensive Reviewer and 1135 Group Manager that an email response was received on a resolved or closed parent/child waiver and needs to be reviewed. The inbound email response will not automatically re-open a case.

  • Re-open a ‘Resolved’ or ‘Closed’ General Waiver

The ‘Re-open’ button will be visible to the 1135 Administrators, 1135 Comprehensive Reviewer, and 1135 Group Managers when a General Parent Waiver is in the ‘Resolved’ or ‘Closed’ state. When clicked, the General Parent Waiver will be moved to the ‘Comprehensive Review’ state.

The ‘Re-open’ button will be visible to the 1135 Administrators, 1135 Comprehensive Reviewer, and 1135 Group Managers when a General Child Waiver is in the ‘Resolved’ or ‘Closed’ state When clicked, the General Child Waiver and its associated General Parent Waiver will be moved to the ‘Open’ state.

Upon clicking the ‘Re-open’ button, a message will display requiring the 1135 Administrator, 1135 Comprehensive Reviewer, or the 1135 Group Manager to enter a mandatory work note describing why they are re-opening the General Parent Waiver or the General Child Waiver.

  • 1135: OPOLE PHE – Re-open a ‘Closed’ Inquiry

The ‘Re-open’ button will be visible to 1135 Administrators, 1135 OPOLE Administrators, and 1135 Group Managers when an Inquiry is in the ‘Closed’ state.

Upon clicking the ‘Re-open’ button, a message will display requiring the 1135 Administrators, 1135 OPOLE Administrators, or 1135 Group Managers to enter a mandatory work note describing why they are re-opening the Inquiry.

titleNeed Help?

Don't have a ServiceNow Account?  No problem.  You can get the support you need through CCSQ Support Central!

CCSQ Support Central: Provides customers with multilevel support.  Through CCSQ Support Central you can create new tickets that directly submit to the CCSQ Service Center and track the status of existing tickets. It also provides access to services and information for:

  • Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR)
  • Quality Payment Program (QPP)
  • Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System (iQIES)
  • End Stage Renal Disease Quality Reporting (EQRS)
  • Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS).
  • QualityNet Support Center


Already have a ServiceNow Account? You can also use the platforms below to get the help you need!



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ServiceNow Service Portal: Intended only for CMS employees and vender partners. The portal provides self-service options for internal customers to report Security Incidents, submit Service Requests for tools or services offered to the internal QualityNet community, report an Incident, provide Approvals, or access internal Knowledge Base articles. The portal enables internal customers to track the status of tickets and requires a login. https://cmsqualitysupport.servicenowservices.com/sp_ess



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QualityNet Slack: You can send questions/issues to our Slack channels #help-servicenow

titleCCSQ ServiceNow Intake Process


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The CCSQ ServiceNow intake process provides a centralized entry point for customersto submit enhancement requests to the CCSQ ServiceNow Agile Release Train (ART).  

Click here to learn more about the intake process and how to complete the CCSQ ServiceNow Intake Form.

titleHave Feedback?

If you have feedback for the CCSQ ServiceNow program, you can reach us at CCSQServiceNow@cms.hhs.gov.

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