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Query VariablesQueries by Report

Program Project Key: IQIESPB 

Program Project Key: EQRS


Program Project Key: HQR

Current Program Backlog Composition

Current Program Backlog Health

Project = "$Program Key$ " AND issuetype = 10000 (AND Status = "$Status$") AND Status not in (done, abandoned, "Production Ready", Implementing, Funnel, Blocked, Backlog, Deployed
* Used when validating individual statuses

View testing and validation results

Features in Status on PI Start Dates

Project = $Program Project Key$ AND issuetype = EPIC AND Status was "$Feature Status$" on ($PI Start Date$)

View testing and validation results

Features started and closed Per PI

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All Art Teams Backlog composition by PI

Project in ($Team Project Keys$) AND issuetype in (Spike, Story, Enabler, Bug) AND created >= $PI Start Date$ AND created <= $PI End Date$ AND status was in (Done, Closed, Done, "Production Ready")

View testing and validation results

All ART Teams Work Delivered by Category by PI

Project in ($Team Project Keys$) AND issuetype in(Story, Bug, Spike, Enabler) AND resolutiondate >= $PI Start Date$ AND resolutionDate <= $PI End Date$

View testing and validation results

PI Start Dates and Ranges
  • PI 3: 2021-7-7 (2021-07-07, 2021-10-12)
  • PI 4: 2021-10-13 (2021-10-13, 2022-01-18)
  • PI 5: 2022-1-19 (2022-01-19, 2022-04-19)
  • PI 6: 2022-4-20 (2022-04-20, 2022-07-19)
  • PI 7: 2022-7-20 (2022-07-20, 2022-10-11)
  • PI 14: 2021-4-4 (2021-04-04, 2021-07-19)
  • PI 15: 2021-7-20 (2021-07-20, 2021-10-12)
  • PI 16: 2021-10-13 (2021-10-12, 2022-01-18)
  • PI 17: 2022-1-19 (2022-01-19, 2022-04-12)
  • PI 18: 2022-4-13 (2022-04-13, 2022-07-05)
  • PI 19: 2022-7-6 (2022-07-06, 2022-09-27)

  • PI 18: 2021-08-04 (2021-08-24, 2021-11-15)
  • PI 19: 2021-11-16 (2021-11-16, 2022-02-07)
  • PI 20: 2022-08-02 (2022-08-22, 2022-05-02)
  • PI 21: 2022-05-03 (2022-05-03,2022-07-25)
  • PI 22: 2022-07-26 (2022-07-26, 2022-10-17)
  • PI 23: 2022-10-18 (2022-10-18, 2023-01-09)
  • 8/24/21-11/15/21
  • 11/16/21-2/7/22
  • 2/8/22-5/2/22
  • 5/3/22-7/25/22
  • 7/26/22-10/17/22
  • 10/18/22-1/9/23

iQies Statuses: (note: a value with multiple words needs "qoutes")

  • Funnel
  • "Feature Definition"
  • "Feature Refinement"
  • "Feature Deep Dive"
  • "Story Definition"
  • "PI Ready"
  • Implementing

Pasteable query string:

Funnel, "Feature Definition", "Feature Refinement","Feature Deep Dive","Story Definition","PI Ready",Implementing
EQRS Feature Statuses:
  • Funnel
  • "Analyzing (SAFe)"
  • Refining
  • Ready For PI
  • Implementing

Pasteable query string:

Funnel,"Analyzing (SAFe)", Refining,"Ready for PI", Implementing

iQIES Team Project Keys: 

"iQIES Enigma", "iQIES HCD", "iQIES Frontiers", "iQIES Bohemian Rhapsody (DevOps)", "iQIES Dune (CLIA)", "iQIES FACT (Data and Backend)", "iQIES Outlander", "iQIES PA Reports", "iQIES QMIR Data", "iQIES SAS Viya / Dashboards", "iQIES S&C Reports", "IQIES SNOOPY", "iQIES Stargate", "iQIES Immeasurable", "iQIES The Misfits", "iQIES The Shop", "IQIES Woodstock"

EQRS Team Project Keys: 

