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These queries variables can be used to in validation queries to check PI's, Program Reports and Aggregated Teams Reports

validate data in the program dashboard. See previous validation results.

Find and bookmark the Jira Query (need instructions)

Change the status, date and project to validate the status of items on a programs on the first day of each of the past 4 PIs, and the current PI



Project Name: IQIESPB (no Quotes)

All Variables are formatted to work in queries as is: 

Tabs Container
titleProgram Dashboard Validation Queries
Tabs Page
title PI Start Date Master Validation Query
Query VariablesQueries by Report

Program Project Key: IQIESPB 

Program Project Key: EQRS

Current Program Backlog Composition

Current Program Backlog Health

Features in Status on PI Start Dates

Project = $Program Project Key$ AND issuetype = EPIC AND Status was "$Feature Status$" on ($PI Start Date$)

All Art Teams Backlog composition by PI

Project in ($Team Project Keys$) AND issuetype in (Spike, Story, Enabler, Bug) AND created >= $PI Start Date$ AND created <= $PI End Date$ AND status was in (Done, Closed, Done, "Production Ready")

All ART Teams Work Delivered by Category by PI

Project in ($Team Project Keys$) AND issuetype in(Story, Bug, Spike, Enabler) AND resolutiondate >= $PI Start Date$ AND resolutionDate <= $PI End Date$
EQRS PI numbers and start dates

iQies PI numbers and start dates
  • PI 3: 2021-7-7 (2021-07-07, 2021-10-12)
  • PI 4: 2021-10-13 (2021-10-13, 2022-01-18)
  • PI 5: 2022-1-19 (2022-01-19, 2022-04-19)
  • PI 6: 2022-4-20 (2022-04-20, 2022-07-19)
  • PI 7: 2022-7-20 (2022-07-20, 2022-10-11)
iQies Statuses: (note: a value with multiple words needs "qoutes")
  • Funnel
  • Feature Definition
  • Feature Refinement
  • Feature Deep Dive
  • Story Definition
  • PI Ready
  • Implementing


EQRS PIs: Start Dates and Ranges 
  • PI 14: 2021-4-4 (2021-04-04, 2021-07-19)
  • PI 15: 2021-7-20 (2021-07-20, 2021-10-12)
  • PI 16: 2021-10-13 (2021-10-12, 2022-01-18)
  • PI 17: 2022-1-19 (2022-01-19, 2022-04-12)
  • PI 18: 2022-4-13 (2022-04-13, 2022-07-05)
  • PI 19: 2022-7-6 (2022-07-06, 2022-09-27)

iQies Statuses: (note: a value with multiple words needs "qoutes")

  • Funnel
  • "Feature Definition"
  • "Feature Refinement"
  • "Feature Deep Dive"
  • "Story Definition"
  • "PI Ready"
  • Implementing
EQRS Feature Statuses:
  • Funnel
  • "Analyzing (SAFe)"
  • Refining
  • Ready For PI
  • Implementing

iQIES Team Project Keys: 

"iQIES Enigma", "iQIES HCD", "iQIES Frontiers", "iQIES Bohemian Rhapsody (DevOps)", "iQIES Dune (CLIA)", "iQIES FACT (Data and Backend)", "iQIES Outlander", "iQIES PA Reports", "iQIES QMIR Data", "iQIES SAS Viya / Dashboards", "iQIES S&C Reports", "IQIES SNOOPY", "iQIES Stargate", "iQIES Immeasurable", "iQIES The Misfits", "iQIES The Shop", "IQIES Woodstock"

EQRS Team Project Keys: