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Principle and Practice(steps)





2.We value the time of all team members


We are committed to being there for our teammates (Revisit 4-6)

  1. Core Working  Hours: 10am-3pm
  2. When asked for help, immediately acknowledge the request and schedule time to assist
  3. We will work in our collaboration space when not in meetings or in need of “Focus Time”
  4. We will have the courage to step out of our comfort zone to help teammates​?with each others duties and responsibilities
  5. We will share our knowledge and pair work within the team to encourage growth/support?     mentor and pair to create the best results within the teams growth?
  6. Be available to cover each others duties and responsibilities when needed ....​?

We promise to show each other respect, at all times

  1. Assume Positive Intent when dealing with other team members
  2. Speak from feelings (“I feel/felt like”) to move toward agreement and understand perspectives to avoid accusatory language
  3. Wait for others to finish speaking before responding
  4. We take time to recognize/celebrate accomplishments as a team.

We value the time of all team members

  1. Be on time to all scrum ceremoniesmeetings or provide notice and expected deliverables if you will be absent
  2. Be fully engaged in meetings (no work or cell phones, cameras on in all meetings)

We hold ourselves to the highest standard of work (Revisit to confirm complete)

  1. We understand that our work quality reflects on the reputation of LACE every member of the team (LACE)
  2. All LACE members are familiar with trainings, playbook, and onboarding guide 
  3. All work is peer reviewed by one other team member 
  4. All coaching recommendations are in alignment with the playbook and the training
  5. When there is no guidance in the playbook and training discuss with team before providing recommendations. 


  1. Update your work on the board before daily stand-up
  2. Add outages to the team calendar
  3. Communicate outages in iteration planningAdapt processes for transparency
  4. Ask for help or peer reviews when needed
  5. We won't fear judgment/negative response keep us from being transparent 
  6. We welcome failure to encourage growth

We will prioritize continuous improvement above all other work

  1. Examine problems blamelessly
  2. Adapt Processes(mange Jira board, write user stories, etc.) for transparency and efficiency
  3. Honor retrospective commitments
  4. Update team contracts regularly
  5. Mistakes are an opportunity for improvement​

Working Agreement(previous Work) :


2.Add to backlog items that come in from customer? 3.Support within Team Collab

4.Use raise hand button on zoom (easier to see)

5.We welcome mistakes, mistakes are an opportunity for improvement

6. We won't fear judgment/negative response keep us from exposing our short comings  

Is there value in having value and principle and supporting action? YES!

  1. Be on time to team meetings.
  2. End meetings on time.
  3. Check teams status before calling on Teams or otherwise.
  4. Cameras on in Team Meetings.
  5. Team members will accept or decline meeting invitations from other team members.
  6. Team Meetings take priority (Exception: Program Support)
    1. Communicate if you cannot make a team meeting.
    2. Provide update if you cannot make a team meeting.
    3. Follow-up with team for what was missed.
  7. Intent and purpose of meetings 
    1. For any meeting scheduled by any member of the team.
    2. Will be communicated in advance of the meeting.
    3. Will be expressed clearly and include only the appropriate team members. 
  8. Use communications best practices for team meetings
    1. Do not multi-task in team meetings (give your full attention and respect).
    2. Don't speak over each other.
    3. Use the team channel rather than meeting chats.
    4. Respond to team members in clear affirmatives/negatives.
    5. Announce when you are adding someone to a chat or call.
    6. Be aware of audience if non-team members are present at meetings.
  9. Assume positive intent.
  10. Express yourself thoughtfully when interacting with other team members.
  11. Provide constructive feedback thoughtfully (Carefrontations).
  12. Work towards the shared purpose and vision for the LACE.
  13. Team members will be prepared with user stories for backlog refinement.
  14. Recognize each other for good work and help (ex. Praise in team channel, Wall of Fame post, etc.).
  15. This agreement will be reviewed at the Retrospective as needed.
  16. Retrospective Items will be added to team board and discussed at the weekly meetings and discuss at the beginning of Planning and retro.
  17. All vacations, training events, and program PI events will be added to the team calendar.
  18. Team members should have a summary in the title and Value statement and AC in the description in Jira tickets (All team members).
  19. When all user stories are complete, demonstrated, and accepted by PdM feature should be closed by the person completing Feature.
  20. Every meeting has a facilitator, timebox, and agenda. All who are contributing are prepared.
  21. Use the Kanban board during the stand up. 
  22. When in Training mute notifications.