Use the Project Team Health Monitor template to keep track of your project team health throughout your project. Keep this template in your project space and if there are any areas that you're not confident are green, dive into the plays to get back on track.

We've provided an example to get you started. You can delete this column once you're ready to add your own Health Monitor notes.

Project name and linktest health monitor 3Project sponsorSuraj Joseph Paul 1 ownerHealth monitor cadenceWeekly



Full-time owner

There is one lead who is accountable for the result of this project. This needs to be someone whose time at least 80% dedicated to it, and who can champion the mission inside and outside of the team.

Some team members thought it was Rebecca and others thought it was Steve.

This is causing confusion for the project team - we need to clarify who is the project owner?

Balanced team

Roles and responsibilities are clear and agreed upon. The project has people with the right blend of skill set. Acknowledge that team members can change by stage.

The team is well staffed for now.

We're green today but trending red. Our designer Joe has just resigned and is leaving next month. So we'll need to fill this gap quickly otherwise we'll go red.

Shared understanding

The team has a common understanding of why they're here, the problem/need, are convinced about the idea, confident they have what they need, and trust each other.

We don't agree on the customer problem this project is solving.

Value and metrics

It's clear what success means from a business and user's perspective, and there is a unique value proposition in place for the target users and to the business. Success is defined, with a goal, and how it will be measured.

Our problem statement isn't clear so we're not on the same page in the value we're going to deliver.

This is really frustrating.

We therefore don't have clear, quantifiable project success measures.

Proof of concept

Some sort of demonstration has been created and tested, that demonstrates why this problem needs to be solved, and demonstrates its value.

We have an end solution prototype for what we're working on right now, but it's only available to the project team.

We need to share it with all stakeholders and get feedback.


The project is summarized in a one pager and shared with anyone so that they understand the purpose of the project, and its value.

This is our project space homepage.

Managed dependencies

Clear understanding of complexity, infrastructure involved, risks, resources, effort, and timeline. Clear understanding of who we depend on, and who depends on us.

Dependencies are tracked in our dependency register and they're not causing us any problems - they're being actively managed with external teams.


The team is making incremental progress by shipping concrete iterations to stakeholders (and even better to production), learning along the way, and implementing lessons learned along the way, resulting in greater success.

We're running hard and hitting our milestones, however we need to ensure our continual improvement actions get DONE. These need to be tracked as project tasks, not just `homework` activities.

Notes, actions and due dates:

DateNotes & Actions

Two focus areas: FTO & Shared understanding

  • @mention <action> due date DD/MM/YY.
  • @Rebecca and @Steve to discuss project ownership and advise the team who exactly is the project lead by .
  • @Mary to organize a 5 Whys play session so we can go deep on our problem space and really understand what we're going after. Problem definition to be agreed by .
  • @David to schedule an Elevator Pitch play for the team, so we move our shared understanding to green - Elevator Pitch to be complete by .

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