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Original Story:

Author: Jason Fu 

As EQRS AWS cost manager, in order to reduce costs, I want to set NON-PROD resources to be ephemeral when appropriate.

Acceptance criteria

- All NON-PROD resources have IAC in place or similar method for easy create/delete.
- All NON-PROD resources are scheduled where appropriate
- Termination scripts are in place to perform clean-ups outside business hours where appropriate


AWS cost manager = ADO manager

ephemeral meaning only operational when needed

What constitutes NON-PROD resources? 

Revised Story(s):

Should be tagged as an Enabler or use Enabler work item type if available on your project.

Business Hypothesis: As EQRS AWS cost manager, I want to set NON-PROD environment resources to be ephemeral when appropriate, so that infrastructure project costs are reduced by 10%.


1) Verify all NON-PROD resources have IAC (Infrastructure as Code)

2) Verify when CPU utilization is less than 15%, reduce CPU core utilization to x.

3) Given, when, then

Original Story:

Author: Shagun Upadhaya  

Summary: Beneficiary must have an access to map directions for physical appointments.

When a Calendar appointment is for a physical meeting at the CTM’s location:

TAP sends a reminder before the appointments to Person with map directions for getting to the CTM’s location.
Upon completion of the appointments, Person requests TAP to send them map directions for getting back home.
TAP sends Person map directions for getting back home


CTM=Care team member

TAP=Trustfolio Advocacy Platform

Seems like there may be at least 2 user stories here:

 - G-map linking on calendar and appt notification email (this story)

 - Completion of patient appointment triggers an email with a g-map link from the CTM location to the patient's home

Revised Story(s):

Business Hypothesis: As a patient beneficiary user, the TAP system calendar and notification system should have a map link, so they can navigate to their appointment on time.


1) Given the user has made an appointment, when they save the appointment to their calendar, the appointment should contain a google map link.

2) Given the user has made an appointment, when they receive the appointment notification email, the email should contain a google map link.

3) Verify the To Address in the G-Map link is the CMT's physical location.

Nia Young Seth Evans 

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