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Jira Dashboard Metrics: 

ChartsApplies toPurpose
Delivery PredictabilityScrum

This graph shows how often the team delivers between 80 and 120 percent of their sprint commitment. 

Historical Delivery of Work by TypeScrum/ KanbanThis chart shows the different work item types by percentage in teams backlog completed over a period of time.
Time in StatusScrum/ KanbanThis graph shows how long work stays in each status the team uses, and surfaces bottlenecks in the process.
Defect ManagementScrum / KanbanThis chart shows the number of defects/bugs created vs. resolved, open defects, and average time to resolve defects. Change the priority dropdown to view resolution by priority
Average Time to Realized ValueScrum / KanbanThe chart shows the linear trend for delivery time of user stories and enablers, from the time that the work item was created until it was deployed.
Planning Variance Scrum Planning Variance shows the number of changes to committed work within a sprint over time. The orange line should remain at zero most of the time. For Kanban teams, this chart will be empty.
Cumulative FlowScrum/ Kanban Cumulative flow is used to observe a teams lead time, cycle time, and throughput. The bands on cumulative flow should be consistent with an upward slope as more work is completed.

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